
12 Horoscopes of the Week (0411-0417)

Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Wei.

Here I am again! This week, I made some adjustments in the writing style, and if you have any opinions and ideas, you can also go to the message area and tell me. By the way, it is clearer to eat together with the "Zhou Yun 丨 12 Constellation One Week Tarot Horoscope (0411-0417)".

(Reference constellation: the sun is dominant, supplemented by the rising)

This week's you:

More positive in terms of feelings, more willing to show positive signals, active and measured pursuit of people with good feelings, or pull partners to participate in some activities of interest;

Compare yourself in terms of career/academics, easily disagree or argue with others on some matters, or have too many ideas and are not firm enough, and the rhythm is somewhat chaotic;

In terms of life, more attention is paid to social experience, more inclined to date people with closer relationships, and may also have peach blossom situations through certain social activities.


In terms of feelings and life, you can be more active and brave. When encountering some situations that make you hesitate and worry a little, (especially related to others, you are worried about whether some practices are too natural, whether they will be disliked by others), you can not suffer from gain and loss, think too carefully, you can be direct and decisive. Especially when faced with emotional opportunities, sometimes being cautious not to want to make mistakes will make you miss good opportunities.

In terms of work/school, you need to communicate more rationally, don't be afraid to offend people, it doesn't matter if there are differences, rational and logical communication will not let the emotions head.

In terms of feelings, it will be easy to be a little entangled and hesitant, and you will easily suppress your inner thoughts or ignore the pressure of other matters and choose to cooperate with others;

Have a relatively good performance in career/academic aspects, have a more measured sense of proportion in getting along with others and can give others a comfortable feeling, and are more able to combine work and leisure, and complete their own affairs with clear goals;

In terms of life, they will pay more attention to material and realistic experiences, and they will be more inclined to make monetary expenditures to treat themselves and relax themselves.

In terms of career/school and life, you don't have any problems, basically ask for a clear conscience. In some matters related to people, when you have done your part and expressed your own goodwill, others still do not give you very positive feedback, do not blame yourself, follow the fate, do not force.

In terms of feelings, you need to make adjustments. When you have been feeling depressed in some relationships, don't force yourself to cooperate, express your own ideas, if others are still unwilling to give you positive feedback, choosing to give up silently will be a good choice, and may even cause the other party's attention.

In terms of feelings, you will be more susceptible to emotional influences, you prefer to be valued by others, which is easy to make you make some irrational choices, more likely to show impatience, or in the face of the other party's unreasonable requirements will cooperate;

In terms of career/academics, your performance is relatively good, more motivated, more ambitious, better pace of action, able to combine work and leisure, and more able to do things more perfectly step by step;

In terms of life, it will be easy to feel some dissatisfaction with the status quo, it will be easy to have a sense of anxiety and feel that you need to learn or reflect on something, but you lack patience, it is easy to find someone to complain and play, and it is easy to have ambiguous situations with others.

Your career/academic performance is relatively good, you can spend more time and energy on it, more study and research or do planning are good choices. You need to spend a lot of time allocating, because it is easy for you to focus on your feelings and life, but these two aspects need to be restrained.

Don't put your feelings too heavy in your feelings, and don't suspect that your choices are problematic and irrational as soon as you encounter a bad situation.

In terms of life, this week you are not very suitable to summarize your own problems, and it is better to spend more time on career/academic research.

In terms of feelings, it will be more rational, lack emotional resonance in communication, pay more attention to logical and rational analysis and communication, be prone to some preaching or guiding others, and pay more attention to the resonance of values of both sides in the face of emotional opportunities;

There will be a slight lack of patience in career/academics, some impatience in behavior, and it is easy to have some minor problems due to lack of stability in implementation and planning of certain matters;

In terms of life, they will pay more attention to material and life experience, and will make some financial expenditures to satisfy their desire to enjoy.

You need to be more emotional in terms of feelings, especially in the face of people with good feelings, what you think is correct and rational, many times can not bring you both positive experiences, emotional to meet each other will be better.

