
Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

author:Hui Qing poetry teaching
Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Part 1: The Spring Festival in Weifang

Liu Sitong, Wangliu Primary School, Weicheng District, Weifang, Shandong

Our motherland is vast and rich, there are many nationalities, and there are characteristics of various places in the Spring Festival, and in my impression, the Spring Festival in Weifang is incomparably lively.

On the twenty-eighth household of the Waxing Moon, every household has been draped in red makeup, lanterns have been hung on the eaves, and the Spring Festival has been pasted on the door, and the Spring Festival has arrived unconsciously.

Chinese New Year's Eve is lively, every household is racing against the clock, busy, making final preparations for the new year: lunch everyone hurriedly ate a little, the next is the preparation of the Chinese New Year's Eve meal, every household is wafting out the aroma of wine and meat, at this time everyone sits together, and noodles and noodles, the stuffing of the stuffing, the dumplings of the dumplings, of course, I am not idle, running around next to the brothers and sisters, from time to time to intervene, the result is a mess, provoking the whole audience to laugh, When making dumplings, there are always some coins in the dumplings, and whoever eats them will have good luck in the coming year.

After wrapping the dumplings, start cooking – fat but not greasy braised meat, sweet and sour sweet and sour tenderloin, these mouth-watering delicacies are an indispensable part of the Spring Festival.

On the first day of the New Year, good wishes are sent to every household, when relatives and friends will greet them to eat candy at home, and when they come out, their pockets are already bulging. The streets and alleys are full of the taste of the New Year. On the way back, my eyes were attracted by a piece of lanterns, the streets are hung with red lanterns hanging in the treetops, some are red velvet lanterns, not one, yellow spikes naturally hang down, generally hanging alone on the branches, bright and not tacky, very able to reflect the lively New Year's taste, but also has a beautiful meaning. There is also a kind of calligraphy lantern, which is also very eye-catching, everywhere on the street, two or three hanging together, each with the words "Fu" and "auspicious" on it, wishing and happiness leaping up, and then walking around, you can see every household, the lights are colorful.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, the children will follow their mother back to their grandmother's house, at which time the old man will take out a red packet, which contains the good wishes of the elderly to the children.

The Spring Festival symbolizes the beginning of the new year, and also means that all the sorrows and joys of last year have ended, that is, the fiery red lanterns, the festive couplets, and the wishes between relatives and friends, which condensed and converged into the taste of the Spring Festival.

In the Spring Festival, there are the characteristics of various places, no matter where they are, the customs of their hometown always make people feel more intimate.

Comments: In bright language, the little author recounts the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year's EveChinese New Year's Eve meal, the second day of the New Year to collect red envelopes, the colorful New Year customs, and the happy Chinese New Year.

(Instructor: Jiang Huiqing)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Part 2: The Spring Festival in Weifang

Shandong Weicheng District Wangliu Primary School Jiang Mengjie

Everyone has their own hometown, and everyone's hometown has a unique custom of the Spring Festival. My hometown is in Weifang, although the Spring Festival here is similar to the Spring Festival in most parts of China, but there are still some differences, now let me tell you about the peculiarities of the Weifang Spring Festival.

In Weifang, the Spring Festival almost begins from the beginning of the Waxing Moon, and when the WaxInga Arrives, the people of Weifang will feel the breath of the Spring Festival. On this day, people boil eight porridge and soak eight garlic. This porridge must be made up of eight kinds of rice and dried fruits, and it is very casual to put together eight kinds of rice in our house, but it must have glutinous rice.

The 23rd day of the Lunar New Year is a small year and the most important part of the Spring Festival. No matter where it is, when talking about the little year, it will definitely think of a god: the king of the stove, that is, the god of the stove. Legend has it that on this day, the Emperor of The Stove would go to the Heavenly Court to report to the Jade Emperor on the performance of each household this year. In order to send the stove king, people will offer him on this day. If you think about it, what does sugar have to do with the Stove King? The purpose of buying sugar for The Stove King was to stick to his mouth and stick to his mouth with sugar, and when he arrived in the Heavenly Court, he would not report the bad things in the family to the Jade Emperor. If someone doesn't know what months and days it is, and there is no calendar at home, they think that the Spring Festival is early.

