
What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

author:New list

This is the 85th issue of China's WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report, which was first produced by the new list.

The report will be divided into two parts, public accounts and video numbers, relying on public page data, respectively, reviewing the TOP500 accounts with the best comprehensive performance last month in the new model library (excluding current affairs and government affairs).

Highlights of this issue:

Video number

1. Life accounts "Bamboo and Daddy" and "Three Stones' Family" debuted on the top 500 TOP10 list;

2. The people's livelihood account performed outstandingly, winning three list titles: the number of releases, the number of likes and the number of works with 100,000 likes;

3. Life, film and television entertainment, emotions and people's livelihood accounts have stronger drainage capabilities, occupying half of the top 500 accounts;

4. Topics such as "epidemic situation", "people's life safety" and "people's real life portrayal" have become the focus, covering a large number of hot reviews.

Public account

1. The performance of the top 500 individuals was not good, and the average number of single articles decreased by 16.7%;

2. The epidemic situation in Jilin has touched people's hearts, and "Jiangcheng Daily" has won the championship of the rising list;

3. Closely following the "two sessions" and the hot spots of the epidemic, "Jinyun" rose to the second place in the TOP10 list;

4. "The World of Man" finale, "Insights" 2 articles were selected in the top 20 list.

First, the monthly overview of the video number

1.1 Video number top 500 data overview

In March, the total number of works released by the top 500 video numbers was 59,000, the total number of works released fell by 3% month-on-month, decreased by 2007 works month-on-month, and the total number of likes of works was 380 million, up 26% month-on-month, an increase of 78.025 million likes. From the data performance of individual works, the average single video number released 118.6 works, down 3% month-on-month, and the average number of likes per work was 17,000, an increase of 2,065 over the average number of likes per work in the previous month, an increase of 14%.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.2 Life accounts "Bamboo and Daddy" and "Three Stones of a Family" debuted on the top 500 top 10 list

In March, there were 6 replacements in the top 500 TOP10, and the new accounts on the list were: "Minsheng Big Reference", "Serendipity Favorites", "Bamboo and Daddy", "Three Stone's Family", "Fuxing Huige" and "Minsheng Channel". The accounts "A Zen Little Monk", "Smile and Smile", "Global Creative List" and "You Xiaomu" have once again entered the TOP10 list and are familiar faces in the TOP10 accounts.

Among the TOP10 accounts this month, the people's livelihood and life accounts performed prominently, and the number of seats accounted for two seats each.

Life accounts "Bamboo and Daddy", "Three Stones of a Family" are the first time to enter the top 500 list TOP10, "Bamboo and Daddy" released 29 works this month, a total of 222.1w, a single work received an average of 76588 likes, 14 of 100,000 likes, accounting for 48.3%, the works are mainly little girls Bamboo and her father appeared on camera, interpreting the small things of life between father and daughter, little girls are sensible and cute, acting skills naturally have no performance traces, widely praised by the audience. Similar account "Three Stone's Family" also performed well this month, ranking 5th among the top 500 accounts, and the video mainly shoots the daily stories of fathers and daughters, funny and not lacking in truth.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.3 Champion Indicators

The new list selects three indicators of the number of published works, the number of likes and the number of 100,000 likes for statistical ranking, trying to find the video number with the largest volume of release, the strongest ability to get likes, and the most popular works in the month.

The accounts with the largest volume, the strongest ability to receive praise, and the most popular works of 100,000 likes this month are all people's livelihood accounts, and the content released is a people's livelihood event, and the theme of the work comes from the people's lives, and the content is taken from the people, which is in line with the concerns of the masses, so it has attracted much attention.

The account with the first number of works published is "Elephant News", ranking 26th in the list of the top 500, and 1880 works released, an increase of 237 over the previous month, with a total of 332.7w likes, of which 7 are 100,000 likes; the account with the first number of likes is "Minsheng Big Reference", with a total of 505.7w, 690 published works, and the average number of single works is 7329; the account with the first number of 100,000 likes is "Qin An Rong Media", ranking 11 in the top 500 list. The new list index is 965.32, the number of published works is 994, the total number of works is 356.5w, and the average number of single works is 3586, of which the number of 100,000 likes is 24, accounting for 2.4%.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.4 Rising top 10

In March, 373 accounts in the top 500 rose, accounting for 74.6%, down 1.6% month-on-month.

