
The teacher took online classes at home and "met" the director of the Academic Affairs Office who came to the door for nucleic acid sampling!

author:See the Green Garden

Because of the epidemic, two colleagues, one at home to carry out online education and teaching, one to participate in anti-epidemic volunteer services, they never expected that the two would meet during a routine door-to-door nucleic acid.

The teacher took online classes at home and "met" the director of the Academic Affairs Office who came to the door for nucleic acid sampling!

The "big white" in protective clothing is named Jia Tao, who is the director of the middle school department of Changchun No. 87 Middle School (Jingyang Campus). After the outbreak of this round of the epidemic, Jia Tao became a volunteer, mainly responsible for assisting the community to carry out nucleic acid work for all employees.

The man next to Jia Tao, named Han Xuedong, is a colleague with Jia Tao, is the school's 9th grade Chinese teacher, and lives in the New Aolan city community in the Green Park. On April 6, Han Xuedong was giving students online lessons at home.

"How is the 'big white' who came to do the nucleic acid test today speak so familiar, and when I open the door, I see that we are the dean of academic affairs!" Han Xuedong said that he did not expect that two colleagues who had not seen each other for 28 days would meet in this situation, and the two looked at each other and smiled, leaving this group photo. Han Xuedong said that the appearance of the academic director in this capacity is an example for other teachers and a "teaching by example" for all students.

It is reported that Jia Tao is a member of the Red Candle Pioneer Volunteer Team in the Green Park, taking the initiative to sink the community and being responsible for the household scanning code during nucleic acid testing. Door to door knocking, scanning codes, registering, serving an average of nearly 300 households a day, walking 20,000 steps a day has become his norm.

The teacher took online classes at home and "met" the director of the Academic Affairs Office who came to the door for nucleic acid sampling!
The teacher took online classes at home and "met" the director of the Academic Affairs Office who came to the door for nucleic acid sampling!
The teacher took online classes at home and "met" the director of the Academic Affairs Office who came to the door for nucleic acid sampling!

Since the beginning of this round of the epidemic, the majority of teachers and staff in the green park education system have actively responded to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control command and quickly assembled into a "Red Candle Pioneer Volunteer Team" composed of 2710 volunteers, cohesive and forward-looking, and built a solid anti-epidemic defense line with responsibility and responsibility. As of April 8, the "Red Candle Pioneer Volunteer Team" has participated in a total of 9,744 volunteer services, sinking 3 towns and 7 streets, serving more than 30 community villages and 8 secondary vocational colleges and universities in the district.

Source: Changchun Radio and Television Station