After the new year, everyone is busier. In these few days, people start to prepare things for the New Year.

Chinese New Year's Eve, everyone's happiness will arrive. On this night, the family ate Chinese New Year's Eve meal, the lights were all night, and the Chinese New Year's Eve meal was indispensable to these kinds of fish. It means that there is more than one year, and the rice cake means step by step and dumplings. Chinese New Year's Eve eat at 12 o'clock, and when it is 12 o'clock, he immediately goes to the courtyard to set off firecrackers, and after the firecrackers are released, he begins a long vigil.

In Weifang, the new year should be kept overnight, and then eat dumplings in the early morning of the first day of the first month, and then go to the New Year at five or six o'clock, first their own family, then their neighbors, and finally their relatives. In Weifang, there is a custom of new year worship, when children give new year greetings to others, others will give you a handful of sugar or a handful of peanuts, melon seeds, and some may also give red envelopes, and when the whole year is over, you will go home with others more than who has more booty.

The fifth day of the first lunar month, commonly known as the fifth day of the fifth month. On this day, people have to "drive out the five povertys" [intellectual poverty, learning poverty, literary poverty, fate poverty, poor friendship] custom. At dawn, firecrackers were set off and cleaned up, expressing the good wishes of the working people of China to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters and welcome good fortune. "Breaking the fifth" means "sending the year", after this day, everything will slowly return to the state before the Chinese New Year's Eve of the New Year.

The fifteenth day of the first month is the last climax of the Spring Festival. On this day, people eat Lantern Festival, watch the lanterns, guess the riddles of the lanterns, and enjoy the last day of the Spring Festival. After the fifteenth day of the first month, the Spring Festival is over, the adults start working, we start school, and everything starts to be orderly again.

Comments: Meng jie wrote out the customs and activities of the Weifang Spring Festival in chronological order, full of affection, the story of the small year stove king, the "breaking of the fifth" of the new year, the happiness of the trophy of receiving red packets, and so on.

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 3: The Spring Festival in Weifang

Zhou Daping, Wangliu Primary School, Weicheng District, Weifang, Shandong

Hundreds of miles of different winds, thousands of miles of different customs. The Spring Festival has different customs in each place, such as the Spring Festival in Weifang, which can be said to be the most lively and joyful festival in the four seasons of the year. On the calendar, although it is only on the first day of the first lunar month, on our side it starts from the beginning of the waxing moon.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, it is necessary to drink Porridge of Lapa Ba, which is a matter of needless to say. Laba porridge has many meanings: there are those who celebrate the harvest, those who bless the new year and new atmosphere, and those who celebrate the joy of the family. But when I was reading, I saw a piece written by Bing Xin, "Laba Porridge", which is a memorial to her mother, so the festival is always a festival that people celebrate to commemorate or because of some other feeling.

Since Lap 8, the red color on the street has gradually occupied every shop, with flower lanterns, fish lamps, blessing characters and so on, and everything that looks festive is full of shelves. Just looking at it makes you feel very old.

On the twenty-third day of the waxing moon, it is a small year in the north. On the twenty-fourth day of the waxing moon, it is a small year in the south. On the night of the New Year's Day, people worship the god Vesta. The main activity is to smear the sugar melon on the hand a little, then smear it on the mouth of the king of the stove, and finally send the king of the stove to the sky. This seemingly childish behavior is a must-do thing in the folk, and people think that this is a very important link. In the Han folk, there is also the custom of "men do not worship the moon, women do not sacrifice stoves".

After twenty-three people were busy, preparing everything possible for the New Year.

Chinese New Year's Eve on this day, the smell of wine and meat filled the home, outside the courtyard, and in the air. Bright red couplets were pasted outside the door, and the house was pasted with the word Fu with black characters on a red background, and the family was reunited to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal and talk about family customs. This year is very special, because firecrackers are forbidden, and at night the whole land is still quiet, and there is not even a single firework, just like a child who is about to play at the most suddenly grabs him and does not let him make a sound. But it is still necessary to "keep the age", only the lively atmosphere has no sound. But people do not reduce the enthusiasm for the New Year and the Spring Festival because of the quietness.