The number of life accounts rose the most, with a total of 74, followed by film and television entertainment, with 57 accounts rising. Among the top 10 of the rising list, there are 6 account categories, including 3 Chinese accounts, 2 life and emotion accounts, and 1 each in the workplace, film and television entertainment, and maternal and infant parenting.

The first place in this issue of the promotion list is the workplace account "Bogo Inspirational Boss Community", ranked 457th among the top 500 accounts, up 34439 from the previous period, the account released 33 works this month, the average number of works was 10569 likes, watch its videos, most of them are summaries of the owner's own life experience, sincere and inflammatory.

Life account "Anecdotes" ranked second in the promotion list, ranked 137th in the top 500 accounts, up 23781 from the previous month, the account released 56 works this month, received 773,000 likes, its works are mainly all kinds of foreign video clips, showing different cultures, views, etc., the works are not lack of profound highlights, very easy to be thought-provoking, resonant, so widely liked.

The third place on the rising list is the cultural account "Wei's Weaving", ranked 472 in the top 500 accounts, the works mainly show the intangible cultural heritage of the inheritors of Wei's willow weaving and their daughters' weaving process, with the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese people is increasing, now the traditional culture has received more and more attention, many viewers like the video, praise the little girl's spiritual skills.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.5 Category Champions

Based on account authentication information and published content, the new list divides the monitoring sample into 24 vertical categories. Excluding the current affairs and government accounts that are not included in the statistics, the distribution of the top 500 accounts in this issue is 23 categories, and the following are the champion accounts of each vertical category and the corresponding rankings.

In March, 13 category champions were replaced, namely: funny, film and television entertainment, cute pets, food, health, people's livelihood, life, music, education, travel photography, sports, workplace and science and science.

The account "Fuxing Huige" debuted as the champion of film and television entertainment, ranked 7th among the top 500 accounts this month, released 66 works, received a total of 2.368 million likes, and received an average of 35125 likes for his works, mainly releasing funny videos played by himself, spreading positive energy in a humorous way.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.6 Top 500 category distribution

Which video number creation field has more potential? The new list will be this month's top 500 accounts by category statistics, the number of life accounts in March dropped to 92, the number of film and television entertainment accounts continued to rise, reaching 81, emotional accounts rose 12 from the previous month, to 60.

Observing the data in recent months, life, film and television entertainment, emotions, people's livelihood and other categories of accounts have occupied "half of the country" in the top 500 video numbers, or it can be said that the above categories are more in line with the audience's concerns, for creators, there are more opportunities to create blockbuster works.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

1.7 100,000 likes of works TOP20

In March, the number of works released by the top 500 accounts reached 1,355, up 15% month-on-month and 177 more than the previous month, because the new list could not know the true number of likes of these works, so the 20 works with the highest number of reviews were selected for display.

As of press time, there are 3 works that have reached a review of 100,000 achievements this month, one of which is the cultural account "Action Director Wang Yongcai" released "I don't care who you give to the community, the special period of non-registration will not let you go in, you do not register and do it, we do not cause trouble, but we are not afraid of things!" 》。

According to the description of the video, the author wants to express the importance of registering in a special period before being allowed to enter the community, and the content of the work is also that the staff wearing protective clothing stop the unregistered strange man and prevent him from entering the community, which triggers a physical conflict.

Recently, the epidemic situation in many places has occurred frequently, and the audience has a strong sense of involvement when seeing the epidemic-related videos, and the author expresses through the video that it is necessary to abide by the epidemic prevention policy during the epidemic period, which is widely praised and praised by the audience.

