
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

author:Love to entertain ingenuity

Black Cat Sheriff, Bear Haunt, Xi Yangyang and Gray Wolf...

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Let me see whose childhood this is, oh ~ it turned out to be myself. After watching the "Ace to Ace" national comic special, who does not say a word: Ye Qing Hui!

In this episode, all the staff immersed themselves in the whole process of animation production, from modeling to dubbing, the perfect combination of game links and animation production, and the brain hole was opened! Planning full marks!

In the "Lifelike" session, the team relayed the simulation modeling of clay creation. Let's take a look at Shen Teng, Hua Chenyu, Guan Xiaotong, and Song Yaxuan's "Nezha Noisy Sea"↓

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Look at Huang Minghao, Yu Shuxin, Yang Di pinched "little tadpole looking for mother" ↓

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Finally, look at Yue Yunpeng pinching himself ↓

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Sure enough, everyone "rolled over"... It's really not easy for a painter to qq!

In the "Classic Clip Interpretation" session, everyone challenges the dubbing, and the highlights of all the staff are not! In the 28 years of entering the industry, the voice actor Jiang Guangtao, who has participated in the dubbing of many film and television animation works such as "Big Fish and Begonias" and "Jiang Ziya", interpreted the laughter of different ages on the spot, and this switch is also too smooth! Sure enough, after the broadcast, it was on the hot search, which caused netizens to marvel!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

"Children talk, don't drag the tail note." Teaching dubbing skills is like a master class scene, quickly take notes, it's all dry goods!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Shen Teng and Jia Ling's dialect version of "White Snake: Origins", xswl actually has no sense of violation!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Guan Xiaotong's xiaobai, crying drama is coming, emotional real full!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Yu Shuxin's Baoqingfang owner, that lazy energy is really pinched to death!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Huang Minghao's Xu Xuan, although slightly immature, but that kind of green feeling of the first encounter with his lover who did not listen to it!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Shen Teng, Hua Chenyu, Song Yaxuan, Yue Yunpeng, Yang Di co-dubbed "Nezha's Demon Boy Descending", the expression is full!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

From the back of these seemingly simple games, it is not difficult to feel the difficulty of animators. In the unknown behind-the-scenes production process, they may have to go through countless failures, modifications, reconstructions...

As director Wong Ka-kang said in the show, in order to better present the footage of Xiao Qing looking back in "White Snake 2: Green Snake Robbery", the animators had to repeatedly interpret and speculate over and over again, and made more than fifty versions, although this shot was less than 10 seconds.

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

In order to "flood the golden mountain" shot, the animation team needed to spend three years to continuously polish. "Using technology to solve the needs of art", in just a few words, hides the countless efforts and painstaking efforts of animators.

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

From 1922 to 2022, unconsciously, Guoman has gone through 100 years.

"Little Tadpole Finds Mother", "Big Trouble Heavenly Palace", "Nezha Noisy Sea", "Baolian Lantern", "Black Cat Sheriff"... In the past 100 years, countless well-known chinese comic works have emerged, accompanying the growth of generations of audiences. No matter what era the animator is, he is using his full strength to dedicate the best to the audience. It is precisely because of their continuous efforts that they have achieved the beautiful dreams in our memories!

"Animation is not just entertainment, it is actually a cultural output. We in China have a lot of very good stories, and many good characters can be excavated. ”

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

"When I was a child, we were watching foreign animation images, and today, we actually have this opportunity. I feel very proud to be able to take our stories and our culture to foreign audiences to understand. ”

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

"I still hope that our children can learn more about our traditional Chinese storytelling characters and values through cartoons."

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

Who was moved? Oh, it turned out to be myself.

Chinese animation has achieved world-renowned results, and it has also been looked up at the foot of the mountain. Nowadays, domestic animation is rising, from "Nezha's Devil Boy Descending" to "White Snake 2: Green Snake Robbery", people's national comic feelings are unprecedentedly high, and the younger generation is taking over the banner in the hands of their predecessors and climbing for the re-emergence of national comics.

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved

After the show was broadcast, I saw that many netizens were discussing the topic #What are the domestic animations that contracted your childhood.#

Yes, those national comics that accompany us to grow up will not only become a good memory of our childhood, but also accompany more people to grow up in the future, bringing lasting happiness and touch.

To pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of Guoman, this issue of "Ace to Ace", I saw the sincerity and intention of the program team!

"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved
"Ace to Ace" of the national comic special, whose DNA moved