
The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

author:Sports Miscellaneous


Athletes are a very hard profession, people can only see their bright and beautiful, the highlight moments in the world stage, but do not know that they have made a lot of efforts behind them, which is also unknown to many people, when the country needs, more and more People began to participate in the sports industry, for the glory of the motherland, especially when China urgently needs the recognition of the international community, the emergence of a large number of athletes, adding bricks to the image of the motherland in the international community. It's just that the athletes themselves are not everyone can serve, and amateur athletes can indeed play a role in strengthening the body, but if they are engaged in professional athletes, then the requirements for themselves and the physical fitness of the athletes are also very high.

Shang Chunsong, whose family is poor

At the end of the 80s of the last century, when Li Ning and Li Xiaoshuang and others shined in international competitions, more and more Chinese people were deeply infected, and let their children learn gymnastics and win glory for the country, but in the end there were very few who could succeed, the reason was because although gymnasts were 10 points cool in the field, they could indeed win glory for the country, but it needed to be practiced from an early age, and this was only the most basic condition, only from a young age. In the future, it is possible to become a top athlete.

The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

In addition, gymnastics needs to have extremely high requirements for every athlete, first of all, this sport has extremely high requirements for the softness of the athlete's body, many parents let their children engage in gymnasts, on the one hand, they are also influenced by Li Xiaoshuang, because in that era, Li Xiaoshuang is a model for many children from poor families, with their own efforts, and finally achieve a career, even today, many families will let their children engage in gymnastics in this industry, Even among this group of children, there are still some children from poor backgrounds.

Shang Chunsong, who was born in Hunan, is one of them, starting from the age of 7. She practiced gymnastics, because of her own better conditions, so that she only trained for three years, she was recruited into the provincial team for professional training, and after staying in the provincial team for 4 years, she was directly selected for the national team, in just 7 years, she was able to leap to become the reserve force of the Chinese gymnastics team, which is enough to see Shang Chunsong's talent, and the many efforts she has made behind her, Shang Chunsong, who was born poor, later relied on her excellent physical fitness, and once became the captain of the Chinese women's gymnastics team.

The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

He has won several gold medals in his career

However, at that time, in the eyes of many people, this petite and seemingly 10-point immature athlete, it is difficult to take on the responsibility of captain, but it is such a captain who is not favored by everyone, and finally with her own efforts step by step by others, her ability and psychological quality is incomparable to many athletes, and at the same time, in many competitions, she can stand up when the competition is deadlocked, and finally stabilize the mentality of her teammates to complete the earth-shattering reversal, at the 2012 Asian Championships, She won two gold medals on the free gymnastics balance beam and also won the women's individual all-around march.

This result compared to Li Ning and many other gymnasts, = is indeed not very dazzling, but it needs to be understood that Shang Chunsong was only 16 years old when he obtained these results, most of the children were still in a naughty age when they were 16 years old, but the 16-year-old Shang Sun Song has represented the country on the world stage, and after experiencing this Asian Championship, Shang Chunsong has more experience in international competitions, and has also made great breakthroughs in international competitions. Its future upside can be said to be immeasurable.

The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

Only after a serious mistake after the 2017 National Games, but let this gymnastics captain who was originally optimistic about everyone, can not stand it for a while, and finally chose to retire, if Shang Chunsong's career makes many people sigh, then her family life is even more moved by everyone, Born in a poor family, Shang Chunsong, since he entered the gymnastics field, has always had only one dream, that is, to be able to improve her family environment, for which she has made a lot of efforts, in the eyes of outsiders, A petite body will certainly not be able to achieve a great cause in the future.

Sensible is heart-wrenching

And Shang Chunsong is also under the eyes of outsiders began to work harder and harder, and in her career has made a lot of achievements, and her family has a brother, but this brother is a disabled person, in order to be able to reduce the burden of the family, and let her brother be able to live better, all her salary in the national team and the rewards won in the game will be left to her own basic daily expenses, all sent to the family, and her pocket money is only 3000 yuan, In the eyes of many people, 3,000 yuan of pocket money is enough to make an athlete very rich.

The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

However, what needs to be known is that this 3,000 yuan for Shang Chunsong is not a monthly pocket money, but her annual pocket money, an average of less than 300 yuan per month, but also makes many people feel sorry for Shang Chunsong's understanding, now 25-year-old Shang Chunsong because of its small size, coupled with the face has not changed much, so that many people who do not know her, think that this is a primary school student, and her brother is also under her sponsorship, not only bought a house but also married a wife.

At her age, many girls are enjoying their beautiful youth, but because of the poverty of the family, coupled with the fact that in order to make her parents and brother live a better life, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of the family, and many people are also distressed by her exciting efforts, but fortunately, although Shang Chunsong has not achieved very dazzling results in her career, in her career, it is enough to leave an indelible impression on Chinese gymnastics.

The captain of the Chinese gymnastics team, 25 years old is still like a student, relying on his own efforts to buy a house for the disabled big brother and marry a wife

Poor children have long been home, in fact, many people have a certain misunderstanding of this sentence, not that the children of poor families should be home early, but because their living environment and their own conditions, forcing them to be independent early, and unlike the children of the family, the children of the poor family can understand more about the cold and warm in the world, they can see the other side of some things, which are also not possessed by the children of the rich family, and it is precisely because of this that when Shang Chunsong enters his career, She has a clear goal, and she has been working hard for this goal, and the final results have given her due return.

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