
Ma Guangyuan was about to be "crazy" by the qi! #X297

author:Companion forums

Ma Guangyuan was about to be mad by the trolls recently!

Ma Guangyuan returned to the jianghu after being silenced for a month. In addition to continuing to point out house prices and stir up texts, he announced during the Qingming holiday that he had undergone 4 surgeries in one go.

Unexpectedly, this news caused a collective climax among fans, and the news received 2.22 million impressions, 16,000 likes, and more than 6,000 comments.

This flow is several times that of the economy he usually talks about.

Ma Guangyuan's black fans also saw the opportunity and moved, holding the topic of his surgery and publicizing it everywhere. Say he has only a house and wealth, but no health.

Seeing that the black powder joked about his health and circled the traffic everywhere, which made Ma Guangyuan very unhappy.

Ma Guangyuan's black powder mainly comes from some netizens who hope that house prices will fall.

Recently, the real estate control policy has been relaxed, and Ma Guangyuan is firmly bullish on real estate, making these black fans who hope that house prices will fall very unhappy.

In order to counter those black powders, Ma Guangyuan also issued a point of view, believing that if the factors affecting the excessively high house prices still exist, the house prices will be higher.

Ma Guangyuan was about to be "crazy" by the qi! #X297

This remark once again triggered the dissatisfaction of black fans. The comments section includes both those who support Ma Guangyuan's view and those who oppose it.

I don't know how the black fans provoked Ma Guangyuan, and not long after, he said very emotionally: I announced that house prices will plummet, and there will be houses everywhere that no one wants to pick up, and you can pick up a few sets if you want, and pick up a few sets when you think of which city. Those who have houses are miserable, their assets have shrunk sharply, and those who speculate in houses are lined up on the high platform to jump. The masses of the people set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Ma Guangyuan was about to be "crazy" by the qi! #X297

It seems that Ma Guangyuan was about to be mad, and he could no longer care about the dignity of a scholar and economist, and directly tore the black powder.

Talking about Ma Guangyuan's lace news is not to comment on who is right and who is wrong with his fans, but to say that house prices really affect the hearts of every Chinese.

Whether a house can be afforded or not, house prices are always a hot topic and a topic that everyone can talk about.

Netizens have also been divided into two factions of houses, one is the people who have not bought a house, and may never be able to afford to buy a house, they are eager for house prices to fall, hoping to one day get on the car.

The other group is people who have already bought a house, and they don't necessarily want house prices to rise, but at least they hope that house prices don't fall.

In Ma Guangyuan's fan base, there are also two types of people, one is to support Ma Guangyuan's views, and the other is to oppose Ma Guangyuan's views.

Netizens who do not want house prices to rise, as long as they see Ma Guangyuan say that house prices may rise, will naturally spray wildly in his message area.

Since the topic of house prices will be so hot, it means that real estate is important to us, and it is precisely because it is closely related to us that we will pay attention to it.

Some people may feel that the house price is only related to the person who bought the house, and for the person who did not buy a house, the house price fell, and he had nothing to lose.

Is this really the case? Let's take a look.

Let's take a simple example, Xiao Wang took the family's savings of 1 million yuan, and then borrowed 1 million yuan from the bank to buy a new house. Note that this is a new house, not a second-hand house.

The developer got 2 million yuan, and it used the money to buy land; the government gave the developer a piece of land and then got the 2 million yuan.

The government took the 2 million yuan to build a municipal road, and the boss of the municipal project got the 2 million yuan.

The municipal company boss company, including its own 20 employees, worked for a year, and divided the 2 million in its entirety, with an average of 100,000 yuan per person.

Workers get money at the end of the year, one person buys an electric car, and you are the sales of this electric car.

How much wealth did Xiao Wang create for society by buying a house?

Xiao Wang's family's 1 million yuan, plus 1 million yuan of bank loans, a total of 2 million yuan, but after this circulation, the developer earned 2 million, the government made 2 million, the municipal company made 2 million, and the electric vehicle company made 2 million, creating a total of 8 million wealth.

You sold 2 million cars, and at the end of the year, you took a commission of 100,000 yuan, which is also happy.

Although you didn't buy a house, you got the year-end bonus and you were very happy.

But if the house price falls, everyone thinks that the house price will fall, and Xiao Wang also waits and sees, and does not want to buy a house.

At this time, the 1 million yuan of Xiao Wang's whole family is still 1 million yuan there. Xiao Wang also did not borrow 1 million yuan from the bank, and the bank's 1 million yuan could not be loaned.

At this time, the developer's house could not be sold, and there was no money to buy land for the government; the government could not sell the land, there was no money to build roads; the municipal company had no work, and all the employees were laid off and unemployed; the workers did not earn money and did not buy electric vehicles.

Your car can't be sold, your commission is gone, and you have to cut your salary.

You see, although you didn't buy a house, the house price fell and you suffered the same loss.

Why is that? It is because real estate is the fastest and greatest way to create social wealth.

I just gave a very simple model, not very rigorous, the actual operating model of the real estate industry is very complex, and the impact is more profound than the model I gave.

