
Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

author:Brain holes illuminate life v

As we all know, each country has its own unique culture, so some cultural differences can easily lead to embarrassing situations, like there are many people, after coming to other countries, for some local things, and feel incomprehensible, for example, in the United Kingdom cars are driving on the left, in some places in Japan, their traffic lights, actually "blue, yellow and red", and Costa Rican streets do not have names, according to this aspect of the editor said, the Dutch answer the phone do not say hello? Strange things about 9 different countries that really exist!

1, the British drive on the left

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

In most countries in the world, cars are driven on the right side, but in Britain, on the contrary, the country is driven on the left side, in fact, the reason for this is because the ancient Romans drove the carriage, they all drove on the left side, and archaeologists found that Roman soldiers always marched on the left side, this is because most people are right-handed, when encountering the enemy, it is more convenient to pull out the weapons on their bodies, and because of this, the British have retained this tradition.

2, Japan uses "blue, yellow and red" signal lights

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

Japan's streets are not lacking in interesting attractions, for example, traffic lights, and other countries are different, Japan's traffic lights color, there is a clear difference, we all know that the normal three colors of signal lights are red, yellow and green, and Japan's three colors of signal lights are red, yellow and blue, because in Japanese cyan, including green and blue, many people in Japan like to use blue, blue and green are also in the same spectral area, therefore, this traffic light for foreigners may be very confused, But in the eyes of the Japanese, this is a very normal thing.

3, The Dutchman answers the phone and doesn't say hello

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

If you call a Dutchman, the way the other party answers the phone may be difficult for you to understand, because they will not say hello, but self-sign, because in dutch social etiquette, it is impolite not to identify, in real life, when meeting others, you must first say your own name, rather than saying hello as we understand it, honorifics such as hello, in Dutch social etiquette, can actually be omitted.

4. Austrian toilet flush hole in front

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

In the vast majority of countries in the world, the toilets used in the world, the flushing holes in the inside are backward, but in Austria is an exception, they use the toilet flushing holes are in the front, why is it designed? According to locals, such a design is to be able to observe their own feces before flushing the toilet, because through the state of feces, it is often possible to determine whether there are some diseases in the digestive system, and if there is a problem, it is easy to choose to collect stool samples, and it will not be affected by sewage.

5, there is a lot of space under the American public toilet

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

Public toilets in the United States often confuse foreigners, this is because the space under the public toilet door is too large, and the public toilet door space in other countries is about a little above the ankle, but in the United States, the public toilet door space is actually fast to the knee position, which completely loses the privacy space, what is the intention of such a design? There is no single answer, some people say that this kind of door is convenient for cleaning the floor, in addition, some people think that it is for safety reasons, if there is any problem with the people inside, it can be easier to see!

6, Costa Rica streets have no name

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

If you travel to Costa Rica, then one thing to be aware of, is that the streets of this country do not have names, which means that no one knows the exact location, and many locals tend to use the city's famous monuments as a reference when sending things, and because of this, the loss of mail is not uncommon, according to a 2010 study found that the economic loss caused by mail loss, reached 720 million US dollars.

7, Italian cappuccino can only be enjoyed at breakfast

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

Many people are inseparable from coffee, in Italy, it is a cultural pillar, but unlike other countries like to drink a cup of cappuccino in the afternoon, Italy is only accustomed to enjoying it at breakfast, because Italian breakfast includes pastries and delicious milk coffee, if you choose to drink such milk coffee after a meal, in the eyes of Italians, milk will completely destroy the normal digestion of the body, which is very wrong, this needs to be known.

8, Denmark at the age of 25 is still single and will be drenched with cinnamon

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

In Denmark, if you are 25 years old, do not fall in love, and remain single, then you will be punished, you will be tied to a lamppost, wear goggles, and then others will use cinnamon spices to apply to the body, and at the age of 30, still single, then the level of punishment will be upgraded, cinnamon becomes pepper, the victim is likely to receive at least one pepper grinder as a gift, according to a Danish statistic, the average Danish married over 30 years old, which means that most people will be punished in this way.

9, in France never ask girls why they don't get married

Dutch people answer the phone and don't say hello? Strange things about what really exists in 9 different countries

If you are in France, you must not ask why girls do not marry, because this question is considered impolite behavior, it is easy to be criticized, in France, girls marry and have children and stabilize the family, in fact, is not considered to be a must do, in addition, the question of private life, is a kind of privacy of individuals, completely do not need to answer, for this, many foreigners still need to know.

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