The second is the work released by the life account "Haige Goes to Sea to Fish", "Encountered a big storm on the way back, the whole ship wore life jackets to stick to their posts, and the captain said that he would definitely lead the whole ship to return safely!" 》。

In the video, the ship on the way back to the sea encountered a big storm, the wind 17 wave was as high as 19 meters, the center of the video was "can you live to survive today" several big words, the background music is tragic, tightly tied to the heartstrings, the audience is concerned about the safety of compatriots, in the comments praying that the ship in the video can return safely, receiving a lot of attention.

The third work that reached the comment of 100,000 achievements is "Father Like a Ship Carrying Us to the Sea, In a Way that Pushes Us Far Away, Embracing Us in The Way!" released by the life account "Zhigang in Zhengzhou"! We won the growth and he lost to time! #生活 #父亲 #被父亲的五元午餐整破防了".

The video tells the story of a 52-year-old uncle with two sons working in Zhengzhou, did not find a stable job, had no money on his body, ate only 5 yuan of lunch, slept under the bridge at night, the author lent him money, he did not accept, said that he only spent the money he earned, although life is difficult and not easy, but the uncle laughed and talked about his life, reflecting the simplicity and kindness of migrant workers, and the helplessness of life was also vividly displayed. The portrayal of real life is the most touching, causing many viewers to express their feelings in the comment area.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2. Monthly overview of the official account

2.1 Overview of the top 500 official accounts

In March 2022, the top 500 accounts released 115,000 pieces of content as a whole, received 3.54 billion reads, 12.374 million reads, and the overall number of reads increased by 910 million times from the previous month, and the number of views increased by 1.367 million times compared with the previous month.

In terms of official accounts, a top 500 account publishes an average of 1.9 times a day, each time publishing 7.4 articles, each article can receive about 40,000 reads (1478.7 times less than the previous month) and 165.2 times to watch (33.1 times less than the previous month), with an average of 1 per 286.1 reading contributions.

The total number of reads and total numbers of views of the top 500 companies showed an upward trend this month, up 34.7% and 12.4% respectively. However, the average performance of the top 500 individuals is relatively weak, and the average number of single readings has decreased slightly, with a decrease of 3.5%; the average number of single articles has dropped significantly, as high as 16.7%, compared with the 5.7% decline in the previous month, the gap has further widened.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.2 People's livelihood accounts occupy 6 seats in the TOP10 list

This month, "CCTV Finance" continued to rank first, "Zhanhao", "Insight" and "Shenzhen Health Commission" fell out of the TOP10; people's livelihood accounts competed for strength, "Anhui Traffic Broadcasting", "Shenzhen Big Event" and "News Workshop" entered the field of vision, ranking fourth, ninth and tenth respectively. "Jinyun" replaced "Hangzhou Traffic 918" to rise to second place, "China Fund News" replaced "Dr. Lilac" to rank third, "Henan Disease Control" fell from fourth to sixth, and "Dr. Lilac" fell to seventh.

Among the top ten accounts, the people's livelihood account is the largest, occupying 6 seats, and the wealth and health accounts account accounting for 2 seats each.

"CCTV Finance" continued to top the top 500 this month. A total of 310 tweets and 695 posts were posted, and the number of posts and releases increased from the previous month, with an increase of 16.5% and 36.8% respectively. Observe the account's other indicators: the total number of views increased by 11.849 million times (up 32.1%) from the previous month, and the total number of views increased by 14,073 times (up 15.4%) compared with the previous month.

"Jinyun" played well this month, rising 5 places, and the new list index increased by 31.7. This month, a total of 244 tweets (an average of 7.9 times per day) and 782 articles (an average of 25.2 articles per day) were published; the overall number of readings increased by 22.688 million times (an increase of 90.9%), and the total number of views increased by 4530 times (an increase of 13.8%), and the content was mostly related to current affairs, the two sessions and epidemic prevention and control.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.3 Indicator Champion

This month, only the champions of the list of the number of releases and the number of articles have changed.

