
Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon


Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

Classmates who often surf the internet

Be sure to know about the MBTI personality test

If the things of Bowenli have a personality

What type of them would they be?

Check out the MBTI personality test

Let's collide with the spark of Bao Wenli!!

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Tough tree


Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

Everyone has their own piece of forest

That is the most determined ideal

Trees on campus

Day and night

How spring, summer, autumn and winter change

You will always be upright

Maybe you're the embodiment of idealism

Always believe in the beauty of this world

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Fine Art

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

Do what you love to the extreme

Do it for yourself

Also do to the doubts of our world to see

You're a big artist

There's always some weird idea

There is always some unique vision of style

Bring the beautiful moments of this world


You always shine

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Playground

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

You are like a sunshine senior

Attract students to swing here

The sweat of youth

You are born optimistic

All the troubles will dissipate here

Cheers in every corner

It was a great time to accompany them through

It is also an important molecule in their healthy growth

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Library

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

You are wise

Know as much as the gods

It collects all the good things of the world

Fantastic collisions of ideas can always arise here

We are always looking for answers about the world

Because of you

Enrich the empty spiritual world

Make a boring life come to life

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Flag


Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

You are serious and dignified

Like an old man

Overlooking the whole bowenary

You establish order in a chaotic world

Give your students a faith

Let them move towards a common ideal

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Canteen


Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

What is most appealing in school

Of course, it is a canteen full of various delicacies

For the students of a busy day

Delicious meals are served

A wide range of dishes are taken care of

Stomachs from all over the country

Love your oil salt sauce vinegar

Love your sweet and sour

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

# Cherry blossoms

Bowenli's MBTI test is coming soon

A gentle breeze rises

Accompanied by floral scents

Gently stroke your face

But it also takes the cherry blossoms on the branches away from the branches

Countless cherry blossom petals dance in the wind

You have longed for freedom all your life

So you drift further afield with the wind

Go explore the untapped utopia

Do you like such "them"?

Everything has its own shining point

Each person's uniqueness is also worth discovering

The answer to the test is "for reference only"

It doesn't determine you

What kind of person to be

What a height to reach

Because you are the master


New Media Studio of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee

Image source: Yuan Cui, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Jing, Fan Luyao, Zheng Ruonan, Ma Jinghuan

Editor: Gao Yingmei

Editor-in-Charge: Yang Jiayu

Review: Xi Xuanfang