
Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

author:Meta Cy

Sujian is not only a way of life, but also a philosophy of life.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

"Jane" is used as an adjective, with a simple, abbreviated meaning (see figure below for the source of the text).

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

↑ Flowchart of the evolution of the simplified glyph

Comrade, are you "Jane" today? For example, shopping minimalism, travel minimalism, expression minimalism, information minimalism, desire minimalism, social minimalism, life minimalism, room minimalism...

The heart is as simple as jane, elegant and fragrant. In fact, simplicity is the beauty of nature, the beauty of simplicity, it is not ostentatious, not high-profile, not complicated, not bothered, just quietly present the simplicity and simplicity of things, the simplest and most wonderful.

In this way, the soul is as peaceful and simple as bamboo, and the attitude is as indifferent to fame and fortune as a chrysanthemum.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Some people say: less is more, less is more. The so-called "minimalism" is to play the simplicity to the extreme, extremely simple, carrying a rich charm and elegant feelings.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

In fact, the Song people a thousand years ago have long appreciated the essence of minimalism. Such as the Tang Dynasty like peony, rich and bright, the Song Dynasty like Youlan, light and elegant and quiet.

They do not love carving and luxury, but more in nature, back to the true.

Because you can't have the most, and it's even more impossible to have all, you can only choose the most important.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Too much space for things will consume a lot of our energy. It can be seen that to possess is to be possessed.

Just like the extra meat in our stomachs, the less "extra meat", the more relaxed people are, the more comfortable their hearts are, and the more energetic they are.

If you live a simple and simple life, life will have taste, and life will be simple and joyful. The simpleness of the human heart is happiness.

Those who crave minimalism are never surpassed; only the simple way of life will never become obsolete. Only people who are simple and transparent in their hearts exude a charming temperament.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Comrade, are you "Jane" today? For example, the concept of survival, the concept of opportunity, the concept of speed, the concept of learning, the concept of life, the concept of enterprise, the concept of house, the concept of choosing a career, and the concept of revolution.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Truly wise people, who have seen the bustling world, never seek victory by quantity, but take dreams as horses, take pride in quality, and are simple and unpretentious.

The pursuit of a high-quality simplicity is actually the process of constantly knowing oneself, revolutionizing oneself, and improving oneself, simple and high-quality, simple and intentional, simple and happy to live...

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Knowing "Jane" is simple in form and good at heart. As we all know, ZTE creates an enabling platform to face the fragmented needs of the industry, to create a precise cloud network, so that the network moves with the cloud, the cloud is born on demand, and thousands of industries are empowered. This cloud network is simple and refined, simple and convenient, simple and harmonious and rich.

Is the Nine-Nine Multiplication Table simple in our daily lives?

First, let's take a look at the non-Chinese simplification - the nine-nine multiplication table, how do foreigners calculate multiplication?

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

↑ A few dots starting from the lower right corner, the intersection from the lower right corner to the lower left corner, the unit is one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand.

In short, the computational multiplication adopted by foreigners is the method of drawing lines.

In fact, this method is called "line multiplication", at first glance, only need to count the dots, very simple. NO.

Imagine that once the multiplied number becomes larger, the workload will be larger and more complicated.

For example, 99X99, foreigners use the method of drawing lines to calculate multiplication (as shown in the figure below)."

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

↑ Foreigners use the method of drawing lines to calculate multiplication.

Imagine again: 9999X9999, such a picture is just "too beautiful", right?

If you use the line drawing method to calculate multiplication, how much work is it?

We use the Chinese multiplication recipe, and many people have done the mental calculations!

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Multiplication is the basic calculation rule in ancient Chinese calculations.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Learn "Jane" Simple in plain, good at beauty. Plain and simple, its own beauty. It is not ostentatious, not high-profile, but quietly presents the simplest beauty of things.

Wang Yangming, a great philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, believed that "there is nothing outside the heart, and there is no reason outside the heart", and everything in this world is in the human heart.

Wang Yangming once served as an official to the Bingbu Shangshu and quelled many border rebellions, but he proposed that "it is easy to break the thief in the mountain, and it is difficult to break the thief in the heart", and it is easy to quell the thief of the rebellion

But how to calm the thief in the heart is difficult, which is an eternal problem in human nature.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

The most valuable truth is actually the most simple truth. Things are beautiful in terms of minimalism, and so is life, and the more simple you live, the more you can hear your inner voice.

For example, minimalist relationships, those boring and ineffective social networking, effort and effort, is it meaningful? Ask yourself, how long have you not calmed down and thought about it?

Learn to streamline, from now on, try to keep only the most frequently used software, and use the time of brushing the phone to invest in yourself, enrich yourself, and revolutionize yourself.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

For example, ineffective socializing, useless relationships, when broken, low-quality parties, when the house is abandoned, wine and meat friends, when away from the departure, learn to streamline, so that life is full and happy.

Life is returned to the truth because of the return to the basics, and the more simple things are, the more permanent they are.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

The "thriftiness, thriftiness, hardship and simplicity" embodied in the revolutionaries and martyrs of the older generation is a fine revolutionary tradition that we must inherit.

Throughout his life, Zhu De adhered to and advocated the fine style of hard work, simplicity, diligence and thrift. Proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation set an example in terms of thrift and thrift.

The famous scientist and educator Yang Shuzi dedicated his life to the country's scientific and educational causes, and he and his family lived a simple life and never had any luxury.

Uncle Yang's scientific contributions and simple life are the best textbooks that inspire us!

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Practicing "Jane" is simple in words and simple in deeds. In the past, I lived in poverty and always longed for the prosperous life of the city, but now I am tired of seeing the lights and wine every day, but I miss the green mountains and rivers in the distance more and more.

Some good scenery, without words, can slowly moisturize the heart.

If you want to live with the world simply, you must first learn to see, understand, and look at the world.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Becoming a Minimalist advocates a minimalist lifestyle that enjoys a happier life with fewer substances.

Masters are good at simplifying complex things and refining simple things.

In terms of simplicity, Jobs was exemplary. His whole life, whether it is life, work, or product, has been a successful spokesperson for minimalism.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

For example, with the "perseverance" rule, you feel excited and energetic when you start simplifying your home.

The law of "sharing joy", it is better to enjoy alone than to be happy. Sharing joy with others is the fulfillment of joy. So, be sure to share the beautiful story of simplifying your life with others.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Comrade, are you "Jane" today? For example, Jane in language: speak well, warm others, and achieve yourself. To be a talking person, not only with your mouth, but also with your heart.

The words spoken are not a simple combination of Chinese characters, but the expression of a person's inner feelings and the human realm, and the speech should be concise and clear, and the incisiveness is in place.

It is better to say more than to say it well, to speak it well, it is better to say it right, it is better to say it right, it is better to say it well.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

Comrade, are you "Jane" today? For example: Jane is not greedy in social life, not demanding, there are trade-offs.

"Jane" is in the right position, doing what suits you, rather than being entangled in a useless circle, it is better to carefully run a simple but beneficial circle.

Only by being indifferent to materialism can you relax. Treat people sincerely, and you will have many close friends. Focus on the heart, in order to be full of spirits.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today?

A quality life is not a return to complex sophistication, but a return to simple innocence.

Comrade, are you "Jane" today? Start today, remove the clutter and embrace the life you cherish.

From now on, life is simple and lives out the true meaning of life.

From now on, make more time, like yourself, squeeze out better space, enrich yourself, and give more cherished things.