
Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

author:Xiong Qi said things

In the 1990s, no one didn't know "Confidant Lover".

At that time, the popularity of "Confidant lover" was no less than some popular songs now, and in KTV, this song was a must-have song for men and women to sing.

And the lead singers of this song, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing, are not only a godlike couple in the entertainment industry, but also a model couple.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

They say that they are very popular in the entertainment industry but they can't talk about it, they can't say that it is not popular, but no one knows it.

Many people say that Fu Disheng and his wife have been popular by a song all their lives, and every time they see them, they know what the next program is.

In the blink of an eye, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing have walked hand in hand for more than thirty years, and both of them are more than half a hundred years old, but the feelings are still very sweet, Ren Jing does not look like a person in his 50s at all, and he is "spoiled" by her husband at a glance.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Nowadays, although the couple has gradually faded out of the entertainment circle, their works are still being widely sung, and their son Fu Hao has grown up and has his own career, which once became the pride of the couple.

1. Career is proud, meeting Ren Jing is not love at first sight

Fu Disheng and Ren Jing must be familiar stars, and their most famous masterpiece is "Confidant Lover".

After this song, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing are like shadows that are inseparable from the square shadow, when you see Fu Disheng, you must be able to see Ren Jing, and when you see Ren Jing, you must be able to see Fu Disheng.

The song "Confidant and Lover" is written about the love between Fu Disheng and Ren Jing, but also about their lives.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Whether it was or is the present, they have always been a model couple in the entertainment industry and a representative of beautiful love.

In fact, at the time of writing this song, the two of them were already married, and their love began with the beauty of love at first sight.

Fu Was born into a musical family, his father a flute player and his mother a vocal teacher.

Even the name Fu Disheng comes from the profession of his parents, taken from his father's flute and his mother's vocal music, which is the "crystallization" of his parents' love.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Disheng perfectly inherited his parents' musical talent and showed an interest in flutes from an early age.

This made his father very pleased, and when Fu Disheng was 11 years old, he studied flute with his father.

Later, because he was very talented, he was also admitted to the student class of the Central Orchestra and became a regular student.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Here, through three years of study and hard work, in 1980, the 19-year-old Fu Disheng successfully stayed in the troupe and became a flute player.

In 1983, CCTV successfully held the first Spring Festival Gala, and teacher Li Guyi at that time could be described as the limelight.

Later, in order to do a better job in music, Teacher Li Guyi began to prepare for the establishment of the China Light Music Troupe, and Fu Disheng was just selected by Teacher Li Guyi to become the person who picked one of the thousands, and later he also continued to do flute accompaniment for Teacher Li Guyi.

Li Guyi's teacher Tao Li is full of people, and Fu Disheng is definitely a proud protégé, because his talent for music has been recognized by Teacher Li Guyi.

In the past few years of the music troupe, Fu Disheng and Teacher Li Guyi also learned a lot of other musical things, such as singing and songwriting.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

At that time, he was only in his early 20s, and he was already able to play the flute independently, and he did not lose the level of everyone.

Young people always have a restless heart, and Fu Disheng's interest in music is by no means limited to flutes.

Teacher Li Guyi is a famous singer, following Teacher Li Guyi for a long time, Fu Disheng has heard about it, and he has also developed a strong interest in singing, so he began to look for a teacher, and proposed that he wanted to go out with her to perform and try to develop into singing.

At first, When Li Gu heard Fu Disheng's idea, he refused.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Disheng's personality is more introverted and docile, and most singers have a fanatical heart, so at that time, Li Guyi did not promise Fu Disheng, but directly told Fu Disheng: "Your personality is not suitable for singing." ”

Although he was rejected by the teacher, Fu Disheng was not discouraged, and often went to plead with the teacher when he had nothing to do, and finally Li Gu softened his heart and decided to take Fu Disheng with him.

The day of following Teacher Li Guyi out to perform did not go as smoothly as expected.

At that time, the whole of China was in the stage of development, in order to better promote the singing career, teacher Li Guyi would often take the orchestra to the mountains and countryside for a tour.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

At that time, the transportation technology was no better than now, and many places may only be able to rely on two legs, which can be imagined as the hardships of the tour.

During this period, many members of the regiment retreated in frustration and chose to give up, but Fu Disheng, who had never said much, persisted until the end, and compared with others, his composure made Li Gu praise him a lot.

