
Will you send troops to the Taiwan Strait? The top general of the US military: If the People's Liberation Army closes down, it will let the mainland end up like Russia


The top US military attaché recently made harsh remarks about China. According to the Observer Network on April 8, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is the top general of the US military, Mark M. Millikin recently declared at a Senate hearing that the United States needs to continue to help the Taiwan authorities strengthen its military capabilities, and that the United States should at the same time prove to the Chinese mainland that it is a very, very difficult thing to close taiwan.

The hearing was initiated by the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee to review the U.S. military budget for 2023. During the hearing, the Chinese threat was rendered and became Mark. Milley gave an account of the "sharp weapon" for creating a new military budget in the history of the United States. In written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Milley claimed that the U.S. military is increasingly inadequate to suppress the PLA in the fields of sea, land, sky, space, cyber, and nuclear.

Will you send troops to the Taiwan Strait? The top general of the US military: If the People's Liberation Army closes down, it will let the mainland end up like Russia

Milli's timeline continues to play up the Threat of China, saying that the PLA will have a comprehensive ability to close Taiwan in 2027, pose a threat to us military hegemony on a global scale in 2035, and around 2050, China will fundamentally break through US rules. When asked by lawmakers whether the United States would intervene in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, Milley claimed that the United States would intervene in the Taiwan Strait, but the best defensive measures in the Taiwan region should be carried out by the Taiwan authorities themselves.

At the same time, Milley also made remarks that clearly provoked the one-China principle, saying that if the PLA closes taiwan, the United States will support the Taiwan authorities, just like Ukraine now, and the United States will let the mainland fall to the same fate as Russia. The settlement of the Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China, and there is no comparison between Taiwan and Ukraine. In Milley's remarks, it is worthy of vigilance that the United States intends to push the Taiwan authorities to the front of the stage serving the interests of the United States, in an attempt to manipulate the cross-strait war crisis behind the scenes by continuously sending wrong signals to the Taiwan authorities. In this regard, the Chinese side has long clarified the bottom line: those who play with fire will set themselves on fire.

Will you send troops to the Taiwan Strait? The top general of the US military: If the People's Liberation Army closes down, it will let the mainland end up like Russia

Unlike the conflict between China and Russia and Ukraine in the Ukrainian situation, the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affair, and if the United States blindly acts as an aggressor in the Taiwan Strait to split China, then Sino-US relations will not exist. The "dispatch of troops to the Taiwan Strait" that the US side is eager to try, similar to the Korean and Vietnam wars, is a false proposition that the US side cannot afford the price.

What is worth noting is that the top US military attaché, Milley, just threatened cross-strait reunification with the hegemonic behavior of the United States in the Ukrainian situation. U.S. Defense Secretary Austin, who also attended the hearing, gave a very different statement from Milley. Austin claimed that the situation in Ukraine and the situation in the Taiwan Strait were not suitable for direct comparison, and that the two were completely different situations. Austin said he would work on exporting US-made arms to the Taiwan authorities.

Will you send troops to the Taiwan Strait? The top general of the US military: If the People's Liberation Army closes down, it will let the mainland end up like Russia

Former US Secretary of State Pompeo previously mentioned in his speech that lying, cheating, and stealing are the glory of the United States. Depending on the interests that the US side wants and the threats it faces, the US side's remarks are often contradictory, and the US behavior is often capricious. In the more than 30 years since the end of the Cold War, it has become increasingly difficult for the United States to support the proper appearance of a major country.

On the morning of April 7, US media disclosed that US House Speaker Pelosi would carry out a so-called "visit" to Taiwan during his trip to Asia. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council directly showdowns with the United States, and the Foreign Ministry said in a serious tone that if this move is completed, it will seriously infringe on Sino-US relations and China's sovereignty, and the United States will be responsible for all the consequences caused by China's countermeasures. On the evening of April 7, Pelosi's office issued a statement on social media saying that Pelosi suddenly tested positive for COVID-19 and that her visit was postponed.

For the American part of the people who are still immortal in dividing China, they should be prepared to let them suffer at once.