
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

author:People sit in Germany laughing and gossiping

After 106 days of divorce, Big S remarried; the object was Gu Junye, a member of the first love of K-pop Dragon. For a time, the media people were shocked by this movie-like reality plot. Everyone is gossiping about the past between the Cool Dragon Group and the Big and Small S twenty years ago. Gu Junye, who has withdrawn from the mainstream of the entertainment industry for many years, and the cool dragon group he belongs to have become the focus of everyone's archaeology.

The cool dragon group is composed of two people, Gu Junye has recently been pulled to the bottom of the pants by everyone is almost gone, this article, we mainly take you to understand Jiang Yuanlai.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

Jiang Yuanlai, born in South Korea on December 21, 1969, is 1.83 meters tall.

Gu Junye and Jiang Yuanlai were classmates as early as Gyeonggi High School and were also very passionate about dancing, and they began to compete in major dance competitions as soon as they first met, and won the first place in a university competition, began to receive attention, and thus stepped into the entertainment circle.


Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

1996年,在姜元来的劝说之下,具俊晔‬姜元来‬两人‬再次合体,同时‬被知名的制作人金昌焕挖掘,组成的酷龙团体出道。 In order to increase the memory point, Gu Junye looks handsome and bald, while Jiang Yuanlai appears in a dashing long hair style. This shape also became the symbol of the future cool dragon.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

Cool Dragon music is a typical Korean dance music style. The two members with delicacy in the rough are also staunch believers in rapping, not only can play a pure black rap singing method, but also use rap to deeply interpret tear-jerking love songs.

Jiang Yuanlai's slender and upright body, humorous and lively personality, free, weird and alternative superb and outstanding dance skills are powerful weapons to conquer fans, and the image of a bald tough guy with a handsome face is in contrast.

The first album ,"Are you ready", combined hip-hop, R&B, rap style songs shocked the Korean music scene at the time. 拿下了首尔歌谣大赏,金灿韵大赏人气,选手奖年度歌手奖多项‬奖项,让酷龙乐团一炮而红,也在乐坛发起了酷龙旋风。

隔年,酷龙推出第二张专辑“one more time”,其中几首歌更是红遍亚洲,像是“脱离城市”,《bing Bing bing》这两首‬传唱度‬超高‬的‬歌曲‬便是‬出自‬这张‬专辑‬。

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

After the release of the third album "Funky Together", Kulong came to Taiwan to promote it and held his first concert. 也就是‬这次‬台湾行‬,让‬具俊晔‬和‬大‬S展开了一场‬虐恋‬。 之后‬大小‬S到‬韩国‬做节目‬,酷龙‬也是‬全程‬陪同‬;可以说‬,姜元来‬是‬具俊晔‬和‬大‬S恋情‬的‬重要‬见证人‬。

酷龙团体继续推出的‬第4张专辑“New World“,在亚洲更创下了超过百万的销售成绩, 成为了名副其实的亚洲天团,也是韩流跨向亚洲的始祖。

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

In 2001. Jiang Yuanlai in the Cool Dragon Group in the middle of the day had a tragedy that surprised everyone at this time. 31岁的姜元来骑重型‬机车车外出时遭到不守‬交通规则的货车迎面撞上,因为伤势过于严重,导致下半身全部瘫痪,雪上加霜的是车祸,官司缠身,长达三年。

In these three long years, the good brother Gu Junye and his girlfriend Jin Song'er, who has been in love with Jiang Yuanlai for nearly ten years, are its strong support.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

Gu Junye refused the economic company's plan to arrange for him to fly alone; he even rented a house near the hospital where Jiang Yuanlai was located, so that he and Jiang Yuanlai's family could take turns to take care of Jiang Yuanlai's life.

