
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations

author:Set cool Jiangxi

The house is located somewhere in Stockholm, Sweden, and consists of eight containers of 20 feet and 40 feet, respectively.

The plot of land on which the house is located is relatively steep, and because explosives cannot be used, there is no place to lay stone slabs, only to use pillars to support.

Villa consisting of 8 container combinations

Since the width of the container is only 2.40 meters, it is not a good starting point. In addition, the removal of any part of the corrugated wall between the two containers to create a wider environment, the structural strength is also lost. Therefore, which walls to cut and which to preserve become difficult.

Villa consisting of 8 container combinations

The wooden, metal, wooden and steel staircases used in the house, as well as parts of the old kitchen, were found at the nearby demolition site.

Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations
Villa consisting of 8 container combinations