
Sensitive skin must know the comfort of the small master

author:Ingredients for skincare follow EFFAN
Sensitive skin must know the comfort of the small master

It's too hard to be a sensitive muscle!!

The cuticles of the skin are relatively thin

The red blood on his face was obviously not to say

If one is not careful, the skin will become red

Fever, itching, tingling, etc

Sometimes even if you don't wipe the makeup

It will also cause a stimulus reaction, can the sensitive skin still be saved?

Of course! Sensitive skin is prone to sensitivity though

But just choose the right ingredients

Avoid irritating ingredients, and you can also nourish your skin

Sensitive skin can not touch several ingredients

Preservatives (irritating is relatively large and easy to sensitize)

Sunscreen: benzophenone-3

High concentration of alcohol (especially sensitive to dry skin)

Acids, soap-based cleansers, artificial flavors

Stains (avoid severe sensitive skin as appropriate) and so on

Sensitive skin must know the comfort of the small master

Sensitive muscle friendly ingredient - purslane extract

In cosmetics, it is a common ingredient

Versatile and added to cosmetics

Security is relatively high

Mainly used for anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory

and anti-external effects on various irritations to the skin

It has obvious acne removal effect

Especially for long-term use of hormone cosmetics produced

Skin allergies have a pronounced anti-allergic effect

Sensitive skin must know the comfort of the small master

Specific role:


Soothes the skin; the carbohydrates in purslane extract nourish the skin well and build a healthy skin barrier, soothing the skin and inhibiting itching caused by dryness.


Skin Barrier Repair: Purslane regulates skin's resistance, protects the skin from external irritation, and soothes, repairs and protects the skin barrier function.


Shumin: Purslane has a certain calming effect, can soothe skin redness, resist skin itching caused by dryness, and also resist various irritations of the skin from the outside world, which is a good soothing ingredient.

Purslane extract is suitable for use on sensitive skin

In particular, the skin is sensitive and the skin barrier is damaged

For soothing use during skin repair

It can also be used as a daily skincare regimen

It is a relatively stable and gentle soothing ingredient~