
"Contemporary art figures" an era of "masters" and "Kaipai masters" walking all over the streets

Text/Feng Haitao

Why? This question was one that all painters used to have. Now painting is why, it is no longer a question, because this era has the answer of this era, that is, for life, for fame and fortune. Since I have the answer, I have drawn more and more and more carefully. It is also flourishing, and many painting methods have appeared in the development. It has also become the era with the most "Kaipai masters" in history, what "this landscape, that flower and bird" what ice and snow, what orchid bamboo, but also heard a new founder of green landscape painting on a live broadcast platform and so on. I think it's like science explaining a principle and then benefiting society. Because, painting is why! After having the answer, "calligraphy and painting have entered thousands of households."

Digital synthesis Looks at the world coldly

Painting, once the master has been there for a hundred years, and now the master is walking all over the place, so the height of painting in our time is the highest in ancient and modern times. However, in an era when there were as many masters and "Kaipai masters" as dogs, painting still used the brushes of the ancients, the ink of the ancients, and the composition of the ancients. Although some "Kai sect masters" also emphasize that they have their own methods of meditation and their own pen and ink. However, after eliminating the nonsense part, all that remains is the wealth left by the ancients. I can't help but ask, why is this? After thinking about it, the culprit turned out to be the answer to why painting was so. Because with the answer, there is less imagination, no imagination, no thought, and what remains is the form of the painting itself. In this case, some people with thicker skins than pigskin appeared, jumping out and shouting what they had pioneered, what! As a result, there has been a phenomenon of "masters" and "Kaipai masters" walking all over the streets.

"Contemporary art figures" an era of "masters" and "Kaipai masters" walking all over the streets

Digital synthesis Looks at the world coldly

With the "grandmaster" and the "master", there must be a stage for the "grandmaster and the master". And this stage is an exhibition with all kinds of leather padding, and each other's praise. Of course, many of these are not the wishes of these masters, but the means of some individuals and live broadcasters in order to fool the leeks. For example, the album "Pseudo Da Hong Pao" in the red box that is now published under the name "Tianjin Renmei". It is a sharp tool for cutting leeks. Because this "big red break" is nothing, it is a sickle for cutting leeks.

"Contemporary art figures" an era of "masters" and "Kaipai masters" walking all over the streets

Digital synthesis Looks at the world coldly

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