In this way, after several years of tempering and precipitation, Fu Disheng's career has gradually stabilized. Perhaps because of the family environment education, Fu Disheng grew up in a loving environment since he was a child, so after having a career, his first thought was to have a small family of his own.

In fact, Fu Disheng has talked about his girlfriend before, and the woman is also a more famous singer Wei Wei, but the two broke up due to different personalities and different plans for future life.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Disheng is a traditional man who yearns for the warmth of the family after his career is completed, while Wei Wei is a career-oriented independent woman, and the pursuit of the two is doomed to their end.

Years later, Fu Disheng performed in Shanghai, and it was this performance that allowed him to meet his true love, Ren Jing.

Ren Jing is two years younger than Fu Disheng, and unlike Fu Disheng, Ren Jing was born in a Kochi family and her parents were decent intellectuals.

And Ren Jing is also as her name suggests, her temperament is quiet and soft, and she has been a well-behaved woman since she was a child, whether it is her own study or work, she obeys her parents' arrangements.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

At the age of 16, she entered the railway literary troupe to study, and later she has been steady and steady, although it is not popular, but it is also a little famous in the south, and she is more content with it.

On this day, Ren Jing wore a white dress, tied a ponytail, and her fair complexion looked both pure and playful in the sun, giving people a clean and comfortable feeling.

Fu Disheng was fascinated by her when he first saw her, and Ren Jing was simply the goddess in Fu Disheng's heart.

Fu Disheng knew that he had fallen in love with Ren Jing at first sight.

In this way, at a glance of ten thousand years, Ren Jing completely entered Fu Disheng's heart.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

2. Low-key flash marriage After marriage, Ren Jing was spoiled as a princess

When he was thinking about how he could get to know this girl, Fu Disheng happened to see Tian Zhen.

After a series of observations of her own, she found that Ren Jing came with Tian Zhen, they must have known each other, and she and Tian Zhen were also good friends.

Thinking of this, Fu Disheng's heart blossomed, and having an acquaintance could avoid a lot of embarrassment.

In the exchange, Fu Disheng learned that Ren Jing also went to Shanghai to perform, and coincidentally, she and Fu Disheng took the same flight, which gave Fu Disheng room to play, and the two also chatted all the way.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

After arriving in Shanghai smoothly, Ren Jing waited for Fu Disheng's car for a long time, but the car that picked up Fu Disheng never came.

Ren Jingben is a warm and kind girl, and thought that everyone is the first time to come to Shanghai, so he kindly invited Fu Disheng to go to his hotel to rest his feet, and it is not too late to go when the car arrives, it is better than standing at the airport gate and blowing cold air, and the hotel is not far from the airport.

Ren Jing's initiative to invite Fu Disheng was a little overjoyed, refusing was definitely impossible, he was worried about how to become friends with the goddess!

Don't look at Ren Jing's appearance is pure and cute, but he is actually a careless character.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Disheng followed Ren Jing back to the hotel for a while, and Ren Jing dropped the cosmetics in her bag when she was packing her bags.

Maybe there are outsiders in it, Ren Jing is obviously a little flustered, afraid of blocking Fu Disheng's walk, hurriedly bending down to pick up things.

Who knew that things did not pick up a few things, Ren Jing broke his necklace again, the balls on the necklace were scattered on the ground, Ren Jing could not care so much, had to clean up the same.

Fu Disheng looked at Ren Jing, who was in a hurry, didn't say a word, and also helped Ren Jing clean up together.

As a result, when Ren Jing packed up the cosmetics, Fu Disheng also repaired Ren Jing's necklace.

It was precisely because of this incident that Ren Jing's good feelings for Di Sheng increased greatly.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

The person concerned also said in an interview afterwards that he felt that Fu Disheng's hand was very clever.

People with fate can't be separated wherever they go.

Fu Disheng didn't know until the evening that he had stayed in this hotel and was on the same floor as Ren Jing.

After Fu Disheng checked in, he also took the initiative to invite Ren Jing to go out to play in the evening, but Ren Jing refused.

Indeed, Ren Jing and the girls in the circle he used to know are not the same, in Ren Jing's body, you can always think of the words gentle, quiet, and well-behaved.

After all, she and Fu Disheng had only known each other for a day, and it was normal to reject him.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Although he hit a wall, Fu Disheng did not give up, since it was not possible tonight, why not another day?

