
Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Xiuyang Village, located in a mountain pass in the southwest of Qidu, Minqing County.

At the mouth of the village, there is a White Lion Mountain, with undulating peaks and verdant layers. On the hillside is a general's palace. Inside the palace, General Su Guang held a large knife in his hand, looked at the mountain pass, and guarded the side of the town to ensure the tranquility of the people of Xiuyang. And Xiuyang Village is in the embrace of this seven famous mountains, the back stream water flowing from the mountain stream is the source of the Mother River in Minqing County, surrounded by mountains and waters, the four seasons are clear, so that this small mountain village of hundreds of people is fully contaminated with the spirit of the earth, and the fog is swirling, like a fairy palace, alone. Although the dynasties changed at that time, the wind and clouds outside, the beautiful ocean in the mountain pass was not shocked, and people cultivated and read heirlooms, which had a long history. From the fifth year of the Song Dynasty (1027) to the twelfth year of Guangxu at the end of the Qing Dynasty (1900), Xiuyang Village passed the imperial examination and was named 61 jinshi, and there were 75 non-jinshi shizu in the government and the public.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village
Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Stepping into Xiuyang Village is like stepping into an ancient memory. The "Wenchang Pavilion" on the Murabu Xiangxian Square is very eye-catching, and the black marble is engraved with the biographies of 61 jinshi. The leader was Huang Wenhuan, an alternate candidate for the Qing Dynasty Cabinet University.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Huang Wenhuan was born in the twenty-fourth year of the Ming Wanli Calendar, was admitted to the township Xiucai at the age of fourteen, was a county magistrate at the age of 28, and went to Beijing at the age of 30 to pass the zhongjinshi and the first. He has successively served as the commander of Panyu in Guangdong, Haiyang and Fengyang County in Jiangsu. During his tenure, Huang Wenhuan attached great importance to Nongsang, built water conservancy, and at the same time was honest and honest, loved the people like a son, and was famous for being in the government and the opposition. In the eleventh year of Qing Chongzhen, Huang Wenhuan was ordered to enter Beijing as the compiler of the Hanlin Academy, in charge of revising the history of the country, drafting edicts, and later promoted to the cabinet of university candidates (named Jin Ou) to assist the emperor in handling copywriting. In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen (1638), Huang Wenhuan resigned from the government and returned to Jia, writing books and teaching mainly scriptures. During these 20 years, Huang Wenhuan compiled and published 34 works and 59 volumes such as "Poetry Classics" and "Poetry Classics Examination", and was known as the "Master of Classics".

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Come to the ancestral home of Huang Wenhuan Erye Ancestral Hall, the lotus leaf field in front of the door, the shadow of the sparkling lake, reflecting the color of the pink wall Dewa. The mottled walls leave pen and ink dotted, as if entering the smoke-like past. His ancestral home was built in the third year of Liang Zhenming Yihai (915) after five generations, sitting in the west and facing the east "purple qi east", and the feng shui side is unique. On both sides of the main gate, a couplet, "Jiang Xia's family is loud, Tiger Hill Isze is long", it is clear at a glance.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Entering the hall, the five red columns on both sides were freshly painted, and the five pairs of couplets were facing each other, and the walls of the hall were shining. However, the biggest attraction is still a wooden plaque hanging in the middle of the hall, with the word "Jinshi" written on it, which is not small, and it is the Chongzhen Emperor of the Qing Dynasty who inscribed the imperial gift of the real handiwork, and was named Xiuyang "Jinshi Village". On both sides of the hall is another couplet inscribed by Huang Wenhuan's return to his hometown to worship his ancestors. Lian Yue: "The Holy Lord and the Sage Sect are all out of this way, and once they are good for hundreds of generations, they can be fixed." These poems and couplets all record the traditional virtues that the people of Xiuyang Village have consistently advocated, "good cultivation and good reading, advocating literature and etiquette, loving the hometown and the people, and accumulating goodness and protecting the country".

"Advocating culture and etiquette, accumulating goodness and protecting the country" is a traditional virtue preserved by Duke Wen Huan before his death, and we later generations must carry it forward.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

In March last year, the 36th generation of the Huang clan of the Tiger Hill Erye Ancestral Hall, the township sage Huang Yizhen, got rich and did not forget the village, donated 600,000 yuan to build roads and pavilions, and repaid the township. On the Xiangxian Cultural Square he built, the bronze statue of Huang Wenhuan stands quietly. In Wenchang Pavilion, large-scale colorful murals such as "Red Culture", "Jinshi Culture" and "Architectural Culture" have different styles, one is not lacking in inheriting traditional cultural themes, and there are also propaganda contents that carry forward the core values of socialism, which is quite rich. Fully express the humanistic and historical story of the Xiuyang people who are in the same vein as ancient and modern culture. In the ancestral home of the Erye Ancestral Temple, Huang Yizhen, a 71-year-old member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, personally founded the "Xiuyang Village Calligraphy Studio" and arranged it with a new interior full of famous ink paintings. In the spacious hall, there are tables and chairs, and the primary school students concentrate on drawing one stroke at a time, practicing pen and writing with ink. The strokes reveal a lively and lovely new era of youth. Let people see the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which is inherited and developed here.

