
The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

author:Mood exploration

Poetry: Everywhere on the road back, the head reaches the hometown. It would have been a real thing, so why wait to be considered.

The core purpose of physical and mental cultivation is to see one's own nature. Self-seeing nature is called enlightenment. Therefore, the person who can see his own nature is the one who is enlightened. A person who cannot see his own nature is not an enlightened person. The enlightened are saints, and the unenlightened are ordinary people. To become a saint, one should understand these basic truths.

The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

Since self-seeing nature is the core purpose of physical and mental cultivation. It is also a necessary condition for becoming a saint. So how do you make people see their own nature? Before and after seeing one's nature, how will people change and differ? Today, I will talk to you about this problem.

The so-called self-seeing nature is actually a sudden understanding in one's own heart. But what did I really understand? In fact, I didn't understand anything, but I felt that I suddenly understood. Since then, my heart has become very bright, and I no longer drag mud and water and hesitate like before. See the problem clearly, speak to the point, and do things simply and decisively. If you say that before seeing sex, you always do things by your mother-in-law and mother-in-law, like a Tang monk, then after seeing sex, you will become decisive and crisp, and you don't bother to say a word of nonsense.

The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

In daily life, many people have the experience of suddenly understanding in their hearts. Is it true that many people are enlightened? Of course not. Enlightenment is a very rare thing. Most people who have experienced it suddenly understand in their hearts that it is not actually enlightened. It is simply a psychological sensation similar to enlightened insight.

There are many levels of psychological sensations. The shallowest level is the usual variety of intuitive feelings. The deepest level is nothingness. At every inner level, there will be a feeling of sudden understanding in the heart. But only sudden understanding at the deepest level is enlightenment. And how many levels of the heart need to be understood, in fact, varies from person to person and cannot be generalized. Anyway, not to the last level, not to be enlightened.

The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

What is the difference between the sudden understanding of the last layer and the sudden understanding of the upper layers? The difference between them is that when the last layer of window paper is poked open, people see the light, and from then on, the heart will often feel very bright and full of light. Since self-nature is interconnected with everything in the universe. Therefore, when people open the last layer of window paper in their hearts, they can clearly understand the truth of everything in the world and understand it in their hearts.

The ancients said that all laws are inseparable from their own nature. To be able to see one's own nature is to know all the laws. The so-called saint hugging one for the world style refers to the saint after he poked open the last layer of window paper. I understand the common truth of all things under the world. Then use this principle to explain all the phenomena in the development and change of all things.

The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

Once a person sees his own nature, he is a generation of masters. It is possible to establish a sect and form a family. It is easy to say that it is easy to see one's own nature, and it may be possible that between words, one suddenly sees one's own nature. But it's hard to say. You may be lucky for a lifetime, but you will not be able to see your own nature. It was when the Five Patriarchs were explaining the classics that the Six Patriarchs suddenly had an epiphany and became a generation of masters. The fundamental way to see one's own nature is that the mind does not dwell, the mind dwells in nothing. Exercise skillfully, suddenly let go, and live in self-nature as if you were at ease, shining brightly and attaining wisdom. This is the state of self-seeing nature.

People in society often say that they have become enlightened and understand various truths. Do these people have a self-righteous nature? In fact, people who see their own nature do not go around showing off and saying that they have become enlightened. However, the human heart that sees its own nature will be very happy. He would be very happy to say, I get it, I get it. But if you ask him what he understands, he can't say why. So everyone can only feel inexplicable.

The Cultivation of the Saints: Day 5

People who have just become enlightened are very happy and happy in their hearts. He wanted to share his joy with others, but he couldn't tell why he was so happy. He just understood in his heart and lit up. In fact, he had only just seen a little pure light of his own nature. After a while, he will calm down.

Newly enlightened people, because they see the self-nature wisdom for the first time, they will appear very excited, forgetful, and feel that they are very remarkable, not ordinary people. When he became familiar with them for a while, he would understand that these were all very common things and not worth the fuss. And the more he practiced, the more he felt that he was very ordinary, very ordinary, and really no different from ordinary people. But at this time, some magical things often happened to him. The ancients said that it begins with the fact that it is difficult to see the people, and that it begins with the unknown. At first, I thought I was great, but I was really ordinary and ordinary. Later, when he thought he was very ordinary and ordinary, he was really magical and incredible.