
In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

author:Old Tam's dish

Entering the spring, the temperature is getting warmer, everything is recovering, the earth is full of vitality, spring is full of spring, and the warm climate is also the most active time for bacteria and viruses, especially in the past two years, the new crown virus has been repeated, in order to avoid being tricked, we must improve our own immunity, in the diet to achieve less meat and more vegetarian, less oil and less salt, eat more seasonal vegetables with high vitamin content, in order to enhance their resistance to bacteria and viruses.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

There are many seasonal vegetables in spring, and it is recommended that you eat more spinach. As a common ingredient in life, spinach is not only cheap, but also rich in a variety of trace elements needed by the human body, especially the content of folic acid and vitamins is the most abundant, often eat some not only can provide the energy needed by the human body, but also enhance their own immunity, so that you are less sick, the following share 3 kinds of spinach delicious methods, there must be you love to eat, come and learn it!

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

Spinach dumplings

Ingredients required: spinach, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, eggs, shrimp skin, shallots and ginger, star anise, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, chicken essence, sesame oil, flour, cornmeal

Method: 1: Prepare a small amount of spinach washed and rooted into segments, carrot peeled and cut into thin strips, 5 fresh mushrooms washed and shredded, 4 eggs stirred and stir-fried.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

2, spinach, carrot shredded, shiitake mushrooms boiling underwater pot blanched water, add a little salt and salad oil to the water can make the vegetables emerald green without blackening, boil on high heat for 1 minute to fish out, and then immediately use cold water to cool, dry the water and set aside.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

3: Put a little bottom oil in the net pot, heat the oil to 30% heat, add green onion, ginger, star anise, fry the aroma with a low heat, then fish out the residue with a colander, and then fry a handful of shrimp skin until golden brown.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

4: Pour all the ingredients such as eggs, spinach, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, shrimp skins into the basin, add salt, pepper, chicken essence, oyster sauce, sesame oil to taste, and then add a handful of flour to mix well to increase the stickiness of the filling.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

5, bring disposable gloves, knead the vegetable filling into a dough, take another bowl, put 1:1 flour and cornmeal in the bowl, mix well, put the dough into the bowl and gently roll, so that the surface of the dough is wrapped with a layer of dry powder, and then use your hands to make the dry powder adhere tightly to the dough.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

6: Add water to the pot, spread the steaming cloth, put the dumplings on the pot with cold water, then cover the pot and steam for 15 minutes on high heat.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

7, after the time, turn off the heat and simmer for two minutes, so that the delicious spinach dumplings will be ready, you can also use vinegar, flavor Dame, chili oil simply mixed into the sauce, dipped in eating is also good.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

Spinach with minced garlic

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

Ingredients required: spinach, garlic, soy sauce, salt

Directions: 1: Prepare a handful of spinach, remove the roots and wash them, cut into segments, pat the two cloves of garlic with a knife, and cut into minced garlic for later.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

2: Boil water in a pot, bring to a boil over high heat and add spinach blanched. Because spinach contains oxalic acid, it will have a bitter taste when eaten, so be sure to blanch it.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

3, put a little bottom oil in the net pot, heat the oil and then add the minced garlic to fry the incense, then put the drained spinach into the pot, stir-fry a few times, cook a little soy sauce along the edge of the pot, add a little salt to taste, stir-fry evenly over high heat to get out of the pot and plate.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

Spinach tofu soup

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

Ingredients required: spinach, tofu, pork belly, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil

1: Prepare a small handful of spinach, wash and remove the roots and cut into segments, cut the tofu into small pieces, wash and cut the green onions into green onions, and cut the pork belly into cubes.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

2: Put a little bottom oil in the pot, add the pork belly cubes and fry the oil, then add the green onion and stir-fry, add the appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

3: Put the chopped tofu into the pot, add a little salt and MSG to taste, and simmer for 3 minutes over medium heat.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat

4: Put the spinach into the pot, change the heat to cook for 1 minute, and finally pour a little sesame oil on the plate.

In the spring, it is better not to eat meat to eat it, simply stir-fry, iron and blood and delicious, more fragrant than meat
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