On the list of release times, "CCTV Finance" maintained its top position with 310 high-frequency posts, with an average of 10 releases per day. The previous champion "China Search" published 309 times this month, an average of 10 times a day, and the number of posts increased by 11.2% over the previous month. "Jinyun" continued to exert its strength, issuing 244 articles in total, and squeezed the "Economic Daily" out of the list.

On the list of published articles, "News Night Flight" returned again after one month and became the champion, with 1240 articles released this month, an average of 40 articles per day. The last champion "Aurora News Northeast Network", and the same month after the second time on the list of "Heilongjiang Traffic Radio" published 1239 articles (an average of 40 per day), only behind the first place 1 article.

On the reading list, "CCTV Finance" continued to defend the championship, with a total of 48.81 million reads this month; "Hangzhou Traffic 918" dropped by 1 place, temporarily ranking third with 42.34 million reads; "Jinyun" was listed again after a month, with 4765 reads, ranking second; "China Fund News" regrettably fell off the list this month.

On the list of watch numbers, the list has not changed, and "Insight" continues to maintain the first place, with 940,000 times in the number of views this month, an increase of 130,000 times over the previous month; the second place "Zhanhao" has been watched 660,000 times, an increase of 170,000 times over the previous month; and the third place "Feng Stationmaster's Home" has been watched 360,000 times, an increase of 50,000 times over the previous month.

On the list of original articles, "Professor Play car" continued to maintain high prolific, defending the first place with 242 original content; "i Jinshan" released 241 original content this month, replacing "Financial Associated Press" as the runner-up, but also successfully squeezed it out of the list; "FLIGHTCLUB Chinese Station" released a total of 215 original content, continuing to rank third.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.4 "Jiangcheng Daily" won the first place in the promotion list

Among the top 10 rising accounts this month, there are 5 people's livelihood accounts, 2 health accounts, and 1 education, culture, and emotion account. It is worth noting that all the accounts in this issue of the list are the first time to enter the top 500 of the new list since joining the new list monitoring sample library.

The people's livelihood account "Jiangcheng Daily" rose 17,724 places this month to win the first place in the promotion list. A total of 532 articles were published this month, with an average of 11,277 reads. The content posted by the account is related to the prevention and control of the epidemic in Jilin Province, of which 139 articles have been read by more than 10,000 people, including 100,000 + works with 14 works.

In the second place in the rising list is the health account "Changchun e Health", which rose by 11,300 this month, with a total of 313 articles, an average of 20,486 readings, and 105 articles read more than 10,000 (including 39 articles with 100,000+ works), and its release content is also related to epidemic prevention and control, mainly for the local epidemic dynamics in Changchun.

It is worth noting that due to the counterattack of the epidemic in many regions, the people's livelihood and health accounts have received a lot of attention by reporting the epidemic dynamics in real time, and the third-ranked people's livelihood account "Anhui Shi tong" is no exception, rising 7768 this month, with a total of 143 articles, an average of 25753 times, and 99 articles have read more than 10,000 (including 2 articles with 100,000 + works).

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.5 Full "100000+" a total of 5 seats

The number of members of the "100,000+" camp has been read this month by 2 compared to the previous month.

"Li Jiaqi Austin" fell out of the list, "Dr. Curious" returned to the top position with the trend, releasing a total of 49 "100000+" articles; "Cat Pen Knife" rose 1 place with the trend, ranking second with 31 "100000+" articles; "White Peach Constellation" played steadily this month, ranking also rose 1 place, ranking third with 27 "100000+" articles.

After 1 month, after changing its name to "Investment Mingmi", "Investment Mingdao" was once again on the list with 23 "100,000+" articles, ranking fourth; "Beijing Speculators" still ranked last, and "Tao Baibai" and "Uncle Alex" were not on the list this month.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.6 Category Champions: 5 categories have changed personnel

In March, the top 500 category champions were distributed in 21 categories excluding digests, and 4 categories were replaced. They are the people's livelihood account "Jinyun" instead of "Hangzhou Traffic 918", the technology account "Tiger Sniff APP" instead of "Fruit Shell", the health account "Henan Disease Control" instead of "Lilac Doctor", and the sports entertainment account "Sina Entertainment" instead of "Daily Music".

