
How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

author:Big and small love to play

Xiao Ai believes that old mothers have been asked by their children: "Where did I come from", and in the face of such questions, parents of the older generation will always joke and say: "You picked it up from the garbage heap" or "You sent it with a full phone bill". But as generations of parents change, more and more parents choose to give their children more authentic answers.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Today, Xiao Ai will talk to you about the serious and serious matter of "children's sex education". Don't look at Xiao Ai usually grinning, love to take children to the mountains and rivers, but for children's sex education problems, but do not dare to stop for a minute and a second. Especially as the mother of two girls, Xiao Ai pays special attention to the protection of children. Of course, in today's society, boys need to pay attention to and learn no less than little girls.

Child sexual abuse data is climbing year by year

It's chilling

If you think about it, it's not hard to understand why more and more people are paying attention to the problem of children's sex education. In recent years, news of child sexual abuse cases has appeared from time to time. As a mother, Xiao Ai always feels shocked whenever she sees such a case.

The following picture is some of the child sexual abuse data that Xiao Ai found online, although the data has not been updated to the recent, but it is enough to make people afraid. However, what is even more terrifying is that these data are only a small part of the exposure, and Xiao Ai believes that the part that is not exposed must be more frightening!

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Looking at the recent year, a "2021 Child Sexual Abuse Case Statistics and Child Sexual Assault Prevention Education Survey Report" from "Girl Protection" has attracted the attention of Xiao Ai.

The report pointed out that there were 223 cases of sexual abuse of children exposed in 2021, of which 569 children were victimized. Among these children who have been sexually abused, more than 70% of children under the age of 14 are under the age of 14, and the proportion of boys has increased significantly.

Among the perpetrators, the oldest is 89 years old, the youngest is 12 years old, and several cases are gang rapes committed by many people, of which the proportion of acquaintances committing crimes exceeds 80%, in 198 cases, acquaintances committed 167 crimes, accounting for 80.80%, and strangers committed 38 crimes, accounting for 19.20%. In addition, the proportion of cases committed by faculty members is high, the proportion of cases committed by life-study contacts has increased significantly, and the addresses and schools of victims are the highest incidence of cases.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Faced with such a situation, Xiao Ai feels that children's sex education is really imminent. Some people may say that education may not necessarily avoid harm, after all, children are vulnerable groups and have no strength to resist. But Xiao Ai still insists that letting children clearly understand their own bodies and learn to protect themselves to the greatest extent is the first step to escape persecution. Because sometimes, even if the child is violated, he does not understand what the demons are doing.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Sex education for children

It shouldn't just be noticed in hot spots

The movie "Suyuan" must be familiar to everyone, this is a movie that Xiao Ai can't bear to watch a second time. The content is probably: the story of a little girl on the way to school, brutally sexually assaulted by a drunk, and left with a lifelong disability.

Na Ying (not her real name), an 8-year-old girl, is holding an umbrella and walking on her way to school. Suddenly, he was stopped by Zhao Doushun, who was in the rain: "Can you let your uncle hold up your umbrella too?" Of course, the kind Na Ying agreed, but unexpectedly, the child's kindness attracted the devil. Zhao Doushun forcibly dragged Na Ying into the toilet of the church and inflicted extremely cruel sexual violence on her.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Afterwards, in order to destroy the evidence, Zhao Doushun even used a branch to abuse Na Ying's lower body, forcibly pouring a large amount of tap water into the body, just to drain the body fluids out of the body and eliminate the suspicion of crime. Poor Na Ying, on the other hand, had a fracture of her abdomen and pelvis, ruptured internal organs, and even her large and small intestines flowed out of her body, and her face was severely bitten.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

In the end, after the rescue of the doctor, the child's life was saved, but the anus and sexual organs lost 80% of their function, and they needed to carry urine bags with them for life, and the child's psychological damage could not be cured in a lifetime. Such an ending makes Xiao Ai feel extremely desperate, but what is even more desperate is the few big words written at the back of the movie: based on real events.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

In fact, not only in the movie, the problem of child sexual assault and indecency regardless of borders, gender, age, has always existed in our real life.

In recent years, parents have been indignant about "children being sexually assaulted and threatened" on social news every three to five years:

In Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, an 11-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and killed, and the suspect was a relative of the girl's family;

In Harbin, Heilongjiang, a 4-year-old girl was sexually abused by Liu, causing multiple disabilities;

In Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, a 4-year-old boy was molested by a male kindergarten teacher and molested him for up to half an hour

In Wanning City, Hainan Province, the principal of a school opened a room with 6 primary school girls...

Piece by piece, it is unacceptable. "You think sex education is too early, bad people don't think children are too young." Every time such a problem occurs, parents will always feel nervous and feel that something should be done, but after this heat, they are quickly occupied by various chores in life.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

According to Xiao Ai, in fact, many parents have a cold attitude towards the dissemination of children's sexual knowledge. Although most parents think that sex education is scientific knowledge and should be publicized from an early age, only a small number of parents can take the initiative to communicate with their children, and most parents will only explain to their children when the children ask, of course, there are a considerable number of parents will take the way of ignoring and ignoring.