The following picture is very graphic, but it only reflects the impact of the real estate industry chain, and the industry outside the real estate industry is also far-reaching.

Ma Guangyuan was about to be "crazy" by the qi! #X297

Therefore, real estate has affected the hundreds of industries in China's economy. If real estate is prosperous, it will be prosperous; if real estate is wasted, it will be wasted.

Have you found that in the first half of 2021, the overall economy is still hot, and everything looks like it is thriving.

But after June 2021, it feels like the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse, why?

It is because the developer's new house cannot be sold, the bank's credit has tightened, the money cannot be circulated, and the people in each link have not made money, and everyone has begun to reduce consumption.

The money of the bank is still in the bank, and the money of the people who originally wanted to buy a house also exists in the bank, and if the money is not circulated, the economy will be like a backwater.

Some people will ask, when residents have money, do they have to buy a house? Can't you pull the economy without buying a house?

Nor is it, if residents are willing to spend all this money, it can also boost the economy.

However, Chinese are generally reluctant to consume, and besides, consumption does not cost much. Chinese, and I am not used to spending all my savings.

In other words, there is no industry in China that can revitalize as much money as real estate.

A suite, as little as two or three million, more than tens of millions, leveraged personal funds, as well as bank funds, there is no second such industry in China.

In addition to real estate, the biggest consumption of residents is cars.

But many people would rather buy a house than a car, because the car is a consumable and depreciates when it lands; the house has financial attributes and has the investment of appreciation and appreciation.

But once the expectation of rising house prices is gone, a lot of demand for house purchases disappears, especially the need for investment.

House prices do not rise, which is a good thing for just needs, and they can calmly get on the car.

But if you just need to digest it, the new house still can't be sold, which is very scary.

So what can be done?

The only way is to loosen the purchase restriction and re-release some of the investment needs that were previously suppressed.

Recently, the most important news is that Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province, has relaxed the purchase restriction. Families who are not registered in Fuzhou can also purchase real estate in Fuzhou.

Some people believe that real estate has kidnapped the Chinese economy and hate real estate for it.

In fact, this is not necessary, it is not that real estate has kidnapped the Chinese economy, but that there is no second industry in the Chinese economic system that can create social wealth so quickly as real estate.

We often hear that the three major carriages that drive China's economy are: investment, exports and consumption.

Exports and consumption are well understood, and investment is railways, roads and infrastructure, which is often referred to as "iron public foundation".

At first glance, it seems that it has little to do with real estate.

In fact, these investments are all paid by the government, where does the government's money come from?

The government's money comes from fiscal revenue, and there are two sources, one is the general budget revenue based on taxation, and the other is the government fund income based on land sales.

In some cities, the income from land sales has accounted for half of the fiscal revenue.

Therefore, if the government wants to boost GDP through the "iron public foundation", it is still necessary to obtain fiscal revenue by selling land, so that it can have money to engage in investment.

If house prices fall and land cannot be sold, the government also does not have enough money to invest and cannot boost GDP.

In general, China's rapid economic growth in the past two decades has relied on real estate; everyone's good life in the past 20 years has also relied on real estate.

But the path of real estate to drive the economy is unsustainable, and there are profound lessons to be learned in Japan.

Therefore, it is also right to advocate that housing is not speculated and suppress the continued expansion of the real estate industry.

The current pain is for the long-term consideration of the future, and if it does not hurt now, it will hurt even more in the future.

However, this has to have a buffering process, the car is driving too fast, and it is easy to overturn if it brakes sharply.

Now everyone is very uncomfortable, the economy has also been greatly impacted, can only slowly loosen up, let the real estate slowly become active, continue to let the flow of funds.

Since the second half of last year, you will definitely get a lot of calls calling for a loan, and the bank has a lot of money in hand, but it can't be released.

This money was supposed to go into the real industry and let the bosses expand production to stimulate the economy.

But now the economy is not good, bosses generally do not want to invest, it is easy to lose money; banks are also afraid of bad debts, lending to bosses to expand the scale, it is easy not to get back.

Under such circumstances, money is stuck in the bank, and if it is not circulated, it will not create wealth, and everyone will feel that they earn less and dare not consume.

In this way, a vicious circle will be formed, and many enterprises will have to reduce wages and reduce employees; unemployed, less income, and residents will dare not consume.

To break this vicious circle, it is necessary to rely on government investment to stimulate the economy, which is inseparable from the fiscal revenue brought by real estate.

Having said all this, it is nothing more than to tell everyone that China's economy is inseparable from real estate, whether you buy a house or not, you are also inseparable from real estate.

House prices can not fall sharply, nor can they rise sharply, but can only maintain a sideways, or slight increase, so that real estate can operate normally and continue to create wealth for society.

Housing is not speculated will not waver, and it is impossible for house prices to rise sharply, which is what everyone does not want to see.

For the topic of house prices, everyone also uses too much, now is such a situation, a big fall is impossible, a big rise is impossible, can maintain the industry normal service for the economy.