On the first day of junior high school, people visit relatives and friends. That is to say, ask the family, send red envelopes or something. We just have to stay at home and receive guests. The seven aunts and eight aunts always talk about some of the "classic quotations" of previous years, and I also nodded my head over and over again, but in the end the red envelopes would all come to me, which was quite interesting.

Soon, the last lively festival of the Spring Festival came, the Lantern Festival. This year's Lantern Festival is much more interesting than Chinese New Year's Eve, at least in my eyes. The door of the house is hung with big red lanterns, the house is bright and warm, and the street is brightly lit, which can be called fiery and beautiful. Hundreds of long lights hang on the street, all kinds of small stalls are open, and there is a special guessing lamp. I only remember that there was a mystery that was "long rain and early sunshine", when I thought hard for half a day and couldn't guess what it was, and then my mother told us that the mystery was "yesterday". In the Lantern Festival is to eat the Lantern Festival, the bowl of steaming small round balls in the water hazy to see is the off-white skin, a pearl-like ball emits a faint sweet fragrance, bite, the sesame black filling will flow into the mouth, not to mention how delicious.

After the Lantern Festival, the year is basically over. Going to school, going to work. Life is back to business and the new year is starting again!

Comments: Daping This essay is written at the beginning of the book, and the colloquial quote is good! The ending paragraph is neatly wrapped up, which makes people feel the aftertaste of the New Year. Specifically to continue the Weifang New Year customs, starting from the lapa porridge on the eighth day of the first month of the La, selecting several important days, writing out several prominent Spring Festival customs and activities, it is very obvious that the language skills of the small author, the happiness and happiness of the New Year overflow between the lines.

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 4: New Year's Eve

Bao Shenjie, Ziyang Primary School, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

"New Year's Eve! Children, children, children, don't be hungry, after the eighth is the year. Twenty-three, sugar melon sticky, twenty-four, cut the word Fu, twenty-five, sweep the dust ... Stay up for thirty nights, Chinese New Year's Eve thousands of families reunited, and celebrate the New Year with joy. "I read this nursery rhyme every day, looking forward to the New Year, and finally I am looking forward to it!"

In the morning, I got up from bed, put on new clothes, and greeted the happy day with full energy.

Grandpa climbed up the ladder and hung the big red lantern high in front of the house, standing up with a stooped waist, and the wrinkles on his face could kill a mosquito; My mother ran around the rooms with a rag in a gray face, and from time to time there were a few "lion roars": "Who will help?" Dad was rubbing his fists in the kitchen, listening, a symphony sounded: "Whispering" is the sound of washing and brushing; "Ding-ding-ding- and-ding" is the sound of stir-frying shrimp; "Gollum" is the sound of stewed ribs... I just have to make up for that taste.

What are we kids doing? My sister and I argued with the Fu character and the couplet: Is the Fu character posted or posted backwards? Which one is uplink and which one is downlink? We fought to be red-faced, and the final result of the discussion was how to paste love and how to paste. The house is chirping, ping-pong chimes, lively, red-hot, and festive.

After a while, the night slowly fell. The sound of firecrackers in the distance and the smell of fish wafting from the kitchen are urging us to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal! "Let's eat!" Mom shouted as she served the dish. A few of us sat around the dining table, our eyes lit up, and we swallowed several times, eager to finish eating in one breath. We devoured it. "Slow down, what's the hurry?" The aunt said angrily and amusedly. The sister looked up at the sound, and her mouth full of rice grains made everyone laugh.

After eating, the most exciting reserved program - grab the red envelope time is coming. Heck, I'm looking forward to this parent-child activity. We stared intently at the phone page, "ding-dong", like a calm lake thrown into a boulder, and like a time bomb detonated by whom, we frantically poked the phone, as if to puncture the phone, "Oh", "yay", "alas"... Anything sounds.

After a burst of cheering, everyone entered a state of high alert: my mother looked nervous, my aunt's hands trembled, my father seemed to be holding a hot potato, my sister kept stomping her feet for fear of missing it, I pretended to be calm and bitter, in fact, my heart was almost to the throat, I was afraid of coughing out. It was another "ding-dong", I was the lucky one, grabbed the biggest red packet, whether he was good-looking or not, with him ladylike or not, I jumped up excitedly, turned three circles in place...

