
It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

author:The Wang Xingren family

People also know in modern times that the harm caused by inbreeding is also known. In nature, many plants are backcrossed, because of their growing environment problems, and even backcrossing will not affect their survival.

However, for animals, inbreeding is easy to make offspring unhealthy, and even lead to premature death, so it is now also advocated to allow inbreeding between animals.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs? After reading the reasons below, you will understand.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

To satisfy people's hobbies

In fact, in the past, people did not have such high requirements for raising dogs, only hoping that they could look after the house and hunt on the line, now people raise dogs more of an emotional need, naturally they will also pursue the appearance of dogs, or want to breed some special looks, etc., in fact, in order to satisfy the hobby.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

For profit

Driven by profit, people have adopted various methods to cultivate strange-looking dogs.

For example, 100 years ago, the dachshund looked quite normal, but now the dachshund has been transformed into a short-legged and long-waisted look, although it looks a little special, but the harm to the dog is very large.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

Thoroughbred dogs have a higher appearance

When people care more about the ornamental value of dogs, in order to maintain the characteristics of purebred dogs, dogs will be allowed to mate inbreeding, or even backcrossing. It is to make their pedigree more pure, and to retain more of the advantages of appearance.

But in fact, the body of purebred dogs is much worse than that of string dogs, and there are many genetic diseases.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

Hazards caused by dog inbreeding:

As far as the current record is concerned, there are more than 500 genetic diseases in dogs.

For example: Corgi stomach is very fragile, easy to vomit and thin; 60% of the golden retriever will suffer from cancer and die; the British Royal Beagle, prone to chronic diarrhea and epilepsy; boxer dogs are prone to inflammatory bowel disease, respiratory diseases, etc., anyway, the physical condition of dogs is not very good. That's why thoroughbred dogs need more delicate care and can't be fed indiscriminately.

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?

Conclusion: Is your dog pure?

It is said that inbreeds cannot breed, why do dogs still "backcross" between dogs?