Huang Wenhuan's traditional virtue of "accumulating goodness and protecting the country" not only inspired the ancient people, but also inspired generations of Xiuyang people to strive for the realization of lofty revolutionary ideals.

As the site of the old revolutionary area, Xiuyang Village Guowangcuo is even warmer and more comfortable in the cold winter sunshine. After more than 100 years, several pine trees in the back mountain are still green and lush. A cold wind blew through, and the orange pine needles scattered on the ground, telling the extraordinary revolutionary history of Xiuyang Village.

At the end of 1946, Wu Shengduan, a guerrilla leader in Fuzhou Min (Qing) Yong (Tai), used the name of haircuts as a cover to carry out revolutionary secret activities in the Xiuyang area. Recruit young people from the village, such as Chen Hao and Huang Jiayu, to join the Minyong guerrilla organization. At the same time, a group of guerrillas were developed from these people and the revolutionary contingent was strengthened. In the winter of 1948, Chen Fujie, a Xiuyang progressive student studying at the Provincial Minqing Middle School, voluntarily joined the underground party of the City Work Department under the influence of Huang Shijie of the City Work Department of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Later Chen Fujie developed his nephew Chen Qingxian to join the party. In March 1949, the two teams were instructed by the higher-level party organization to merge to establish an underground secret liaison station in Xiuyang Village. Undaunted by hardships and dangers, they gather intelligence everywhere, raise food and medicine, and manufacture guns and weapons to support the Platon Army. Moreover, through the establishment of peasant associations, the peasants were mobilized to resist grain and taxes and resist the local rich and bully, and effectively cracked down on the arrogance of the enemy. During this period, the two teams developed a total of 4 underground party members, 11 guerrillas, and 25 peasants participated in the peasant association organization. To this day, Xiuyang Village still retains the ruins of the former sites of the underground party activities, the Guowangcuo and the Yangzhongcuo. In December 2013, the People's Government of Minqing County approved Xiuyang Village as an old revolutionary area.

"At present, these three old revolutionary areas are the main fronts for the red education of party members in the village." Huang Shengyan, secretary of the party branch of Xiuyang Village, said that whenever party members are active, the party branch will organize party members to visit these revolutionary sites and recall the years of revolutionary struggle. Let party members take a party lesson, revisit the oath of joining the party, and receive a party education. In this way, everyone did not forget the original intention, kept in mind the mission, carried forward the revolutionary tradition, inherited the red gene, and contributed to the construction of beautiful villages.

After the years of beacon fire, Xiuyang people have entered a new era of reform and opening up.

In the winter of 1990, several skilled craftsmen in the village got together to discuss the establishment of the Xiuyang Engineering Construction Team. Because the state did not open an individual construction market at that time, the village had to be attached to the collective name of the Tazhuang Construction Society. Huang Shengyan, secretary of the village party branch, recalled that the first project to take over at that time was two six-story buildings in Zhenghe County, northern Fujian, which was the tallest building in Zhenghe County. Because the Xiuyang construction team can bear hardships and stand hard work, seiko and meticulous work, the project is delivered on time and according to the quality of the acceptance and use, and wins a good reputation in the society. Subsequently, the construction team took advantage of the victory and attacked, and in a few years, it has undertaken many construction projects in more than a dozen counties and cities such as Nanping and Xiamen, with an annual output value of two or three million yuan, an increase of eight or nine times over the early days of the team. In 1996, in order to further expand and strengthen the construction market, the Xiuyang construction team divided into several small teams to open up the market outside the province. After more than 30 years of development, at present, Xiuyang Village has 10 construction engineering companies to undertake construction projects in 7 provinces and cities such as Hubei and Hunan, and the output value of Jian'an is more than 300 million yuan, becoming a well-known "architectural village". Huang Shengyan also happily told us that at present, more than 230 families in Xiuyang Village have people working hard in this industry, and more than 97% of the villagers' economic income comes from the construction industry. The construction industry has changed the face of Xiuyang Village and allowed the villagers to live a happy new life.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Stroll through Xiuyang Village, new houses are lined up, Western-style buildings are exquisite, and new houses and ancient houses are scattered and reflect each other. Public cultural facilities such as parks, greenways, and happiness homes for the elderly are readily available in the village, and the beautiful atmosphere of the new era is exuded everywhere. The bougainvillea and camellia flowers on both sides of the road are also holding their breath in the cold winter and competing to bloom. The melons, fruits and vegetables of the 100 acres of fertile fields also grow in the wind, and a beautiful rural scene of "Nanshan and autumn colors, the momentum is suitable for both" is displayed in front of people.

Ancient village new business card Minqing Pagoda Zhuang Xiuyang Village

Walking in the hazy night of Xiuyang Village, three beautiful cultural business cards, lit the lights of the mountain village, but also illuminated the hearts of the villagers, colorful, colorful!

Author: Chen Qibin

Source: Meicheng Daily

Comprehensive Editor: Enjoy Minqing

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