In this way, in the joy and laughter of grabbing red envelopes, in the nagging of adults, in the sound of firecrackers crackling in the mill of children, step by step, closer... Step by step, far away...

Comments: The small author starts from the atmosphere of the New Year and writes out the joy of the family to welcome the New Year; the dialogue and activities of the characters are close to real life, which makes people feel the strong Taste of the New Year. In particular, the description of the process of grabbing red envelopes is vivid and vivid, reflecting the customs of modern people and the happiness of the New Year.

(Instructor: Li Xiaoyun)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 5: Spring Festival

Class 3.7 of Longwan District No.2 Primary School, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Chen Shouhan

When it comes to the Spring Festival, it can only be described by the word "happy".

Home during the Spring Festival is joyful. The home is clean, and a newly pasted couplet is posted on the door, symbolizing auspicious happiness. As soon as you enter the door, a mouth-watering aroma burrows into your nose. This is the taste of dinner. In the evening, everyone gathered together for Chinese New Year's Eve meal.

The home of the Spring Festival is not only happy, but also the people are happy! Crackling! Crackling! That's the first sound you hear after dinner – the sound of fireworks! I rushed out of the house at once and came downstairs to the community, where there were already quite a few people, and everywhere was bustling. Everyone couldn't wait to take out their own fireworks and set them off. There were lively scenes everywhere, and laughter spread to every corner of the community, and everyone's face was full of joy. There are all kinds of sparks everywhere, illuminating the whole community.

I was also happy during the Spring Festival. Whenever this time came, a lot of money was stuffed into my hands, and I immediately happily deposited the money in the treasure chest.

yes! How joyful, how lively, how interesting the Spring Festival is, I love you! Spring Festival!

Comments: This article revolves around the "joy" of the Spring Festival: family rejoicing, people rejoicing, I rejoice. Firecrackers, Chinese New Year's Eve meals, pressing old money... What do these symbolic things bring to us? It is the joy of family reunion and people's reunion during the Spring Festival. The article is well-detailed and the language is wonderful, which immerses us in the joy of the author.

(Instructor: Wang Juan)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 6: The Story of Me and the Spring Festival

Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, HuashiFu Middle School Panyu Primary School Class 3.5 Xiao Lintong

"Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days." These two ancient poems can be used not only to describe the waterfall, but also to describe my crystal clear saliva. Do you know why my saliva is so long? Because I remembered the story of making dumplings during the Spring Festival that year.

During the Spring Festival when I was seven years old, I learned to make dumplings at home. Grandpa first made a demonstration, and I learned it according to the gourd painting. I first rolled out the dough diligently, rolling it out as thin as paper, and then scooping the shrimp paste stuffing that had been prepared in advance into the skin. Sometimes I scoop too much stuffing, the dumpling skin can't be wrapped, and the stuffing will leak out; Sometimes there is less scooping, too little filling and no taste. But fortunately, I eat it at home, not so much. After putting the filling in place, I folded the skin of the dumpling in half once, and finally pressed the edge of the dumpling tightly, and that was it, and a dumpling was ready. Immediately after, we put the dumplings in a pot and steam them. Soon, a cage of fragrant shrimp dumplings is freshly baked! When the dumplings were on the table, we couldn't wait to eat them.

Seeing these dumplings of different shapes, my grandfather and I couldn't help but laugh. Looking at the dumplings on the table, I could see at a glance which one I made and which one was made by my grandfather. Each of the dumplings wrapped by Grandpa is white and fat, like a small doll with a bulging belly. Look at mine again, it is done in a variety of ways, some of the stuffing is missing half, like a dry and thin young man; Some broke a hole, like a deflated ball.

Although the dumplings I made at that time were not very good, I think it was already very good that I could make them for the first time, and whether it succeeded or failed, it was a fun experience! I hope that this Year's Spring Festival I will still have the opportunity to make dumplings, I believe I can definitely do better!