In terms of career/academics, when it is a burden to others due to your problems, a slightly lowered posture to express your sincerity, or a partial expression, will make others more willing to help you;

In terms of life, there is no problem, if it is a joint activity with others, it is enough to take into account each other's feelings and preferences.

Temper in terms of feelings is a little poor, easy to amplify the problems in getting along with others, will be a little bit of delusional, resulting in some extremes in expression and getting along, in the face of emotional opportunities is also easy to destroy the opportunity due to excessive communication;

There will be some lack of patience in career/academics, it is easy to think too much about things rashly, and some rash in planning or implementation, resulting in some negative situations;

In terms of life, I will invest more time and energy on matters of interest, and there is a possibility that a surprise experience will appear.

You need to make some adjustments emotionally and career/academically.

Emotional aspects need to control their emotions, if you really think that the situation is difficult for you to accept, try to compromise after the effect is still not good, then more reasonable expression is more needed, rather than excessive words, which is not conducive to solving the problem, you will be very uncomfortable;

In terms of career/academics, you need to be more patient, if other people's ideas are a little extreme, then you should not be taken away by the other party, directly to express rational analysis, especially if the other party may pit you;

In terms of life, you can pay more attention to your own feelings, don't force yourself to cooperate with others, which is not in line with your energy influence this week.

In terms of feelings, you will be more invested, you will pursue the emotional situation you want more, and if you feel a strong sense of bondage in terms of feelings, you are likely to choose to end. And if the current state of your relationship makes you feel very happy, you will be more involved in it and take the initiative to create surprises. There may be emotional opportunities, but if you can't feel very moved, you will simply ignore it;

Career/academic aspects will be more stable, there may be some others to give you a drag situation, resulting in you need to spend more effort to deal with;

In the case of life, there may be situations in which certain actions may be attempted but for various reasons they have to be put on hold.

You may have problems in terms of feelings, you need to pay a little attention, don't pursue perfection too much and the desired situation in your heart, be more tolerant, especially in the face of emotional opportunities, trying it is likely to be a surprise;

In terms of career/academics, you need to be brave enough to express yourself, don't be afraid of offending people, don't be afraid of your own ideas are not mature enough, take the initiative to communicate, can let you avoid some trouble;

In terms of life, be cautious, make more plans and preparations when making plans or plans, and it is not recommended to plan out.

In terms of feelings, it is more positive, the treatment of feelings will be more pure and a little spiritual purity, will not show too much enthusiasm, pay more attention to spiritual resonance, it is more likely that there will be peach blossom conditions, but it will be more cautious;

In terms of career/academics, you may face some resistance from others, resulting in you being less able to act according to your own ideas and rhythms;

In terms of life, there are some investment and reserve moves, and it is more likely to be prepared for certain situations or plans in advance.

You don't have much of a problem with your feelings, if you are single, you may face the pressure of some others trying to match, just strengthen your own ideas, don't be coerced;

In terms of career/academics, don't be too easily influenced by others, if you can't agree, you can't exert your ability to act. In addition, you can think more or try different possibilities, provided that you think for yourself, and not be limited by others;

It is not recommended to plan or prepare for too long in life, and not to listen too much to the advice of others in investment matters.

In terms of feelings, it will be slightly extreme, and it is easy to have some excessive output in the emotional situation, perhaps to meet a person who has a good feeling and over-show overtures; perhaps it is a situation of excessive emotional support for the partner;

In terms of career/academic mentality is not very healthy, it is easy to be lazy, clever, and perfunctory in some matters, and it is easy to take less just measures in urgent times;

In terms of life, they will pursue a comfortable and solitary life state, be more quiet and do not like to socialize, and will also re-examine the previous life state, preferring to read and study.

You need to pay more attention to the emotional aspect, do not indulge your emotions, shift your attention to the learning aspect, this week's learning effect will be really good, there will be a lot of new feelings appear, if you really want to pursue others, then try to slightly exaggerate the charm of some aspect of yourself;

Invest more energy in career/academics, sometimes work harder yourself, otherwise there will be more troubles in the future. In the face of opportunities, you can be bold to fight, white lies are OK, but also be prepared for follow-up more efforts.