After Jiang Yuanlai was paralyzed, he was desperate and angry in his heart; he often yelled at his girlfriend At the time, Jin Song'er, hoping that the other party would leave him as a wasted person. And Jin Song'er took care of Jiang Yuanlai as always and helped him rebuild.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

The year after the accident, that is, in 2001, Jiang Yuanlai and his wife Jin Song'er married and registered. The car accident lawsuit ended in 2003 and the two married in the same year.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

In 2005, Jiang Yuanlai's physical and mental condition returned to stability, and Kulong reunited and released an album. On the cover of this album, Jiang Yuanlai and Gu Junye are in a wheelchair together. In the later performances, a wheelchair dance was also specially designed, and the two of them sang and danced together in a wheelchair, which was also touched by the old fans.

On November 30, 2005, in a book published about his desire for life and love for the people around him, Jiang Yuanlai told the story of how he was desperate due to his disability and how he regained hope, and at the same time, he donated all the copyright proceeds to the Pume Dream Foundation's Rehabilitation Special Hospital Construction Fund.

In May 2007, Jiang Yuanlai served as the publicity ambassador of the 7th World Conference on The Disabled, and in November of the same year, he was awarded the Korean Disabled People's Cultural Merit Medal, and on December 24, the Korean Taijiren Ski Association awarded the future disabled ski ambassadors.

In 2008, Jiang Yuanlai became a visiting professor at Hanchung University in Donghae, South Korea. In the same year, under the leadership of Kang Won-lai, talented disabled people gathered to form a ghost wandering troupe, which performed all over Korea.

In 2009, Kang Won-lai was awarded the honorary citizen title by Donghae City for his work at Hanchung University, and in July of the same year, he became the publicity ambassador of the National Rehabilitation Institute of Korea. In November, Kang Won-lai was appointed vice president of the Korean Association for the Promotion of Culture for the Disabled.

In 2012, Kang Won-lai entered the Film Department of Seoul Digital Culture and Art University in South Korea and became a publicity ambassador of Seoul Digital Culture and Arts University. In the same year, Kang Won-lai became the donation ambassador of Korean human body tissue.

Although Jiang Yuanlai was paralyzed, he actively participated in various activities and actively helped the disabled, bringing dreams and hopes to the disabled.

In the more than ten years since Jiang Yuanlai married his wife Jin Song'er, although they wanted a child, they had not succeeded. Beloved pet dog Doldol became a source of happiness for them. Unfortunately, Doldol was diagnosed with lymphocytic leukemia in 2011, which is at an advanced stage. Veterinarians say Doldol has only two months left to live. The couple said it was a big blow. In order to spend more time with your dog. The couple made a bucket list: starting with a group photo, then going to the beach, and finally playing in the snow, which was Doldol's favorite place. Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Yuanlai and Doldol last appeared together on February 9, 2014. Doldol died while making a guest appearance on the SBS show Animal Farm.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

On June 11, 2014, when Jiang Yuanlai and Jin Song had not yet calmed the pain of the death of their dog, there was suddenly good news: Jiang Yuanlai's wife Jin Song'er successfully gave birth to a son. Since the two had tried IVF seven times but failed, they finally succeeded in the eighth, giving them a new hope.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

Jiang Yuanlai's wife confessed that because her husband, who had been taking care of the disabled for a long time, had felt desperate, there were frequent quarrels in his life, and even threw things at each other. The arrival of the child quickly warmed up the feelings of the two. At the moment of giving birth to the child, the two were excited and burst into tears.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

In 2018, the Cool Dragon team joined forces and participated in the opening ceremony of the Changping Paralympic Games in South Korea.

In the process of Jiang Yuanlai's interview with the media, a reporter asked Jiang Yuanlai a question that may be a little offensive: "If you choose, are you willing to have a healthy body and lose the two most important lovers in your life, or are you willing to be a wheelchair for life to have two sincere feelings?" After listening to the reporter's question, Jiang Yuanlai was silent, just quietly shedding tears, and after a while he said to the camera, I don't know.

Life is difficult, bless Jiang Yuanlai.

Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation
Car accident paralysis amputation: brother Gu Junye's girlfriend does not abandon, cool dragon member Jiang Yuanlai is reborn in a desperate situation

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