(Instructor: Wu Liting)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 7: Celebrating the New Year

Class 3.12 of Tianjiabing Experimental Primary School in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province Zhao Tianyue

"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su." I am looking forward to the Spring Festival, the most grand and lively festival of our people. Spring Festival, we also call it "New Year".

On the day of the Spring Festival, Dad hung up the fiery red lantern early, and the word "Fu" and couplets were posted on the door outside the house. Everywhere is full of the peaceful atmosphere of the Spring Festival, every passer-by can't help but stop to watch the Spring Festival in front of each house, just like roaming in the hundred gardens of thousands of purples and thousands of reds, and each pair of Spring Festivals is pinned on people's expectations for the new year.

Chinese New Year's Eve meal began, and the table was filled with fragrant delicacies: big red crabs, shiny braised pork, verdant cabbage hearts, which made people look mouth-watering. I grabbed a croquette and took a bite, it was really crispy and delicious, and the aftertaste was endless. The elders kept picking vegetables for me, and the vegetables in front of me were piled up like a hill, and my mouth was bulging, like a small hamster.

"All things send remnants of wax in the spring, and the end of the year is this evening." The joy of making dumplings in Chinese New Year's Eve and watching the Spring Festival Gala is really unforgettable.

In everyone's laughter, the Spring Festival has passed like this, the plan of the year lies in the spring, in the new year, we should cherish the time and strive to move forward!

Comments: The little author recounted the day of the New Year, the focus is not on wearing new clothes and setting off firecrackers for the New Year, but to feel the breath of the New Year, and the family is happy and harmonious in the New Year. It is worth mentioning that it is rare for a small author to quote multiple poems to express the feelings in his heart.

(Instructor: Hu Jia)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 8: Spring Festival

The Second Primary School of Longwan District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Kuang Wenbo

Day after day has passed, and our laughter has ushered in a happy Spring Festival!

Spring Festival is coming, our family is very happy, the adults are busy with all kinds of things, are preparing for tonight's Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, the children are running around the courtyard to play, and my sister and I are not idle, my mother gave us a few couplets, let me and my sister paste on the door, my sister and I are also very busy. At dusk, I went to the store with the children to buy fireworks and firecrackers, waiting for everyone to set off together in the evening!

Time flies so fast that my mother came up to me and asked if I was going to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal. I thought to myself, just eat a meal, I still don't eat, I want to go to the fireworks. Thinking about it, eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal can get the red packet, call it three seven twenty-one, in order to get the red packet, I have to go to the reunion dinner first.

Coming to the table, I saw a table of hearty dishes, including roast duck, fish, and dumplings. It is said that the adults hid a coin in the dumpling, and whoever eats the dumpling with the coin means that there will be good luck in the year. So, everyone immediately scrambled to eat the dumplings, and I ate and ate "Wow" and shouted, do you know what happened? I got a hard thing in the dumplings, and I quickly spit it out, and it turned out to be a coin. Everyone's eyes immediately turned to me, and they all seemed to be very envious! It seems that something good will happen to me in the New Year, and I am very happy and hope to pass on my good luck to every family and friend who loves me!

You see, the Spring Festival is really a happy festival!

Comments: In the article of the small author, there are so many customs such as couplets, fireworks, red packets, Chinese New Year's Eve rice, etc., which are slightly orderly and detailed. The whole text describes in detail the process of eating Chinese New Year's Eve rice, especially eating dumplings and eating coins. There are many customs in a festival, how we choose the content, expand the writing, need the ability of the small author to plan the layout.

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 9: A different kind of Chinese New Year's Eve

Class 3.3 of the Second Experimental Primary School in Haidian District, Beijing Chen Quanxi

"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su. Thousands of pupils, always replace the new peach with the old charm. This is the Song Dynasty poet Wang Anshi's "Yuan Day". When I think of this poem, I think of the traditional festival Chinese New Year's Eve in our country.

There is also a legend about the Chinese New Year's Eve. Once upon a time, there was a monster called Nian, who lived in the sea, and every Chinese New Year's Eve day it came ashore and began to eat people after coming ashore. People are hiding from it. One person thought of a way: paste the Spring Festival, and set off firecrackers. Because "Nian" was afraid of red, he fled in a daze.

