
Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

author:Red Net

Red Network Moment News April 9 news (correspondent Zhu Jianping) Following the signing of the national wisdom dad Huang Lei as the "Jiabei Aite Goat Milk Recommendation Ambassador" in 2019, leading the goat milk from "niche to mainstream", on April 9, Jiabei Aite heavy official announced the addition of a new spokesperson Tang Yan as "Jiabei Aite Better Nutrition Selection Officer". The goat milk "bellwether" joined hands with the "double endorsement" of star parents to recommend the baby feeding of the new generation of parents to be more preferred, opening a new era of goat milk feeding.

Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding
Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

"Focus + professional", goat milk Jiabei Aite into Huang Lei Tang Yan joint choice

As film and television actors, Huang Lei and Tang Yan uphold the spirit of dedication and professionalism in their acting careers, and with a number of excellent works and a number of classic roles, they have become the representatives of "powerful actors", which coincides with Jiabei Aite's deep cultivation of the goat milk industry, and is loved and trusted by consumers with high-quality products and services.

All along, Huang Lei's unique parenting concept has been well received by people, and the image of "smart dad" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When the goat milk category was still a single product tried by a few people, Huang Lei gave his children goat milk, and after his careful study, he found that goat milk was as "niche but high quality" as the drama he loved, and he firmly believed that goat milk would become more and more popular. Working with Jiabei Aite for three years, he witnessed the development path of "mainstreaming" of goat milk as a "goat milk recommendation ambassador".

From the first appearance of the role of "Zi Xuan" in "Immortal Sword 3" to the subversion of the inherent sweet image in "Homecoming", Tang Yan is always constantly breaking through herself, just to pursue better. As a representative of the new generation of mothers, her trendy parenting concept makes her insist on being better herself at the same time, but also to give her baby better. As the first mother and baby brand endorsement, Tang Yan knows the importance of "choosing the right one at the beginning" on the road of parenting, she said: "Choose the right goat milk category, choose the right goat milk brand, so I choose Jiabei Aite." ”

"Nutritional value + feeding effect" dual simulation of breast milk leads the new trend of goat milk feeding

With the post-90s and post-95s becoming the main group of parenting, bringing new parenting and consumption concepts, and constantly pursuing better for babies. Goat milk is more and more favored by natural advantages such as "nutrient-rich, good digestion and absorption". Coupled with the orderly guidance of national policies, big-name dairy enterprises have laid out, and multiple benefits have pressed the acceleration button for the rise of the new trend of goat milk feeding.

In line with the consumer trend and in order to meet consumers' pursuit of better nutrition, in 2021, Jiabei Aite upgraded its brand strategy - "giving better nutrition to babies", and carried out a full range of top grid resources matching support strategy landing. Gabe Aite controls 80% of the world's goat whey protein supply, using rare goat milk from its own farms in the Netherlands, and selects better sheep whey protein for use in the production of GabeT goat milk powder products.

Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

Gabet knows that breast milk is the gold standard for infant and young child nutrition. In order to get closer to this ultimate goal, Jiabei Aite adheres to the scientific research concept of "advocating breast milk, studying breast milk, simulating breast milk", focuses on the research of goat milk and breast milk, and carries out extensive research on breast milk and goat milk in China, the United States, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Mexico and other places through the cooperation model of "integration of production, education and research", and also jointly established the "Sheep Milk Milk Milking Research Center" with Jiangnan University. At present, Jiabei Aite has carried out more than 30 projects in China and overseas, and the number of papers published ranks first in goat milk powder brands, laying a solid scientific research theoretical foundation for the development of better infant formula milk powder.

Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

Relying on Ausnutria's "Global Top Ten Breast Milk Research Projects" and China's only "Global Chinese Breast Milk Database", Jiabei Aite has made full use of and transformed the research results of goat milk breast milk, including simulations in amino acid optimization, vegetable oil and structural lipid ratios, and osmolality of breast milk. Through global scientific research and clinical verification, Jiabei Aite has better realized the dual simulation of "nutritional value" and "feeding effect" of goat milk. Based on this, Jiabei Aite proposed the "Golden Feeding Specialty", taking the nutritional value and feeding effect of breast milk as the benchmark, redefining the new standard of "giving the baby better nutrition", better meeting the needs of the new generation of parents for more optimal feeding of the baby, and leading the new trend of goat milk feeding.

"Brand + Channel" Dual Engine Drive Nutrition every family with better goat milk

As the main force of milk powder consumption, the new generation of parents advocate scientific baby raising and also pursue more personalization, they have high standards for nutrition and function when choosing milk powder, and pay more and more attention to the recognition of brand concepts.

Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

The official announcement of the opening of "double endorsement" is another important starting point for Jiabei Aite to continue to enhance its brand power. The star double endorsement combination of "smart dad" Huang Lei and "fashionable hot mom" Tang Yan not only means that the mainstream trend of goat milk is becoming more and more obvious, but also represents the parenting choice of the new generation of parents who pursue "better nutrition for their babies".

Jiabei Aite said that it will adhere to the "brand + channel" dual engine drive strategy, will continue to deeply embrace the channel, from the "terminal image construction, marketing promotion activities, consumer services" and other aspects of the joint efforts, and constantly embrace and empower the development of channels, and strive to provide consumers with better products and experiences.

At the same time, Jiabei Aite's star single "Yue Bai" was also newly listed with the double endorsement official. From the "milk source, nutrition, technology, packaging" and other aspects of the upgrade, the unique "Zhuoneng Nutrition Group", and through global scientific research and clinical evidence, breakthrough in the "top ten golden feeding" effect. From brand power, to channel power, product power, Jiabei Aite firmly grasps the latest consumer trends, and continues to move towards the strategic goal of "Jiabei Aite = synonymous with goat milk".

Jiabei Aite official announced the "double endorsement" of Tang Yan and Huang Lei, opening a new era of goat milk feeding

In 2021, Jiabei Aite achieved revenue of nearly 3.35 billion. In the international market, Jiabei Aite sells well in more than 60 countries and regions, and the position of "bellwether" of goat milk continues to consolidate. According to Nielsen IQ imported baby and toddler goat milk powder retail tracking data, from 2018 to 2021, Jiabei Aite has sold more than 60% of China's imported baby and toddler goat milk powder for four consecutive years.

Jiabei Aite said that he hopes that through this time, through the cooperation with celebrity parents, the spread of the advantages of goat milk can be further increased. In the future, Jiabei Aite will continue to shoulder the responsibility and responsibility of "the world's first brand of goat milk", continue to promote and lead the research of goat milk, use better goat milk nutrition for every family, and contribute to the construction of healthy China with better nutrition.

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