
The women's team draft needs such players


With the launch of Tencent's "Creation Camp 2020" and the positive war with iQiyi's "Youth with You 2", this year's Chinese idol group industry has directly entered a new white-hot stage, and the same is true for the women's group draft. Now that "Creation Camp 2020" has been broadcast for more than two weeks, it has experienced the duel of dance + vocal individual ability, group assessment and theme song assessment, from the format to the students to the company's "pusher" behind the students, the network discussion has become more and more high, and the reflection of what kind of "players" the Chinese women's group draft needs is also particularly thought-provoking.

The women's team draft needs such players

Judging from the performance of the first issue, you will find that "Creation Camp 2020" pays more attention to "business ability" than "plot".

Students whose business ability is not good enough, even if they have a high voice before, will be directly pointed out by the coaching team as "not enough standard". After changing the format, the real winners are the players with the strongest opening performance, such as Jiang Dan and Gao Zhi in the "Strongest Dance" in the first period. Equally impressive is The Khumar, who was specially named by Song Qian in the coaching team for his expressiveness and four-pack abs.

The women's team draft needs such players

In the vocal link, Chen Zhuoxuan, who played and sang by herself, instantly brought us back to the memories of "Chen Qingling" with a song of "No Restraints", and in the "Queendom" of the group dance performance, her high voice made people immediately remember her, and there was a new jump with the previous cover of "Like You". In the Easter egg link of the second program, Chen Zhuoxuan changed three tones in succession to sing the theme song, and the cute lolita tone, the cool royal sister voice, and the low story voice were easily converted, once again showing the ever-changing charm of the all-round vocal golden voice, and entering the top three vocals without any suspense.

The women's team draft needs such players

Jiang Dan, Humar and Chen Zhuoxuan each have different areas of expertise and completely different styles, but behind them, they are actually the same entertainment company - Tianhao Shengshi. At the end of the first program group battle, Tianhao Shengshi entered the main team, of which the popular chen Zhuoxuan entered the starting group position.

The women's team draft needs such players

The second program focuses on the theme song assessment. Zeng Xueyao, the all-round captain of the Tianhao Shengshi Women's Group, bravely chose the 1-day class, sang and danced rap all-round, and finally withstood the high pressure of tight time and heavy tasks, successfully passed the examination, entered the starting group position as desired, and became a member of the "God Seven". Song Qian of the coaching team directly praised her sense of rhythm, Coach Tao also praised her cute and loving, off-topic, Zeng Xueyao, who suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder in life, is really amazing, and perhaps this is also a form of self-discipline of artists.

The women's team draft needs such players

It is worth mentioning that Hu Jiaxin, the "busy inside" of Tianhao Shengshi, eventually entered the main team. From the beginning of the broadcast, Hu Jiaxin was initially noticed by the public as her Hong Kong style beauty, and even some netizens said that she was one of the facades of the creation camp; and this time she was able to be selected into the main team, of course, by strength. In fact, as early as the first phase of the "Queendom" group dance performance, Hu Jiaxin's business ability has been seen, whether singing or dancing are good performance, can be called a typical "beautiful but not wasted" students, stage standards and strength can not be underestimated.

The women's team draft needs such players

Zhang Xinmei, another member of Tianhao Shengshi, is also quite powerful, and Chen Zhuoxuan has the same piano playing and singing skills, whether he loves music from the heart, or the team's big legs and variety shows, and is also frequently in the stage of the creation camp.

The women's team draft needs such players

Creating a women's group player with different strengths and styles is to reflect the professional ability of the label behind the women's group, compared with the performance of the front-line players, through the "pusher" companies behind them, they can see the picture of the ecology of this emerging industry.

Looking at the popular drafts in recent years, it is not difficult to find that behind the popular newborn idols of the hegemonic screen is the entertainment company of the same "hegemonic group". The big winner of "Creation 101" is Lehua Entertainment, which created the "Beauty Propaganda", and "Creation Camp 2019" is the last to contract the top three wow So this year, who will become the new idol maker?

The women's team draft needs such players

New and old compete in strength

Among the companies that push players this year, from the perspective of new and old, they can be divided into two categories: the old and powerful factions and the new Internet celebrity series; from the perspective of operational ideas, they can be divided into two categories: vertical companies focusing on idol culture and composite companies that develop entertainment business across borders, and companies of the two dimensions also occasionally intersect.

The women's team draft needs such players

Among these star-studded companies, Tianhao Shengshi, founded in 2005, is a particularly special "player". With 15 years of experience in artist management, it is first of all an established company, but at the same time, it is also a comprehensive entertainment enterprise involving film and television, variety shows and music.