For this, Xiao Ai only wants to say, please do not take it as a shameful thing, and explain it to children as a popular science knowledge.

A variety of sex education

Let's look at the way abroad

The World Health Organization has previously pointed out that children will have a sense of gender at the age of 2-3, due to differences in individual development, some children may enter the gender role earlier; and at the age of 6-10, the children's gender awareness will be strengthened, they will know very clearly that boys and girls are different; when children reach adolescence, they will begin to have a hazy sexual consciousness, girls will have menarche, boys will be sperm, which should be normal physiological knowledge, But many parents are ashamed to open their mouths. However, if you don't tell the child, where should the child learn this knowledge?

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

In fact, Xiao Ai can also understand, Mom and Dad are not unwilling, but do not know how to talk, then, Xiao Ai will take everyone to see how sex education is carried out abroad

Germany: Cute sex education cartoons

Compared to the romance of the French and the casualness of the Americans, the Germans are serious, serious, and even stereotypical, but the flexible and vivid sex education cartoons may let you see the cute side of the Germans.

Japan: Sex education is very widespread

Sex education is already widely available in most elementary schools in Japan, and by the time they reach middle school, students can already learn some rough contraceptive knowledge from the classroom. For lower grade students, the teacher will first let the students understand sex from observing their own bodies and emotionally. After getting older, teachers began to focus on the specific physiological problems of students, through videos, games, etc. to let students understand their sexual organs, know the difference between men and women. After reaching the senior grade, the teacher's explanation will be more in-depth.

Finland: Professional and meticulous sex education

Since the 1970s, sex education has entered the curriculum of primary and secondary schools in Finland, and even kindergartens have positive sex education books. At the same time, the state has also set up special sex education consultation telephones and child protection institutions for children, providing help to teenagers at any time.

Netherlands: A course that needs to be mastered

In the Netherlands, sex education begins when children enter primary school at the age of 6, and as with other courses, there is nothing special about it, and children can also do their own research reports.

Compared with other countries, our country has relatively little systematic sex education, which is why parents have become one of the most important ways for children to acquire this kind of knowledge. So, what do we do?

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

These books contain answers that children want to know

And the knowledge that you're not good at saying

If you don't know how to open your mouth, then Xiao Ai suggests that you start with a book of sexual enlightenment! These books are bought by Xiao Ai from "CCTV News", and they accompany their children to read these books during the holidays, so that children know how to protect themselves better!

Serena Rush Forward (Age: 3-6 years): This book tells the story of a small sperm turning into a baby. "Serena Williams" is only one of three hundred million small sperm, but of all the sperm, only it persists to the end point as fast as possible and becomes a cute little baby. The whole book is very cute, and the text description is also intimate, and children can understand it.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones
How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Where I came from (age applicable: 3-6 years): At some point, children will be curious about the source of life. This book answers the question in each child's mind in a way that the child can understand and the parents are not embarrassed to answer the question of where I came from.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Don't Touch Me Casually (Age: 3-6 years old): This series has 7 books, including "Don't Touch Me Casually", "Don't Kiss Me Casually", "Don't Walk With Strangers", "Don't Order Me Casually", "Don't Laugh at Me", "Don't Bully Me Casually", "Don't Change Yourself Casually". Through the goodnight dialogue between mother and child, the author teaches children how to avoid abuse in a very specific way by asking questions and answering questions and actual examples.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones
How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

A secret that must not be kept (age: 4-13 years old): This book tells children what a "private part of the body" is, and it is important to say it out loud when someone touches it in an improper way. Some secrets cannot be kept, and this must be told to the child.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

Where did you come from my friend (applicable age: 3-13 years old): This book is based on the sex education textbook written by Zheng Yuanjie to her son, which uses fairy tales, dialogues, and cartoons to help parents solve those difficult educational problems. The book is divided into three parts, the first part explains the formal body composition, the second part teaches children how to protect themselves and prevent sexual assault, and the third part tells children how to contact people other than themselves.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

From diapers to dating (applicable ages: parents of children ages 12-21): The author of this book is Debra Hafner, an authoritative Sex Educator in the United States and a Master of Public Health from Yale University. This book is written by her as a dual mother and an expert, the book systematically discusses the physiological and psychological changes encountered by children at all stages of growth, and also introduces in detail how parents can talk about "sexual" issues with their children.

How early is it appropriate to start sex education? Don't wait for your child to get hurt and regret it! Let's talk about the bad ones

In fact, children's sex education itself is a very large field, if you want to write in detail, Xiao Ai is estimated to be written into a thick book. But in life, what we parents can do is to teach children to protect themselves to the greatest extent in the details of life, and this protection begins with knowing their own bodies.

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