
Help prevent and control the epidemic and protect special groups

author:TOP news
Help prevent and control the epidemic and protect special groups

In the face of the severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, under the unified leadership of local party committees and governments, give play to professional advantages and participate in epidemic prevention and control work in an orderly manner. From April 3 to 8, Chongzhou Youai Social Work Service Center (hereinafter referred to as "Youai Social Worker") launched a volunteer service with the theme of "Helping Epidemic Prevention and Control - Protecting Special Groups" in Huaiyuan Town, Wenjingjiang Town and Yuantong Town, focusing on the care and epidemic prevention publicity of special groups.

Help prevent and control the epidemic and protect special groups

In the process of entering the household, social workers and volunteers understand and inquire about their recent living conditions, popularize personal health protection knowledge under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, patiently help them how to use Tianfu Health Pass, instruct them not to go out non-essentially, wear masks when going out, and also provide blood pressure measurement services for the elderly with hypertension according to the needs of service recipients.

Help prevent and control the epidemic and protect special groups

With humanized services, Fraternal social workers help special groups to improve their awareness of epidemic prevention and control, help them alleviate anxiety caused by the epidemic, resolve negative emotions, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude; In the battle against the epidemic, in order to guard this "city", Fraternal social workers have used their profession and actions to "help prevent and control the epidemic - guarding special groups" to build a solid and warm epidemic defense line.