
Chen Guoping, an official of the "Anti-Fraud Police Lao Chen", announced his resignation! It's really unwise to be a streamer

author:Cheerful milk tea oJ

"Anti-fraud policeman" Chen Guoping has attracted great attention after becoming popular on the Internet, but in the latest live broadcast, Lao Chen announced that he has resigned and will continue to engage in broadcasting and public welfare undertakings in the future

Chen Guoping, an official of the "Anti-Fraud Police Lao Chen", announced his resignation! It's really unwise to be a streamer

It is estimated that many people quit their jobs because they don't know how to do a good job. Some netizens said that as long as Lao Chen can support his family in the live broadcast, he can freely choose the lifestyle he chooses. After all, people don't steal or rob. They eat in their own right. If one day he catches a cold, he will choose this path himself. He couldn't blame anyone

Chen Guoping, an official of the "Anti-Fraud Police Lao Chen", announced his resignation! It's really unwise to be a streamer

The specific reason is that in the previous live broadcast, Lao Chen's live broadcast studio received a reward of $1 million. For this money, Lao Chen donated all of it after deducting taxes

Although doing public welfare undertakings is worth encouraging, I don't know why many netizens have reported to the relevant departments, which has had a negative impact on Lao Chen and his unit

Chen Guoping, an official of the "Anti-Fraud Police Lao Chen", announced his resignation! It's really unwise to be a streamer

In view of this, Lao Chen said that in order not to cause trouble to the unit, he chose to resign and will continue to invest in public welfare undertakings in his personal capacity in the future.

Just quit your public office and give away all your income? What do you eat and drink when you're not working? How much do you spend on household expenses? IMHO, is resignation publicity or reward? Why don't you turn off the rewards in the first place

I've seen some of his live streams and videos. He was quiet and didn't speak very fluently. He's just an ordinary guy. There will be hundreds of thousands of people broadcasting live. This could be his salary of not eating or drinking for ten years. This will be done in one day. Whoever it was, he would have an idea in his head

Chen Guoping, an official of the "Anti-Fraud Police Lao Chen", announced his resignation! It's really unwise to be a streamer

This practice is very unreasonable. There was a lot of controversy that day, and it wasn't over. In this way, you will put yourself in the vortex of public opinion. Whether it's public service live or publicity and anti-fraud, when you lose your aura, you are no different from ordinary people. How many people will buy your account

It should be that Lao Chen tentatively tried to figure out how much money he could make in his account, and found that there was a lot of money

It is inevitable that a day's income can last for a year. Opening rewards is not allowed. Closing the reward is painful. It's nice to cut the mess with a quick knife, but I don't know how long the heat lasts

But how do you live without a job? Without life, how can we wholeheartedly do public welfare? Are you a wealthy generation? So, paradoxically, he may have actually misestimated his abilities, and live streaming isn't as simple as he thinks. Of course, when working for public welfare and anti-fraud, there is no interest involved. Of course, it's easy to do, and the mindset is good. But once there is no public office, there is interest, the mentality is different

If he were an ordinary person, would he brush up on a carnival while communicating with others? Carnival is the admiration and appreciation of his cause, not him

Judging from the reactions of netizens, most of them are quite opposed to Lao Chen's resignation as anchor

There must be a helpless reason to choose to leave your favorite profession. If you have been engaged in public welfare since you resigned, we support you. If you don't bring goods on site, don't give gifts, we admire you

Anchor or public office? Lao Chen finally chose to be the anchor, but I still support Lao Chen. The road to anti-fraud public welfare publicity is a long way to go. Let's move on. I hope that Lao Chen can stick to his original intention and not let the netizens and fans who support you disappoint