So he proposed to go out shopping together the next day, but unexpectedly, this trick is still not good.

At this time, Fu Disheng felt that the pursuit of this girl had to be slow. So the two just exchanged a contact information, and before leaving Shanghai, they did not go out on a date together.

After finishing his work in Shanghai, Fu Disheng returned to Beijing.

After that, he would always call Ren Jing consciously or unconsciously in the name of work.

The girls are delicate and sensitive, and over time, Ren Jing probably understands Fu Disheng's meaning, and being willing to continue to chat with him is the best answer in her heart.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Later, the two also began to intersect in work, and were arranged to sing together several times.

It is precisely because of the opportunity of "cooperation" that Ren Jing discovered the various advantages of this boy: down-to-earth, calm and meticulous.

In one contact after another, Ren Jing was completely touched by Fu Disheng, and the two began to fall in love.

One is a young and promising musical talent, the other is a sweet girl who is as quiet as water, and in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them are a pair of golden children and jade girls.

But no one expected that after they fell in love for half a year, they would suddenly flash marriage.

Ren Jing said that until now she did not know the specific day of their marriage, she only remembered that it was Chinese New Year's Eve.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

After getting married, in order to continue her husband's career, Ren Jing also moved to Beijing and entered Fu Disheng's music troupe, and the two of them were not only tied together in life, but also tied together in their careers.

Both of them appeared together after marriage and released records together.

In addition to accompanying her husband to develop her career, she was favored by Fu Disheng and became a princess in life.

Of course, this also benefits from the complementary personalities of the couple.

In terms of personality, Ren Jing belongs to the kind of girl who rarely speaks very quietly, in fact, there are not many words from Fu Disheng, but with Ren Jing, he will always try his best to make Ren Jing happy, and try his best to find a topic to chat with Ren Jing.

Only in front of Ren Jing, Fu Disheng is a "talker".

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

In life, Ren Jing is a person who likes to lose everything, so every time Ren Jing goes out, Fu Disheng will remember to bring a good ID card, a good key, and a mobile phone to charge the phone bill.

Ren Jing said that Fu Disheng's biggest worry is that he can't find her on the phone, so every time Ren Jing goes out, he will help her charge her in advance, and all her luggage will be checked again.

Sometimes Ren Jing was annoyed with him in his mouth, and felt as if he was a three-year-old child with no self-care ability in Fu Disheng's eyes, but whenever he said something like "dislike" for her husband, Ren Jing's mouth was with a happy smile.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

In Fu Disheng's eyes, his wife is used to coax him, so that he is "not at ease" about what his wife does.

And he never let his wife do dirty work, and he humbled his wife in everything.

In order to commemorate the bits and pieces of his wife, Fu Disheng also wrote a song for his wife, that is, "Confidant Lover" that later became popular all over the country, and the first song was called "The Person Who Loves You".

After the song was composed, the lyrics could not satisfy Fu Disheng, and finally under the polishing and filling of the words by Jia Ding, there was the world's unparalleled "Confidant Lover".

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

3. The couple is deeply in love With his son Fu Hao, he became the pride of the two

Friends who have sung this song in KTV know that the MV of this song is the participation of Fu Disheng's family of three.

Yes, when this song came out, he and Ren Jing had been married for more than eight years.

In the MV, Fu Disheng's every move exudes his love for Ren Jing, and the cute little boy inside, which is the crystallization of their love, Fu Hao.

Perhaps even Fu Disheng and Ren Jing themselves did not expect that this song would be so popular. Later, the two of them gradually understood why this song was on fire.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Love is not divided into time and age levels, and especially beautiful and dedicated love is even more unattainable.

And their long-flowing, life-blending love, although plain, but it is the most simple, the most rare, so later, the couple also launched a series of family songs, and later created for their son's album "Child" and so on, but these works are not as good as "Confidant".

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

As a result, as long as the two of them appeared on stage, accompanied by the music of "Confidant and Lover", it gradually became a "symbol" of them.

The way of husband and wife lies in respecting each other as guests, and even more in being in harmony with each other.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Disheng and Ren Jing walked through half their lives unconsciously, really just like the beloved love they wrote.

Of course, every couple will quarrel, and Fu Disheng and Ren Jing are no exception.

Even if they love each other again and live together for a long time, it is inevitable that contradictions and frictions will arise.