According to their parents, the most anticipated festival of the year when they were young was the Spring Festival, because they could wear new clothes, set off firecrackers, and eat delicious food. Now the living conditions are better, the form of the festival is more diverse, and the content is richer!

I still vividly remember the morning Chinese New Year's Eve last year, when I was woken up by my father: "Hurry up, it's time to post the Spring Festival!" Hearing shouts, I quickly got out of bed. I first wiped the door clean with my father, and then, I covered the back of the Spring League with glue. Finally, put the Spring League sticker and you're done! I remember that the upper link was "Linyou Phoenix Dance in Tianrui", the lower link was "Rilang Wind and Earth Spring", and the horizontal batch was "Nafu Welcome", which was still a couplet written by the Kangxi Emperor in the Forbidden City at that time.

If the Spring Festival is a good start, then Chinese New Year's Eve rice is the highlight of Chinese New Year's Eve! Grandma is responsible for making meat dishes, and my favorite food is plum button meat and squirrel cinnamon fish, which represent auspicious and good luck, and there is more than enough every year. Mom is in charge of stir-frying, and my favorite is Kung Pao chicken and shiitake mushroom rape. My dad and I were in charge of the cold dish, and my dad made a dish of okra that was both healthy and delicious. I made a fruit and vegetable salad that the whole family loves. Inside are small tomatoes, purple cabbage, cucumbers, oranges, bananas and peaches, which are colorful and nutritious. Our whole family had a happy reunion dinner and sent our most sincere wishes to the family! I don't think it matters what the whole family eats together, what matters is to have a happy time together!

Listening to my mother, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been held for 38 sessions, accompanied by the good memories of every Chinese. I have been watching the Spring Festival Gala with my family since I was three years old. Last year, I sat in front of the TV early, making dumplings with my family while watching the Spring Festival Gala. Daddy and noodles, Grandma mixing filling, I roll out the skin, Mommy wrap. I also made a scene and pinched a small snake. Dad praised me for pinching the snake to life. Steaming dumplings came out of the pan. My favorite sketch has also begun. In the midst of laughter, the arrival of the midnight hour was ushered in. I excitedly joined the host in counting down to dozens, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. The New Year's bell rang, and I got the big red envelope given by the elders as I wished.

In recent years, the state has advocated that people do not release or reduce firecrackers. Our whole family did not buy firecrackers, spent a peaceful Chinese New Year's Eve in a positive and healthy way, and contributed to the bluer sky and fresher air in our motherland.

The Spring Festival is a happy song for children, a reunion song for adults, and an unforgettable song for the elderly. This year's Spring Festival, I am even more looking forward to it! Because, the Beijing Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics will be held on the second day of the Chinese New Year, let us cheer for China and cheer for the Olympic athletes!

Comments: Chinese New Year's Eve is the most grand and lively festival in the traditional festival, and the strong New Year flavor can be clearly felt between the words of the small author. Pasting the Spring Festival, eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and watching the Spring Festival Gala These typical scenes are full of a joyful and peaceful atmosphere, highlighting the rich cultural connotations of traditional festivals. The description of details such as "dumplings" and "eating a reunion meal" makes the family affection of the three generations of grandchildren overflowing with words, which can resonate with readers and evoke everyone's memories of Chinese New Year's Eve. The young author also wrote from a small family to the big family of the motherland, with profound intentions and embodies the noble feelings of primary school students in the new era who are concerned about the motherland.

(Instructor: Jia Pei)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 10: Traditional Chinese Festival - Qingming Festival

Class 3.1 of Sandao Street Primary School in Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Xu Yuexin

"During the Qingming Festival, it rains a lot, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." These two poems refer to the Qingming Festival, a traditional Chinese folk festival.

Qingming Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Every year on the Qingming Festival, people hold various commemorative activities to commemorate the revolutionary ancestors and commemorate the combat heroes. Folk customs such as outings and tomb sweeping to worship ancestors.

On the day of the Qingming Festival, we got up early, prepared apples, cakes, drinks and other items, and drove to the Shimenfeng Cemetery.

