
In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

author:Meta history

Since modern times, China has struggled for a long time on the road of independence and self-improvement, and the people of Chinese have lofty ambitions and are not afraid. Finally, an independent new China stood tall in the east of the world. In this process, countless revolutionary martyrs used their blood to pave the kangzhuang avenue through peace, and Yang Hucheng was a typical representative.

As a famous general during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yang Hucheng made great efforts to China's revolutionary cause, but unfortunately he did not get a good death in the end. After being brutally killed by the enemy, his body was found in 1949, and many people left tears in the face of his body, and Deng Gong also tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

First, young people have great ambitions

On November 26, 1893, a small mountain village in Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province, ushered in a new life, and his father named him "Yang Hucheng" and "Long", hoping that he could live for a long time.

Because the family is an ordinary peasant family, Yang Hucheng has been very sensible since he was a child, doing housework and doing farm work. At that time, in the homes of ordinary peasant households, even eating and drinking became a problem, let alone studying, so Yang Hucheng did not receive much education, and only attended school for two years.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

Affected by the domestic environment at that time, his father died when he was 14 years old, and the burden of the family has since fallen on the teenager. After his father's death, Yang Hucheng actively earned a living, and a few years later, he entered the military camp as a soldier and trained his skills.

After entering the barracks, Yang Hucheng deeply understood the instability in the country at that time, and he longed to go to battle to kill the enemy, quell the rebellion, and live in peace and tranquility among the unarmed people. However, he was only a teenager at the time.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

Later, with his outstanding courage and skill, he became a knifeman in the Shaanxi region. In 1916, he was officially incorporated into the Shaanxi Army, and at the age of 24, he wrote with a pen: "The northwest mountains and rivers are high and long, how can a boy be an old hometown, the yellow river after the wave pushes the front wave, jump on the wave head to do a battle." The verse hopes that he can dedicate his own strength to the revolutionary cause of the motherland.

Second, unfortunately, he sacrificed his life for the country

In 1931, the September 18 Incident broke out, and the Japanese army began to carry out local armed aggression against the mainland, and the whole society fell into great panic. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek still adhered to the principle of "foreign countries must first be at home", adopted a passive anti-Japanese attitude, and aimed the spearhead at the Communist Party.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's approach, Yang Hucheng was very dissatisfied; he clearly knew that at this time, the national crisis was in the forefront, and the only way for the Kuomintang and the Communists to temporarily abandon the concept of the enemy and ourselves and unite to crack down on Japanese aggression was the right thing to do, but what was helpless was that Chiang Kai-shek did not adopt his suggestion at all. Therefore, Yang Hucheng began to plan a major event.

In 1936, when the Xi'an Incident broke out, Yang Hucheng and his friend Zhang Xueliang detained Chiang Kai-shek when he came to Xi'an to inspect his work, forcing Chiang Kai-shek to stop the civil war and cooperate with the Communists to resist Japan. In the face of the situation at that time, Chiang Kai-shek finally nodded his head in agreement, but his heart had already given Zhang Yang and the two of them a hard note.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

Soon after, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Yang Hucheng to be transferred to work abroad, ostensibly to get him to work, but in fact he was placed under house arrest abroad. Although he was in the ocean, Yang Hucheng's heart did not leave his homeland at all, he paid great attention to the war at home, and began to publicize the War of Resistance Against Japan abroad and contribute his strength to the revolution.

From the moment he went abroad, Yang Hucheng thought that he wanted to return to China as soon as possible. Under the repeated communication with Chiang Kai-shek, Yang Hucheng was finally allowed to return to China, but what he did not know was that Chiang Kai-shek had long wanted to get rid of him, and this time his return to China was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

After many twists and turns, Yang Hucheng finally returned to his motherland a year later, at the same time, Chiang Kai-shek sent Dai Kasa to meet him, but during this time Dai Kasa did not attack Yang Hucheng. Soon after, Dai Kasa was ordered to imprison him in a cave. At this time, Yang Hucheng suddenly realized that Chiang Kai-shek's purpose was to get rid of him.

In December of the same year, Yang Hucheng's family and secretary were also imprisoned, and this imprisonment was 12 years. In prison, Yang Hucheng often heard his wife's lamentations, which caused great harm to his body and mind, and his family and friends were in such a situation, but he could not do anything about it.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

On the eve of the end of the Liberation War in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan and ordered the killing of Yang Hucheng and his party. Not only that, in order not to leave a handle, Chiang Kai-shek also ordered his subordinates to destroy the corpses with salt and stirrup water afterwards. In this way, Yang Hucheng's life came to an end at the age of 56.

Third, return to the hometown

The Communist Party, which was preparing for the founding of the country at the time, immediately sent people to search for his body after learning of Yang Hucheng's murder, but how could this be an easy task. After a long search, the Communist Party finally got concrete information.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

The search team immediately went to the location mentioned in the message, but the scene that came into view made everyone present tremble - many corpses were lying in a mess, their faces unrecognizable, and the surrounding blood stains were mottled.

Because the damage to the body was so great that it was impossible to identify which one belonged to General Yang Hucheng, the search team moved it to another place to wait for his relatives to identify it. But even so, in the face of unrecognizable bodies, even the closest relatives cannot be distinguished. Finally, a military doctor who had had a tooth for General Yang Hucheng identified his body.

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

As soon as it was confirmed, the central government immediately proceeded to re-bury the general's body and buried it in the "General Yang Hucheng Martyrs' Cemetery" in Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. After general Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Gong looked at the body and said with great sorrow, "Give the general a better coffin, don't be afraid to spend money." ”


In prison, General Yang Hucheng experienced inhuman tribulations, but he always adhered to his faith and insisted on his belief that he would fight to the end for the country and the people. Even if he is crushed to pieces, he must warn the people of the world: "I would rather jiang bear me, and I will never live up to the great national righteousness." ”。

In 1949, when Yang Hucheng's body was found, Deng Xiaoping tearfully instructed: Change a good coffin, don't be afraid to spend money

Only the battlefield is dead for the country, why should Ma Ge wrap the body back. General Yang Hucheng has made outstanding contributions to China's revolutionary cause and is a great hero of the people. In the journey of new China, there are many martyrs like him, who are not afraid of sacrifice, dare to fight, and are eager to repay the country and the people with their enthusiasm. Here, hats off to all the heroes!