This time, Tianhao Shengshi sent 6 players to "Creation Camp 2020", more than the number of previous years, and it is also a large number of players in this year's brokerage company.

The women's team draft needs such players

The 6 players also have excellent business ability, in addition to Chen Zhuoxuan's strongest vocal, Jiang Dan's strength dance, Humar's super expressiveness, Zeng Xueyao can be called a drum, dance, singing all-round player; Hu Jiaxin is strong in business, but also comes with national first-class athlete skills; Zhang Xinmei learned piano from an early age, and the control of keyboard instruments can undoubtedly bring more changes to the stage; there is a feeling of going out in a group.

The comprehensive strength of the girl group Awink delivered by Tianhao Shengshi this time can be seen from the "Queendom" stage in the first program. On the whole, the all-round singing and dancing girl group stage like Awink is particularly valuable, and the most important thing is that the overall stage completion and standard of "Queendom" is very high, and a single member can also play each other, which is called a mature girl group stage.

Digging deep into the history of Tianhao's prosperous world, you will find that it is not only a simple company and a cross-border entertainment company, it is even an all-round company that has always paid attention to the idol culture industry and opened up and innovated the idol cultural ecology with vertical ideas. That's why we call it "special."

The women's team draft needs such players

Open up the idol cultural ecology

An interesting phenomenon is that most of the idol-making programs on the market are oriented to the late stage of idol manufacturing, that is, the selection stage of the group; but few pay attention to the early stage of idol manufacturing.

The women's team draft needs such players

In contrast, Tianhao Shengshi has actually been paying attention to the idol culture industry, as early as 2008, it launched an idol boy band. And last year, we also worked on the reality show Let's Go! Starting with T-HOUSE, I saw the whole process of Tenhiro's training of trainees and sending them to Japan for devil training. At the time, there was speculation that these girls would appear on idol shows this year.

The women's team draft needs such players

And they really appeared in this year's "Creation Camp 2020".

In recent years, there have been many girl group variety shows, "Creation 101" and "Youth with You 2" are all big hits, but there is indeed a certain upside-down phenomenon in the industry: the program is hot, but the idol culture industry is still in the growth stage in China. The more such a period, the more the accumulation of the bottom and behind the scenes is needed as a support, so that the audience and the industry can realize the ecological panorama of this industry.

The women's team draft needs such players

From the time when idol culture has not yet become popular in the mainland, it has begun to create boy bands, from the vegetarian stage, it has begun to train girls and even do trainee reality shows for them, and now it has sent them to the Tianhao Shengshi in "Creation Camp 2020", which is obviously the company that first realized this and walked in front. It is not only a deep cultivator in the idol culture industry, but also opens up its own idol cultural industry ecological chain with its own practice and preparation over the years.

Looking at the actions of Tianhao Shengshi in the past two years, you will find that in fact, cultivating the new forces of the entertainment industry of the younger generation, going deep into the bottom of the industry, and enriching the entertainment ecology are what they have been doing.

The comprehensive layout of the heavens and the world

Tianhao Shengshi originally took artist management as the main direction, from its establishment in 2005 to the present, it has signed actors who have both multi-field powerful artists such as Qi Wei and potential new stars such as Wen Qi and Xing Fei. The full understanding of artists accumulated over the years has enabled Tianhao Shengshi to create and improve the "production mechanism" of professional artists under the standard system while continuing to tap the new strength of the showbiz circle.

The women's team draft needs such players

From Let's Go! From the xiaobai in "Starting from T-HOUSE" to the students who have been sent to the "Creation Camp 2020" now, we can see the long-term layout awareness and all-round industrialization ability of Tianhao Shengshi, behind the glory is several years of daily training in the practice room, sweat and even tears. It is to open up the upstream and downstream of the entertainment industry, turn display entertainment into high-quality entertainment, and show this manufacturing process to the audience as it was.

The women's team draft needs such players

Tianhao Shengshi girl group Awink can stand out among the students to become a dark horse and popular students, this kind of accumulation, is to truly understand the idol culture, have the original intention of wanting to protect the idol culture, but also have a strong entertainment experience and entertainment capital of mature industry companies, in order to do unexpected, reasonable.

When a new industry rises, in addition to those artists at the foreground, there will actually be those boosters behind the scenes.

In the "Creation Camp 2020" that has just opened, no one knows which girls will eventually form a group; but Tianhao shengshi may be the most noteworthy behind-the-scenes "player".