Once, the two people quarreled before the stage performance, no one let anyone, and finally they were about to take the stage, no way, the two had to go on stage first to finish singing, but when singing Ren Jingyue wanted to be more aggrieved, and finally cried out while singing.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

The audience thought that this was a natural manifestation of her deep love, but in fact, Ren Jing was angry with Fu Disheng!

All this Fu Disheng saw in his eyes, after the end of the performance, he apologized to his wife and confessed his mistake as soon as possible.

He didn't care that others said he was afraid of his wife, he only cared about Ren Jing's tears, then he had to coax!

They all say that romance is unswerving to death, and this is not false at all.

Although Fu Disheng and his wife have faded out of the entertainment industry for many years, they will still be photographed by reporters many times in the early days to go shopping or traveling together.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Even though Fu Disheng and Ren Jing have walked hand in hand for more than thirty years, one thing is still the same as when they were young, that is, wherever they go, they are inseparable.

No matter where he went, Fu Disheng would hug Ren Jing tightly around him, as if he was afraid that she would be lost. The two of them went to the beach for a vacation together, and they completely let themselves go.

Fu Disheng sang and danced like a child at the beach, and Ren Jing did not care about the eyes of others, closely following the pace of her husband, dancing lightly.

If you look at it from the perspective of an ordinary person, this is a pair of old people who love each other, through the vicissitudes of time, walking and dancing hand in hand on the beach, what a beautiful and romantic thing!

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Fu Hao, the son of both of them, also perfectly inherited the musical genes of his parents and was quite talented in music since he was a child.

However, Fu Disheng never interfered too much with his son's preferences, no matter what his son liked, he was supportive, and even he did not personally teach his son music, because he felt that he was first and foremost a father.

As a father, he wants to give his son more love and companionship than pressure and oppression.

I have to say that excellent families can always educate excellent children. Fu Hao really didn't let his parents worry much since he was a child.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

He began to learn various instruments such as the piano at a very young age, and he was able to compose simple music on his own.

Sure enough, as an adult, Fu Hao was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, and after several years of study and precipitation, in 2011, he officially entered the Development of the Chinese music scene and became a singer.

With such a star father and mother, Fu Hao's resources will certainly not be bad, at that time he was only a rising star in the music circle, but he could become a hot person in the major program groups.

At that time, he successively appeared on variety shows such as "Every Day Upward" and "I Am Not a Star".

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

You know, these variety shows were all among the best in the country at that time, and the average person did not want to be on it.

For their son's career, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing can be said to be able to support it, perhaps their family is a representative of family harmony and happiness, or perhaps it is for their son's career to take advantage of the momentum, in 2012, the couple and their son created songs together, and also harvested good results.

Although it is said that it is good to cool off in the shade of his parents, Fu Hao is also a contentious child, in his heart, in fact, he never thought of relying on his parents for everything.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

On the contrary, he only wants to make a career on his own to show everyone, to his parents, to prove that he himself is also this piece of material, he can.

But the entertainment industry is sometimes like this, a person may have excellent strength, but there is no red gas, Fu Hao is this type of person.

It has been 11 years since his debut, and he has never been popular.

During this period, he sang an interlude for "Ode to Joy 2", and "Ode to Joy" was a mess, but no one remembered him as a singer who expressed his true feelings.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

I think for Howe, maybe he really loves music, because he loves it, so it is good to be able to do this job, and as for whether it is red or not, it is not so important.

Later, Fu Hao also began to gradually change his career to the background, low-key opened a media company, trying to produce some films, in addition, creation is still something he has not given up.

Now many netizens on the Internet joke that Fu Hao is really a low-key and invisible "rich man", whether it is ability or strength, there are.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Although Fu Hao is not very popular, it is a good choice for him to have more time to do what he likes.

A song "Confidant lover" touched thousands of listeners, but it also locked Fu Disheng and Ren Jing's family of three firmly together.

They will go out hand in hand to travel together, and when they are interested, they will share their lives live, and they will also take their sons to sing about the motherland on social platforms on the good day of the motherland's birth.

Fu Disheng Ren Jing: After 33 years of xiangyi, Ren Jing was favored as a princess, and now her son has become their pride

Now That Fu Disheng and Ren Jing are also gradually entering old age, and their son Fu Hao also has a successful career and does not need to worry about himself, the two of them can enjoy the world of the two in their old age.

Choose one person, for the rest of your life, and it is probably the two of them!