
You shed tears for the motherland, and the motherland is proud of you! This song "Moved by You" is on fire

author:First military intelligence
You shed tears for the motherland, and the motherland is proud of you! This song "Moved by You" is on fire

The soldier in the photo, named Yan Zhen, is a soldier of the People's Liberation Army Honor Guard Brigade and a flag bearer for the Beijing Winter Olympics. The scene where he shed tears at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics has touched hundreds of millions of people.

Yan Zhen said: "I stood on the flag-raising platform of the Olympic Games, my heart was full of pride, thinking of how hard-won the prosperity of the motherland is today, it is an indescribable pride and love, and tears will come out of my eyes..."

At the summary and commendation meeting of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games held on April 8, the general secretary specifically mentioned the flag bearer in his speech and quoted this passage from him.

Here are the lyrics of "Moving for You"

When the landslide cracks

Seen your brave retrograde

When the flood hits

Seen your charge on the cusp of the storm

The closest border to the sky

There is a back like your mountain

The moment the flag is raised

I saw your tearful face

Your retrograde is the most beautiful retrograde

You shed tears for the motherland, and the motherland is proud of you! This song "Moved by You" is on fire

Your charge is the coolest charge

Your back, the tallest back

Tearful faces

Let all the sons and daughters of China be moved

You have a proud name

Soldiers of China, the children of the people

You shed tears for the motherland, and the motherland is proud of you! This song "Moved by You" is on fire

("Moving for You" is written by Jia Yong and composed by Emao)