
The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged

author:Brother Tan 50242518813

Reality is cruel, when you have something, all of a sudden, there is no more, it becomes someone else's. There was no money, no house, no car, no more. That's when you find that the world seems to be getting cold, so cold that it makes you shiver.

The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged

Who can think of the past self, echoing everything, wanting everything at your fingertips, where is the dilemma like today? In the past, when the scenery was beautiful, you could spend the day and drink, you could do whatever you wanted, you could laugh at the rivers and lakes, and then you couldn't imagine that it would be a failure.

However, after listening to the partners who were usually trusted, I did not expect that the man's wolf ambitions had pit all the money of the company, and as a result, the company could not continue.

The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged

This is lao Hu's entrepreneurial history, originally he worked in a public institution, and then resigned to go to the sea, after five or six years of hard work, at the instigation of a friend in the business circle, a group of people went to Shenzhen to run a company. At the beginning of the business booming, everyone was happy, Lao Hu invested all his assets, but the friend, who was also a shareholder of the company, actually cheekily transferred most of the shareholders' money. In the end, the company had to be dissolved, and Lao Hu fought a lawsuit for several years, although he won, but most of the money could not be returned. It turned out that this was a routine, the friend said that the project was good, but his friend raised funds everywhere, demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall, owed money everywhere, relatives and friends dared to cheat, not to mention Lao Hu's?

The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged

Eat a loss, grow a wisdom, and I don't know how Lao Hu survived later.

At a party, I saw Lao Hu, drunk to half drunk, Lao Hu talked about that sad entrepreneurial history, could have made a lot of money, did not expect to be deceived, the money is gone, the company can not continue to develop. During those days, he had nothing and was depressed for a long time.

And the boy cheated too many people, was forced into debt, psychologically collapsed, and chose to bid farewell to the world forever. After Lao Hu knew that his heart was recycled, lao Hu almost suffered from depression at that time, until the evil spirit died, and he did not ease up.

After that, he slowly started a business from scratch, knowing people and knowing their hearts, reality is like a pig killing knife, teaching Lao Hu how to no longer be deceived, how to distinguish between win-win cooperation and how to get rid of the harm of villains.

The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged

This is the result of the original pride and credulity with people, and the ancients said that those who enjoyed great fame without reality will have strange misfortunes. In the midst of complaining, I depressed myself, I complained at every turn, and I was not satisfied with everything. In response to Zeng Guofan's sentence: If you complain about the heavens without a reason, the heavens will not allow it, and if you are especially a person without a reason, then people will disobey.

Only by painstakingly thinking about finding reasons from yourself, learning some necessary knowledge, constantly charging, allowing yourself to re-invest in new entrepreneurship, and constantly achieving yourself in the cooperation of the team.

Today, Lao Hu is full of vitality, starting businesses and companies everywhere, his footprints are all over the country, and a really growing big entrepreneur is born.

Therefore, there is no money, you can start all over again, you must not be discouraged; the money in this world can never be earned, as long as you have the vision and the ability to know the roots, why worry about not making money?

The reality is to kill pigs, people's fate depends on their own, money is gone, you can earn again, don't be discouraged