
Unemployment insurance benefits, unemployment benefits ten questions and answers, come and understand it~

author:Chun An released
Unemployment insurance benefits, unemployment benefits ten questions and answers, come and understand it~


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Unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits

Detailed explanation of relevant policies is coming~

Unemployment insurance benefits, unemployment benefits ten questions and answers, come and understand it~


What are the differences in the application requirements for unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits?


☑ Unemployment insurance benefits are eligible for unemployed persons who meet the following conditions at the same time:

(1) The employer and the employer have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year before becoming unemployed;

(2) Interrupting employment not due to one's own will;

(3) Have registered as unemployed and have job search requirements.

☑ The conditions for applying for unemployment benefits are unemployed persons who meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Unemployed persons who have not been employed after the expiration of the period of receiving unemployment insurance benefits from March 2020 to December 2021;

(2) Unemployed persons who are unemployed between March 2020 and December 2021, who have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year, and whose labor contracts have been terminated for their own reasons.

(3) Unemployed persons who have been unemployed between March 2020 and December 2021 and have paid unemployment insurance premiums for less than one year.


What are the criteria for unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits?


☑ The criteria for unemployment insurance benefits are:

80% of the minimum wage standard for local enterprise employees is currently 1824 yuan / month in Hangzhou city, and 1656 yuan / month in Tonglu County, Chun'an County and Jiande City.

☑ The criteria for unemployment benefits are divided into:

(1) 50% of the unemployment insurance premium for those who have paid unemployment insurance premiums for 1 year but terminate the labor contract due to their own reasons; at present, the urban area of Hangzhou is 912 yuan / month, and the number of Tonglu County, Chun'an County and Jiande City is 828 yuan / month.

(2) 20% of the unemployment insurance premium for less than one year of insurance contributions. At present, the urban area of Hangzhou is 364.8 yuan / month, and the number of Tonglu County, Chun'an County and Jiande City is 331.2 yuan / month.


Is there a time limit for applying for unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits?


☑ There is currently no time limit for applying for unemployment insurance benefits, and unemployed persons can apply for them at any time during the period of unemployment;

☑ Unemployment benefits will be claimed on March 31, 2022, and eligible persons must apply by that deadline.


When will unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits be paid after they are approved? What is the number of months?


☑ Unemployment insurance benefits approved in the current month shall be paid from the following month. In principle, it will be distributed from around the 20th to the 22nd of each month. In the event of a holiday, there may be an appropriate advance or postponement. [Involving five districts and three places (i.e. Xiaoshan District, Yuhang District, Fuyang District, Linping District, Lin'an District, Tonglu County, Jiande City, Chun'an County, the same below), the actual distribution time shall prevail. 】

☑ In principle, the first payment time for those who have passed the examination and approval before the 24th (inclusive) of the month is the end of the month or the beginning of the next month; the first payment time for those who have passed the examination and approval after the 24th of the month is around the 15th of the following month; and the monthly unemployment benefit for the above-mentioned personnel is around the 15th of each month. (If the above time is a holiday, it may be appropriately advanced or postponed, involving five districts and three places, the actual issuance time shall prevail).


☑ Unemployed Person A applied for and approved the unemployment benefit on February 20, 2022, and his first unemployment benefit was paid at the end of February or early March, and his second unemployment benefit was around March 15, and the time of each month thereafter was around 15.

☑ Unemployed Person B applied for and approved the unemployment benefit on January 25, 2022, and his first unemployment benefit was around February 15, and his second unemployment benefit was around March 15, and the time of each month thereafter was around 15.


How can I check the results of the unemployment insurance benefit or unemployment benefit?


(1) If you apply online, you can go to the corresponding website to check the progress of the process;

(2) The window of the city's public employment service agencies at all levels can be consulted;

(3) The audit results will be notified by SMS.

If the audit fails, the handling staff will send a text message (or telephone/face-to-face notification) and inform the reason for the failure.