As soon as you enter the gate, ah, there are so many people! Only to see the crowds moving and crowding, we had to walk slowly. The shouts of the roadside vendors selling sacrifices rose and fell, and they were very harsh. We bought ribbons, flowers, candles, incense, paper money, and walked to the cemetery.

When we got to the cemetery, we first used a broom to sweep away the fallen leaves, pull out the weeds around us, and wipe the dust off the tombstone with a rag. Then respectfully lay out the offerings, tie the ribbons, plant flowers, and light candles. Everyone remembers their deceased relatives and recalls their past. Finally, each person held three candles of incense in his hand, bowed three times in a row reverently, and silently prayed in his heart: Bless our good health and peace. This year, the government advocated the concept of green environmental protection, so we came to the centralized burning point, lit the paper money given to the deceased relatives, and a wisp of light smoke rose, and also brought us deep thoughts about the deceased relatives.

On the way back, looking up, the lush trees, colorful wildflowers, and golden rape flowers are everywhere showing a scene of red flowers, willows, green, warblers, songs, and swallows, birds singing and flowers, and full of vitality.

yes! Spring is so beautiful, our life is so happy!

Comments: The small author selects appropriate materials, closely follows the theme, the structure is rigorous, the layers are clear, especially the scene description of the tomb sweeping, which is meticulous and vivid.

(Instructor: Li Yan)

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 11: Qingming Festival

The grass color is far away, warm and cold at first, and then clear in the year.

Qingming Festival is rich in customs, and tomb sweeping and ancestor worship and green outings are the two major ritual themes of the Qingming Festival, and these two traditional ritual themes have been passed down in China since ancient times and have not stopped.

Qingming Festival is a traditional major spring festival, tomb sweeping sacrifices, remembrance of ancestors, is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, not only conducive to promoting filial piety and affection, awakening the common memory of the family, but also to promote the cohesion and sense of identity of family members and even the nation.

Follow your parents and relatives back to your hometown to worship your ancestors, and send your thoughts to the spring breeze. As long as you are religious, the people you miss will surely hear. Milan Kundera said: "There are two kinds of immortality, one is the small immortal and the other is the large immortal. Small immortality means that a person leaves memories in the hearts of those who know him; great immortality means that a person leaves memories in the hearts of people he does not know. ”

Flower eaters, spring warm people. The spring breeze will blow away the pain, but they are remembered by us.

"Clear love, only for China". The love of soldiers for the motherland, this silent glory, is as magnificent as the poetry of the times. If you think the years are quiet, it's because someone is carrying the weight for us. On this spring day, lay a pure wreath of flowers for the most beloved, and pay homage to the clearest soul.

Take advantage of the holiday to go out and walk, whether it is a light rain on the street or a victorious smoke willow, seeing everything in the world has emotions. "The pear blossom wind is clear, and the wanderer is looking for spring and half out of the city." The spring river is warm, the flowers are blooming, and the train to spring has set off, carrying the sky and clear to a good mood.

From the ten thousand books into the ten thousand miles. After the epidemic passed, spring flowers blossomed, and spring rain sprinkled thoughts on the earth and brought warmth back to the world. "If the weather is clear and good, you may wish to swim and forget", sightseeing and embracing nature.

If everyone is a small planet, and the deceased relatives and friends are the dark matter around us, we may not see each other again, but the gravitational force of each other will always exist. Borrow the spring breeze to send a wisp of thought, remember those heroic warriors, beloved ancestors, but also give themselves beautiful emotions and new strength to move forward to the light.

A city of spring is clear again, and the rivers and lakes are just right.

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 12: Dragon Boat Festival

Han Zheyu, Second Primary School, Longwan District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province

On the fifth day of the first month of May, do you know what the holiday is? That's right, of course, the Dragon Boat Festival!

I had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but my grandmother was busy, and she ordered yellow wine for me and my brother again, and went to prepare the materials for wrapping rice dumplings. I ran to Grandma and said, "Grandma, let me help you wrap the rice dumplings together!" As soon as the words stopped, Grandma readily agreed.