In addition, the winner of the previous edition of the digest category, "Teacher Liu's Teachings", was also replaced by "Defense Military".

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)
What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

2.7 In the article TOP20: "Insights" 7 content on the list

In the March article TOP20, "Insights" has 7 content on the list, "Zhan hao" has 4, "There are books", "distant Aoki", "visual history", "characters", "Yanshulou", "Mizuki Jun said", "Write a story for you", "Night Listen" and "Magic Capital" 1 each. In this issue, the threshold for watching the TOP20 list is 16259 times to watch.

The article with the highest number of views this month is "Insights" reprinted and released on March 14, "Zhang Wenhong's Late-Night Emergency Post: 800 Days of Fighting the Epidemic, We Have Ushered in the Most Difficult". The article mentions that Dr. Zhang Wenhong called for "the rhythm can not be chaotic, confidence can not be lost", in the face of a new round of epidemic, vaccination is the best prescription to avoid aggravation of the disease after infection, but also explains why the mainland insists on "dynamic zeroing", and how to deal with the current epidemic; scientific and rigorous content with intuitive data comparison, won a large number of readers to agree, in the number of 78109 times.

The second most important is the original article "<人世间>The Finale: The Life of a Man, Who Should See Through These 7 Social Truths" released on March 1, which puts forward thoughts on life, connections, relationships, human nature, life, character and mentality, and borrows Ji Xianlin's "Everyone wants to fight for a complete life" and Lin Yutang's "A person's fate is determined by his past and present behavior", which point out the main idea: People should "not complain, do not shrink back, and live a hot life". The simple and straightforward philosophy of life resonates with the reader's emotions, and a total of 22996 times are watched.

It is worth noting that the original article "Anger! So many cities support Shanghai without any heat? We Shanghainese don't agree! Closely following the focus of the epidemic in Shanghai, the author has objections to the phenomenon that various localities have aided Shanghai but have not been "on the hot search", and in the text, he thanked Anhui, Yunnan, Shandong and other provinces and cities for their material and medical assistance to Shanghai, interpreting the feelings of home and country of "one party has difficulties, eight parties support", the content is extremely infectious, and it has been watched 17096 times.

What kind of video number can get reviews 10w+ | China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report(2022.03)

Data Description:

Monitoring range: March 1 to March 31, 2022

Deadline: April 3, 2022 at 12:00 p.m

For detailed data, please refer to the new list website

Please look for the China WeChat Top 500 Monthly and Annual List certified by the new list (

Since September 2014, this is the 85th issue of the new list' first production.

Compared with the WeChat daily list produced by the new list, the monthly list has the following two important exclusive features:

1. As the builder of China's mobile Internet content value standards, xinbang firmly believes that the ranking list without content classification has no comparative significance, and it is a manifestation of the lack of in-depth understanding of content value. Therefore, in the monthly list that needs to break the content category and implement cross-border comparison, the new list deliberately introduces category weights (the specific coefficient can be queried on the of the new list website) to present a Chinese WeChat Top 500 ecological outlook that meets the mainstream value of society as much as possible.

2. Since the data statistics deadline of the daily list is uniformly set to noon on the day after the release of each account, some subsequent dissemination data cannot be effectively counted. In order to promote fairness, the monthly list produced by the new list certification has been re-collected, and the subsequent dissemination data after the deadline for daily list statistics is included.

The above two important exclusive features have made the China WeChat Top 500 Monthly List and Annual List produced by the new list have won the general attention and attention of brand advertisers, agency companies and investors, and have become one of the common pricing reference standards in the advertising and investment markets.

Congratulations on being selected as one of China's Top 500 WeChat companies in this issue.

Using "China WeChat Top 500 Monthly Report" as the keyword, you can search the previous reports in the WeChat client.

Please move to the "newranklist" to see the detailed list of China's Top 500 WeChat in March 2022.

For more video number data, please visit the "New Vision" website (access address:

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