
Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

author:Inman said

Salicylic acid as the most effective anti-acne ingredient, in SK-II, Keyan's and other major skin care varieties have been added, you can go back to see their own skin care products, and stridox Shiyan salicylate cotton tablets are a product with salicylic acid as the main ingredient, two of which are added 0.5% salicylic acid and added 2% concentration of salicylic acid, becoming an effective product tested by billions of consumers. Today, Xiaobian will take you to take a closer look at why salicylic acid in Stridex salicylic acid cotton tablets is so effective.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

First of all, salicylic acid is the extract of plant willow bark, white bead leaves and sweet birch tree, which is often used in dermatology to solve various chronic skin diseases such as acne (acne), ringworm, etc., has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect, and is a natural anti-inflammatory drug. Used in skin care, it is effective for acne on the face.

Because it has exfoliating, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects in skin care, it is suitable for solving problems such as acne caused by clogged pores, as well as blackheads and enlarged pores. When you first use salicylic acid, your skin will feel a slight hot sensation and will adapt in half a minute.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

In addition, here we should pay attention to the national regulations, skin care products added salicylic acid concentration is usually 0.5 ~ 2%, and to indicate the instructions not to use under three years of age, stridex Shiyan Salicylic Acid cotton tablets are two salicylic acid cotton tablets with 0.5% concentration and 2% concentration. Concentrations of more than 2% salicylic acid, commonly 20% to 30%, are all medical grades, and need to be used in beauty salons or hospitals with formal operating standards under the operation of personnel with operational qualifications.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

What is the difference between salicylic acid and fruit acid?

Salicylic acid and fruit acid have different effects:

Fruit acid is more commonly used for whitening, de-imprinting and exfoliating, while salicylic acid is more likely to reduce oil production, shrink pores, remove acne and acne, and fade blackheads.

Functionally, salicylic acid is the same as fruit acid, which improves the surface of the skin by dissolving the stratum corneum, thereby promoting the metabolism of the skin itself and acting on the epidermis layer of the skin.

The difference is that AHA fruit acid is water-soluble, BHA salicylic acid is fat-soluble, salicylic acid is more likely to penetrate into the pores full of oil, can remove aging keratinocytes in the pores, so it is more used to improve the skin quality of blackheads and pimples.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

What are the benefits of Stridex Salicylic Acid itself?

(1) Fat-soluble salicylic acid can clean up the waste keratin in the pores, unclog the pores, and improve the efficacy of blackheads; at the same time, accelerate the exfoliation of keratin, which also makes the melanin in the keratin cells peel off together, revealing light-colored skin, and in addition, studies have shown that the inhibition rate of salicylic acid at a concentration of 1% on tyrosinase is 99.2%, and tyrosinase is the key enzyme for melanin synthesis. Therefore, salicylic acid has a certain effect on the sound quality melanin synthesis.

(2) We all know that many little fairies face acne, pimples are due to a large amount of skin lipid secretion, coupled with propionibacterium acnes reproduction, so that finally formed acne, pimples. The use of salicylic acid to peel away waste keratin and dissolve excess lipids can help acne and acne to be resolved as soon as possible.

(3) Sterilization and anti-inflammatory, some studies have pointed out that salicylic acid has a certain bactericidal effect, so in skin treatment, it is widely used to treat skin symptoms such as acne.

(4) Enhance skin elasticity, through salicylic acid, can increase dermal collagen and mucopolysaccharides (mainly hyaluronic acid), the acceleration of skin exfoliation, pore reduction, and make the skin elasticity enhanced, can better nourish the skin.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

What should I pay attention to when using strylicylic acid?

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

Although salicylic acid ingredients have this good effect in skin care, if they are not used properly, they will not achieve good results, not bad with acid, but your method is incorrect or your skin has an allergic reaction to salicylic acid ingredients.

(1) During the use of acid, please pay attention to strengthening the moisturizing. Salicylic acid will more or less disrupt the water-oil balance while controlling the oil, and its fat-soluble nature will make the skin more dry.

(2) Do not pursue timely results, be sure to start with a low concentration of 0.5% salicylic acid, and gradually cultivate the skin's tolerance; in addition, try a fixed point before use to test whether you are allergic to it.

(3) Sunscreen, although whether brushing or not using acid, you must do a good job of sun protection, but during the use of acid, you especially need to pay attention to sun protection, otherwise the consequences of using acid will not be what you expect.

(4) In the process of using acid, you need to pay attention to the state of the skin, if the skin is intolerant, you can choose to pause for a period of time, and the use of acid to improve the skin can not be rushed, otherwise it is counterproductive.

Stridex Shiyan Salicylic Acid Cotton Flakes 0.5% Concentration Green Pack adds Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel and Menthol to cool and soothe, so that novices can also use acid with confidence.

Stridex | Demystify the role of salicylic acid components

Finally, you need to know that the process of using Strdex Shiyan Salicylate Cotton Tablets to improve skin problems is definitely a long one, although Strydex Shiyan Salicylate Cotton Tablets to improve the skin is a direct and effective method, and in ordinary times we need to develop a good life schedule and eating habits through multi-faceted and multi-pronged approach.