What is the reason why unemployment insurance benefits or unemployment benefits have been approved, but the money has not been paid to the account?


The reasons for non-issuance can be:

(1) The time for issuance has not yet arrived (see "Article 4" of this article for details of the issuance time);

(2) The issuance fails due to the applicant's bank account filling in incorrectly, abnormal account, etc.

[For details of the way to modify bank accounts, please refer to "Article 10" of this article, involving five districts and three places, you need to contact the unemployment insurance agency of the district or county (city)]


Under what circumstances will unemployment insurance benefits or unemployment benefits be stopped?


☑ The following cases of suspension of unemployment insurance benefits are:

Those who are re-employed (including those who have obtained a business license to start their own businesses); those who should conquer military service; those who have emigrated abroad; those who enjoy basic old-age insurance benefits; those who have died; those who have completed their unemployment insurance benefits; and those who refuse to accept appropriate work or training provided by departments or institutions designated by the local people's government without justifiable reasons.

☑ The following cases of suspension of unemployment benefits include:

Those who are recruited and insured by the employer; those who should be conquered for military service; those who have emigrated abroad; those who enjoy the basic old-age insurance for urban workers (including the old-age insurance for enterprise employees and the old-age insurance for organs and public institutions) or the old-age insurance benefits for urban and rural residents; those who have died; those who have been sentenced to prison for execution; and those who have received unemployment benefits have expired.


Will unemployment insurance recipients be automatically insured during their payment? How to continue to participate in medical insurance after the suspension of hair?


During the period of receiving unemployment insurance benefits, unemployed persons participate in the basic medical insurance for employees and enjoy the treatment of basic medical insurance. The basic medical insurance premiums that unemployed persons should pay are paid from the unemployment insurance fund, and individuals do not pay basic medical insurance premiums.

The payment of medical insurance premiums will cease at the same time as the payment of unemployment insurance benefits is suspended or after the payment is completed. If you meet the conditions for medical insurance participation for flexible employment personnel in Hangzhou, you can go to the medical insurance agency to apply for insurance procedures in a timely manner.


How should a person receiving unemployment insurance benefits or unemployment benefits re-employed during the period of receiving benefits and need to stop or retire unemployment insurance benefits or unemployment benefits?


It is recommended to contact the unemployment insurance business handling department that has approved the payment of the pension, and the business handling department will verify the situation and handle the formalities for suspension or refund for it.

【The contact information of the unemployment insurance business handling departments of each district and county (city) can be found in the "Hangzhou Unemployment Insurance Agency Contact Form" at the end of the article]


If unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits are not successfully issued due to bank account number problems, how to modify the bank account number?


The pensioner can modify the bank account number in two ways, and after the modification is successful, the unemployment insurance agency can make a second payment:

☑ (1) Modification through the unemployment insurance agency: After the applicant receives the SMS of the failure to issue unemployment insurance benefits and unemployment benefits, he or she can also contact the specific district, county (city) unemployment insurance agency to make amendments.

☑ (2) Modify by specifying the website, and the steps for modifying the website are as follows:

a. Log on to the official website of Hangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (website:

b. Click on the "Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Hall" on the official website of Hangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to log in, if you do not have an account, you can register by yourself or log in through Alipay.

c. After successful login, the system enters the personal user center page by default, and clicks "Change Of Failed Card Number Issuance" in "Common Services".

d. On the "Subsidy Payment Failure to Change Card Number" application page, select the subsidy type "Unemployment Insurance Premium" or "Unemployment Benefit", the system automatically queries the payment failure record, click "Change Card Number" to enter the Modify Card Number page.

e. Enter the correct bank card number, upload the attachment, and save it.

f. After the modification is successful, it can be viewed in the modification record.

Unemployment insurance benefits, unemployment benefits ten questions and answers, come and understand it~

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Source: County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Hangzhou People's Society

Editor: Zhang Jing

Compiled and distributed by Chun'an County Rong Media Center

Unemployment insurance benefits, unemployment benefits ten questions and answers, come and understand it~