
Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

author:First psychological
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The famous Swiss psychologist Jung has a well-known saying: "The subconscious mind controls our lives, and we call it destiny." ”

Dreams are the expression of the subconscious on the spiritual level, but this expression is often ignored in daily life. Those concepts and ideas that we are not aware of in our daily lives appear through dreams when we are resting, believing that everyone has the desire to understand themselves and explore themselves.

Then this article will reveal a way to analyze dreams, in this way, you can be aware of the important tips conveyed in the dreams, so that you can understand yourself more deeply, and do things with less effort and more easily succeed.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

Almost all of us dream, but the frequency of dreams is different, some dreams are unusually clear, similar situations such as waking up from nightmares, we can even describe the various situations in detail, such dreams are usually accompanied by strong emotional fluctuations. But some dreams are very vague, and when you wake up in the morning, you will only remember such a general memory as your dream last night.

According to the latest scientific research, dreams that can clearly and accurately recall the plot often occur during the last REM sleep phase of the sleep process, that is, within ten minutes before we wake up, because the dream at this time is the closest to the time we wake up, so it is also the most impressive.

Similarly, the speed of forgetting dreams also follows our usual memory rules, so even after waking up in the morning, we forget the specific situation in the dream, but the emotions experienced in the dream will last a long time, at this stage, we may wish to record the content that can be recalled in the dream, which can assist us in the analysis and interpretation of the dream later, but also to avoid some unnecessary failures or increase the success rate of doing things.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

Recording dreams also needs to pay attention to a certain method, the author is also a person with dream recording habits, the following will be from several aspects to briefly chat with you about some of the personal summary of the processing methods of dream records.

First, we need to let go of our expectations and pressures and record our dreams without emotion or criticism by typing or handwriting.

It is normal for people to remember all dreams, and we should accept this, and it is very normal that the dreams recorded are different from the original appearance of our original dreams, as long as some important plots are not distorted, then our original intention of recording dreams has been achieved.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

In addition, in addition to paper-based dream content, we can also choose other ways to record the content of dreams in other ways that are more suitable for ourselves, such as recording and painting, which are very good choices.

But the point that needs to be hinted at is that recording dreams should be carried out as soon as possible, after all, over time, the content of dreams will be forgotten more and more, and the tools needed to record can be placed at the head of the bed and other places within reach to facilitate our recording.

Finally, in the process of recording the dream, you may have some new thoughts and ideas that appear, and record them as well, or the emotions and feelings generated by the dream, which are as important as the specific content of the dream.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

After all, straightforward dream content is difficult to directly state our inner world, we need to combine our own psychological state and recent life state to speculate and analyze, in order to maximize the positive role of recording dream content, with such accumulation and practice, you will become more and more familiar with the process of dream recording.

Recording dreams should be without any utilitarian and purposeful behavior, believing that the meaning of dreams will gradually appear over time, and in the process of recording dreams, you will also find that your heart gradually tends to be peaceful and quiet.

According to Freud, dreams are actually mirrors of reality, and the joy, happiness, anxiety, and fear in dreams are actually subconscious projections. Once we've documented the contents of our dreams, the next step is to analyze the meaning behind those dreams and how it can help us be more easily successful in doing things.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

In our daily lives, we will have all kinds of dreams and goals, such as going to school, changing jobs, going to a new place to live, surpassing others, etc., which actually represent our inner desires, but due to various reasons in reality, these desires are forced to be suppressed in our hearts, and in dreams, in our unconscious state, these desires will emerge.

For example, I believe that many people have had the experience of looking for a toilet in a dream, when we have a feeling of urine, we will start to look for a toilet in the dream, but even if we find a toilet, we will still wake up in reality, but in the dream, finding a toilet represents the realization of our wishes.

Therefore, we can conclude that all dreams are not empty, and each of our dreams is produced by mental or physical stimulation, so the content of the dream is often reflected in our truest self.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

From one point of view, we can also use the recording of dreams to better understand ourselves and explore ourselves.

According to psychiatrists, dreams are the result of the brain's irregular release of brain waves, but from a psychological point of view, the meaning of dreams is far more than this, it has a deeper symbolic meaning, and the most important role of our daily lives is that dreams can correspond to what we really value in real life.

For example, if you dream of a vast world, or a vast universe, it may mean that in your mind, the yearning for freedom and unfettered is the most important, or you dream of a scene in your childhood, walking home with your companions after school, it may mean that your current life is exhausting, and what you miss is the carefree living environment and the release and venting of emotions.

Dreams can give you important tips, learn to record them, and it is easier to succeed

Of course, in addition to recording dreams, there are other ways to adjust yourself and do things more smoothly.

For example, inferring our true thoughts through our own external behavior, or exploring our own personality characteristics through the decisions we make in a state of emergency, but whether it is through the method of recording dreams, or using our other actions to understand ourselves, we can strengthen our self-awareness and avoid losing ourselves in the tumultuous trivia, after all, no one can know ourselves better than we do deep inside, which is also a necessary condition for us to succeed.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | good luck coming

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:K. M. R. Rosenzweig. Translated by Zhang Houcan. Handbook of international psychology. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2002

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