
Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body

author:Beiqing Net

Previously, when we mentioned that "moderate exercise is good for health", we often had fans and friends leave a message, saying that they did improve their bodies through exercise.

Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body
Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body
Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body

Indeed, every exercise is giving back to the body!

Every exercise,

All are giving back to your body!

1. Give back to the brain: Exercise helps "brainwash" to be like a sleep

After each run, there is a scientific basis for feeling transparent. Exercise helps "brainwash" to be as effective as a sleep.

Dr. Ding Fengfei of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology said in March 2022 that during sleep, metabolites and other toxins accumulated in the brain throughout the day will be cleared, and recent memories will become consolidated. Regarding the brain's removal of metabolic waste, foreign research teams have observed the "brainwashing" process of the human brain through magnetic resonance technology. ①

Blood periodically flows out of the brain in large quantities, and whenever the blood flows out, cerebrospinal fluid "takes the opportunity" to enter the brain and wash away the "metabolic waste" in the brain, such as amyloid protein (the deposition of this protein in the brain is a characteristic pathological manifestation of Alzheimer's disease).

Video | the dynamic process of particles around positive blood vessels pushing forward with the pulse of blood vessels

(Source: Nat Commun.)

In the video, with each beat of the heart, the green particles around the cerebral blood vessels move forward one block, reflecting that the beating of the blood vessels will promote the process of "brainwashing".

The above studies show that CSF flow is pulsating, driven mainly by the heart cycle, and the speed of arterial vascular pulsation matches the speed of CSF flow.

Therefore, long-term regular and effective medium and high-intensity exercise can exercise and enhance cardiovascular function, which in turn can help "brainwashing", which has the same effect as sleep "brainwashing". ①

2. Feeding back blood vessels: Make blood vessels more elastic

Many studies have found that whether it is long-term aerobic endurance training or acute aerobic exercise, it can generally play a positive and effective role in improving the elasticity of blood vessels. ②

Zhang Hua, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Beijing Hospital, also pointed out in 2019 in the Health Times that the hearts and cerebral blood vessels of the people who exercise regularly are also more elastic and the blood circulation is more smooth. Studies have shown that people who like to exercise have about 1 million to 1.5 million more red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood than the average person, and the amount of blood circulation is also about 2 times higher than that of the average person. ③

3. Giving back to the heart and lungs: The heart and lungs function better

Xu Shunlin, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of peking university third hospital, said in a health newspaper article in 2015 that appropriate movement, so that the cardiopulmonary function does not decrease, the blood vessels are unblocked, the lungs can inhale sufficient oxygen, and the heart has sufficient strength to send oxygen through the blood vessels to the whole body to meet the needs of the body, which is the secret of organs not aging. ④

4. Give back to emotions: Get more pleasure

Li Rui, chief physician of the Third Department of Neurology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, said in an interview with Health Times in 2019 that exercise makes the body synthesize more serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, etc., chemicals that can make the body produce happy emotions, and reduce garbage emotions such as depression and anxiety. The elderly are more active, which can not only drive away bad emotions, but also enhance the memory of the elderly and reduce the occurrence of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. ②

A 2019 study by oxford and Yale university scholars showed that the happiness that comes with exercising is the same as the feeling of people who don't make $25,000. ⑤

5. Giving back to the intestines: Constipation is less likely to occur

He Yinghua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Anorectology of Guang'anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, introduced in a 2016 article in the Health Times that reasonable exercise helps to promote intestinal blood supply and colonic peristalsis, and can alleviate functional constipation. If the elderly have constipation, in addition to taking drugs under the guidance of a doctor, they can also exercise reasonably according to their own situation to alleviate constipation. ⑥

Being busy is not an excuse for not exercising!

1. Zhong Nanshan: No matter how busy you are, you can exercise and smoke 3-4 days a week

Academician Zhong Nanshan is still fighting in the front line of medicine in his 80s, and in addition to his busy work, he will take 3-4 days off work every week to carry out 40-50 minutes of exercise.

In his opinion, exercise is just as important as eating. "Keep exercising, generally at 30 or 40, exercising versus not exercising, it doesn't feel as obvious, but when you're 50 or 60 you feel differently. Of course, at my age, there will be a more obvious difference. ”⑦

2. Wang Yi: Traveling around the world, do not forget to run

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi took advantage of the photo of jogging around Lake Geneva during his 2015 meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, to go viral.

Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body

Zhou Yan, a Phoenix reporter who had personally interviewed Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his foreign visit, once said, "Foreign Minister Wang Yi is a very personable foreign minister, and everyone knows that he is also very busy at work. ”

How to exercise scientifically?

Put away these "two tables"

The World Health Organization recommends that adults are best to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity, and people below this standard are considered physically inactive.

Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body

Moderate-intensity exercise, that is, "feeling hard but not very tired" during exercise, is manifested as an accelerated breathing rate, rapid heartbeat, slight sweating, slight wheezing but can communicate with people, and it is advisable to have a heart rate of no more than "170-age". At the same time, it is better to feel not tired the next day. ⑨

Of course, human activities are also controlled by the "biological clock", and the exercise time is arranged according to the law of the biological clock, which can be doubled with half the effort. Li Qingwen, a professor at the School of Social Sports and Health Sciences of Tianjin University of Physical Education, suggested:

Exercise, every time, is giving back to your body

It is recommended that it is best to arrange and plan your own time during the week, and have 3-5 times of exercise time of more than 30 minutes. If you really can't stick to exercise, or you really feel tired, in addition to ensuring good sleep, you can usually walk fast for 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day to make yourself move.

This article is synthesized from:

(1) 2022-03-31Tongji Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Exercise is such "brainwashing", anti-aging, and become happy! 》

(2) Zhu Weili, Zheng Lu, Du Yanyan. Exercise training and human vascular elasticity[J]. Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine, 2009, 028(004):460-464.

(3) 2019-08-06 Health Times

(4) 2015-12-28 Health Times "Anti-aging to strengthen cardiopulmonary function"

⑤ Katherine Martinko. Exercise makes you happier than wealth, new study says. Treehugger. April 10, 2019.

(6) 2016-08-23 Health Times "Exercise Therapy to Relieve Constipation"

(7) 2019-10-23 CCTV-9 《Not an old man born Zhong Nanshan》

(8) 2014-05-05 Phoenix Satellite TV "Phoenix Reporter Teaches Pursuit Skills early to accompany Foreign Minister Wang Yi to run"

(9) 2018-11-27Beath Times"Strength standard is effective exercise"

(10) 2019-06-17 Health Times "A Lifetime of Exercise Schedule!" Different ages, suitable for different sports》

(Health Times)