
Embiid won the leading score on free throws? Without penalties, he averaged just 21 points per game, compared to 25.8

Beijing time on April 11 news, this season's scoring king finally belonged to Philadelphia 76ers center Embiid, but some people began to question that compared with LeBron James's various statistics, he did not have enough scoring champions.

Embiid won the leading score on free throws? Without penalties, he averaged just 21 points per game, compared to 25.8

Embiid has played 68 games this season and LeBron James has played 56 games. James hit a total of 640 shots, and Embiid hit 666 shots, 26 more than James, but he played 12 more games than James.

Embiid's free throws have been most criticized this season, with 803 free throws this season, compared to James's only 336 this season. If the free throw score is excluded, James averages 25.8 points per game, the league's first; Embiid averaged 21 points per game, only twelfth in the league.

Embiid won the leading score on free throws? Without penalties, he averaged just 21 points per game, compared to 25.8

In addition, among the players who averaged 30+ points per game this season, throughout the history of the NBA, James was the third fewest in 6 free throws per game this season, and Embiid ranked 64th in history.

Embiid won the leading score on free throws? Without penalties, he averaged just 21 points per game, compared to 25.8

In summary, it seems that it is indeed James who has a better score in scoring. But there is no way, although James ended the season with an average of 30.3 points per game, due to an accidental sprain of his ankle, his appearances this season were fixed at 56, and he did not reach the league's set of at least 58 games to qualify for the major data rankings, so he could only leave regrets.

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