In terms of feelings, there will be some disgust with the more boring state of getting along, if you have a partner, you will be more inclined to take the initiative to organize activities of interest, but if the other party does not cooperate, it is quite easy to argue, and if you are single, you are more disgusted with the emotional opportunities that are arranged or designed;

A slight procrastination in career/academics, a slight pursuit of perfection or obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can cause you to perform poorly on certain matters that require quick decision-making, or some things will encounter unexpected circumstances and have to be delayed;

In terms of life, there will be some loss but acceptable slightly depressed situations, which may be that some dates with good friends have to be canceled.

This week you need to adjust your mentality well, when some things have to be changed, delayed, canceled because of unexpected conditions, don't think that it is your own or others' problems, at least don't be angry because of unexpected reasons, there will always be some unexpected situations in life, more tolerant and understanding, you will feel much better.

Feelings, career/academics, life are all like this, this week there will indeed be some situations you can't expect, to break your plans, arrangements or rhythms, but the impact will not be too big, pack up the mood, adjust in time.

In terms of feelings, you will be more willing to be valued and concerned, you will be more willing to get material and realistic satisfaction (similar to receiving gifts, the other party takes you out to eat, drink and have fun, etc.), if you are snubbed, it is quite easy to lose your temper, it will be easier to ask for each other's care in love, and it is easier to lack a sense of proportion when you are single with others;

Career/academic aspects are prone to imbalanced judgment, lack of patience, aversion to certain senses of purpose, passive slacking/overtime or rash conclusions;

In terms of life, it is easy to overestimate or magnify expectations of certain matters, resulting in a great imbalance of mentality when the situation is not smooth.

You need to make some adjustments in your feelings, consider each other's feelings more, take the initiative to pull each other to do things of interest, and don't always passively wait and ask for it;

In terms of career/academics, be more cautious, pay more attention to the atmosphere of the group and environment, maintain positive communication with others, and don't always think about getting everything done on your own;

In terms of life, organize more good friends' parties, go out to play more, if there are uncomfortable emotions, find a lively place to release it, don't hold back.

In terms of feelings, it will be easier to have unsatisfied emotions, it will be a little easy to provoke, if you are single, you will have a stronger willingness to fall in love, but you will not easily compromise, and it is easy to have ambiguous situations with others.

It is easier to be negative in terms of career/academics, it is easy to become super invincible and low once it encounters some blows, and it is easy to have the concept of the uselessness of effort, or it may be that a matter has to be suspended by some force majeure;

In terms of life, the rhythm is a little chaotic, and I want to make some changes in some matters of concern but I am not firm enough, and I give up when I encounter some resistance.

You need to be more patient in all aspects, don't put your goals and expectations too high, compared to personal satisfaction, let all kinds of situations move forward in a stable and orderly manner, the result-oriented, is what you need more. It is also extremely important not to always think that all kinds of things are only on their own, and to seek the help and guidance of people who have made achievements in this area.

Especially in terms of career/study and life, if you are confused and powerless, you will find more help from the outside world, just copy the experience and model of others;

In terms of feelings, if there is an opportunity for others to introduce, do not be too rejected, you can try to contact it.

In terms of feelings, it will be more rejected loneliness, very disgusted with the feeling of working hard alone in the relationship, so the dependence on the partner will be significantly improved, if single, the love intention is higher, will be more willing to take the initiative to participate in some social activities to find opportunities, in addition, in the face of depressed emotional conditions, it is quite easy to use alcohol to dispel sorrow or silently uncomfortable not to express;

In terms of career/academics, you will be more concerned about the atmosphere of your environment, if the atmosphere is worse, it will hurt your enthusiasm and action;

There will be some more pragmatic plans in terms of life, but it is quite possible that the setting is too ideal and difficult to implement completely.

You need to control your emotions, especially in terms of feelings and career/academics, these two aspects are particularly susceptible to emotional influences and abnormal performance, it is more important to make a well-planned plan and follow the steps;

Career/Academic aspect, set the goals within your ability and act steadily, and separate work from life;

In terms of feelings, don't be in a hurry, live your own life well, and don't let your life state become chaotic;

In terms of life, do not make too full plans, maintain a stable and orderly pace of life, and ensure rest.

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