Start wrapping rice dumplings. I took out a few rice dumpling leaves from the bamboo basket like my grandmother, and then I filled a large spoonful of rice and stuffing, and wrapped them with rice dumpling leaves, just like putting a little green dress on a child. I tied up the wrapped rice dumplings with a thin rope. I thought to myself: It turns out that wrapping rice dumplings is so simple, I used to think that it was difficult to wrap rice dumplings! Just listen to the sound of "popping", the line is broken, all the rice dumpling leaves are spread out, and the filling is exposed. I scratched my head and thought: How can this be? Grandma smiled and said to me, "There's too much stuff in there." I took some stuffing out of the rice dumpling leaves and re-wrapped it, and this time the line was not broken. I danced happily. It turns out that the rice dumplings are also skilled.

Grandma put the wrapped rice dumplings in the steamer basket, and after a while, a smell came to my nose and made me salivate. As soon as the rice dumplings were steamed, I forgot about the hot ones, and immediately took a bite, which was so delicious! I devoured two in a row, and even my brother, who usually doesn't like to eat rice dumplings, even said that it was delicious. Listening to Grandma, the purpose of wrapping rice dumplings is to throw rice dumplings to the fish in the Miluo River to eat, in order not to let the fish in the river eat Qu Yuan's body, I don't know if anyone has thrown rice dumplings into the Miluo River this year?

The Dragon Boat Festival is really a fun festival! How did your hometown celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival? Are there any customs?

Comments: In this article, the focus of the small author is on the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dumplings in the whole text are described in detail. From thinking about simplicity at the beginning, to encountering trouble in the back, and then learning to wrap rice dumplings in frustration, and portraying a picture, it is very good to see the big in a small way.

Grade 3 Second Book Assignment 3 "Chinese Traditional Festivals", 13 sample essays, with comments (2022.4)

Chapter 13: Chongyang Festival Words Chongyang

Class 3.13, Huangchenggen Primary School, Xicheng District, Beijing, Zhouxi Magnesium

When we think of Chongyang Festival, we will think of the well-known ancient poem - "September 9th Remembering the Shandong Brothers". When reading this poem, I looked up the information, according to the I Ching, nine is the largest yang number, and the first nine of September is the combination of two nines, so it is called Chongyang Festival.

Chongyang Festival was designated as an official festival during the Tang Dynasty, and the most famous event was the ascent. The old people and young people are full of energy and challenge to the high mountaintop, so the Chongyang Festival is also called the Ascend Festival. According to legend, on the day of the Chongyang Festival, the pure qi rises, the turbid qi sinks, and then wears the cocoon that can cure the disease and drive away evil spirits, you can seek health and longevity.

My mother's hometown is Yulin, Shaanxi, and on the day of the Chongyang Festival, everyone in my grandmother's family will make a special snack in northern Shaanxi - lamb and cat ears. Cat ears, shaped as its name suggests, small curly, very thin, very cute look. Put a small gnocchi in the palm of your hand and use the thumb of your other hand to skillfully push and twist it. What is particularly interesting is that the cat's ears are rolled up with a small hole, and a small lamb grain must be filled in, which looks like a small cat's ear is dotted with a small stud earring, which is both cute and chic. Pick one up with chopsticks and put it in your mouth, crunch and chew on the very Q bullets, the lamb pieces and its juice squeezed out of the kitten's ear curl, full of flavor, delicious and delicious. Even a girl as picky as me would eat two bowls in a row. If it weren't for the Chongyang Festival, I wouldn't have known there was such a delicacy. Grandma, mom and aunt will make this delicious cat ear, what a fun inheritance! Chongyang Festival not only spreads a variety of characteristic customs, but also engraves our spirit with the beautiful virtues of respecting and respecting the elderly.

Comments: The article let us know the local characteristics of the Chongyang Festival - mutton cat ears. What a novel selection of materials, let people have a bright feeling. The depiction of cat ears is very delicate, reflecting the delicious and interesting cat ears. The young author uses detailed action descriptions to tell us about the production method of cat ears, which makes us feel inexplicably close to this fresh food. The description of the taste in the back is even more enough to arouse everyone's appetite. At the end, the spiritual core of traditional culture is expounded, and the emotions are further sublimated.

(Instructor: Guo Zhen)

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