
My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

author:Warm and warm decoration

I'm 5 years older than my wife, I don't know if it's because of the age gap, I always feel that she is very childish, likes to play with some child things, and is self-centered, asking everyone to go around her. However, she is far married, and in order to be with me, she will not hesitate to fall out with her parents, so I do not want her to be wronged, and everything is in her favor. No, this year we just bought a new house, when the decoration she said to decorate according to her favorite appearance, let me not interfere at all, I can only obey. But I never dreamed that she would decorate her new house like this!

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a large bow with eerie colors

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

Isn't that childish? It's exactly like a little girl's hairpin

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

The living room, all pink, let me how to live as a big man?

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

Living room TV wall, huge cat head, sitting on the couch has a feeling of being stared at, too awkward!

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

The living room simply painted a large white wall how good, the wife just made it pink, similar to the couple theme hotel

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

Restaurant, look at this chair

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

Bathroom with a huge cat head on the wall

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

To be honest, I feel guilty every time I take a shower...

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

Bathroom toilet, I am a little worried, living in such a house for a long time, will I become a mother cannon?

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

The fixtures are also hellokitty

My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home
My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home


My wife spent 20w to decorate the new house into this ghostly look, and I didn't want to go home

I live in such a house every day as a big old man, I really can't stand it, and now I don't want to go home after work every day!

This article is edited by Qi Jia Miaomiao, some of the material source internet, invaded and deleted!

Article from: a selection of old house renovation cases (wanghongjiaju), sharing decoration cases and experiences every day!