
Retirement does not fade Retirement does not retire - retired military volunteers build a defense line against the epidemic

author:Governor of Lu

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. In order to resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic, the veterans of Xiaoxue Street actively responded to the instructions of the street party committee and the call of the Veterans Affairs Bureau, moved at the behest of the order, obeyed the order, and enthusiastically threw themselves into the epidemic prevention and control work, and continued to practice the Zhengzheng oath of "if there is a war, if there is a war, the call will be returned, and the battle will be won".

Retirement does not fade Retirement does not retire - retired military volunteers build a defense line against the epidemic

From the day of the outbreak, veteran volunteers actively descended to various epidemic prevention and control sites, in the service center, in the street community, in the village head alley, they did not care about risks, not afraid of fatigue, rushing and toiling, assisting medical care to do a good job of personnel evacuation, publicizing and explaining anti-epidemic knowledge, helping residents to carry materials, and urging everyone to wear masks and do a good job of protective measures....

Retirement does not fade Retirement does not retire - retired military volunteers build a defense line against the epidemic

From early morning to evening, from evening to late at night, their "charging" figures can be seen everywhere, united and cooperative, hard work, full of energy, regardless of hard work, always sticking to the front line; propaganda diversion, maintenance of order, information entry, testing and sampling, always dutiful; they give up their homes for the people, day and night, help the elderly and the young, treat neighbors like relatives, always warm and loving. Although there are many residents who have been tested, with the assistance of veteran volunteers, the people who have been tested have consciously maintained a "one-meter line" distance and accepted nucleic acid sampling in an orderly manner.

Retirement does not fade Retirement does not retire - retired military volunteers build a defense line against the epidemic

Veteran volunteers, medical personnel and community workers twisted into a rope, built a wall, from community duty to nucleic acid testing, from order maintenance to helping the elderly and the weak, with sincere original intentions, selfless actions to build a defense line against the epidemic, become the "ferrymen" who stand firm in this dark tide of the "epidemic", no complaints, no regrets, selfless dedication, to the society to show the veterans this rock-solid military nature and volunteer service hard core of the strong team.

Retirement does not fade Retirement does not retire - retired military volunteers build a defense line against the epidemic