
This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

author:Floral space

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised!

From April onwards, the surrounding environment becomes different, the grass and trees gradually sprout, and various flowers and plants will enter the growth period, colorful, lively and festive, making the whole life colorful. To say that the most popular flowers in April and May, you must choose these three kinds of flowers, really super beautiful, beautiful and fairy, and raise a raise can burst into a ball.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised


Pansy is a very playful flower, its flower color is very rich, a flower has three colors, like a cat face, so also called cat face, this flower to give people is taboo, can not be given to the boss or people who have made a contradiction, but if you like, there is no problem in raising in your own home.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

Pansy is a very typical spring flower, from the spring flowering, the end of summer, the flower usually refers to the white and yellow tricolor, the flower blossom is easy to burst the pot, like a flower ball, very beautiful, if there is no space at home, you can also hang up, used to dress the window, but also very beautiful.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

Pansy prefers to grow in a sunny environment, and to give cool not to tolerate high temperatures, in summer to more shade, more water, reduce the surrounding temperature. The flowering period must ensure that the soil is moist, watered 3 to 4 times a week, he is the kind of flower that the longer the sunshine time, the more flowers bloom, the more flowers can bloom early, so quickly move it to the sun for a sun.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised


Daisies are perennial herbs, generally blooming in the spring from March to June, the flowers are red, white, pink, yellow, the flowers are very plain when they open, not very public, but the layers are very cute.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

In April and May, there are many friends who raise daisies, and they are also particularly popular, daisies like to grow in a cool, sunny environment, daisies are not drought tolerant, and the growth period and flowering period must ensure that the soil is moist, generally after the topsoil is dried, it should be watered immediately.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

In addition, daisies also like to grow in a cool environment, not tolerant of high temperatures, summer to put it in a bright astigmatized area, reduce the surrounding temperature, can make it smoothly through the summer.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised


Dahlia is also called Tianzhu peony, for the perennial bulbous plant, Dahlia flower is very bright and beautiful, larger than the fist, the flower color is very rich, there are red, yellow, orange, purple, white, there are two colors, beautiful heavenly immortals, looks better than Pan An, very eye-catching atmosphere.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

Dahlia can bloom in May and June, its flowering period is super long, can bloom until the frost falls, like to grow in the sunny place, the more abundant the sunshine, the more frequent the flowering, the flowers will be more large and charming, potted, like to grow in loose and breathable, well-drained soil, more fertile soil can make it flower more easily.

This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised
This flower is really "beautiful", the most popular in April and May, and it will pop into a ball as soon as it is raised

Dahlia is a relatively easy to raise, more drought-tolerant flowers, placed outdoors in more rain and sunshine, flower buds grow continuously.