
Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

author:Shine a light on the past and the present

The love of the French president and his wife is nothing new. The boy and the girl are big, a pair of old and young people with a difference of 24 years old, and they live a love realm that is not as good as young people.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

No, just a few days ago, Macron and Brigitte were once again on the hot search. If nothing else, just for the love between husband and wife, netizens are not calm.

It turns out that this month Macron is in a hurry to rally votes for the next five-year term. Brigitte, who had not appeared in front of the media for many days, finally appeared in the camera.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

First, at the end of the month in March, Brigitte appeared in Macron's competitive arena in a surprise "attack".

Macron's excitement was so expressive that he hugged Brigitte tightly offstage.

This may seem like a surprise, but it also reveals Brigitte's selfishness: she has always cared about her husband's career and worried about his process of canvassing for votes.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

So, by the time the April 2 campaign began, Brigitte was already in a state of high readiness.

Of course, macron is also very nervous, which is naturally necessary: it is related to his future career development.

On that day, Macron and Brigitte almost wore couple outfits, both dark blue suits, and the pair was absolutely eye-catching.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

But that's not the main thing, because Macron's royal photographer exposed several photos of him before the campaign.

Macron's professional suits have not yet been put on, and as can be seen in the photo, they are placed on a bench in the dressing room. And what is Macron doing? It turned out to be with Brigitte.

Brigitte sat on Macron's lap, his brow furrowed, with a look of concern. Macron, on the other hand, wore a down jacket and glasses and looked straight at his wife.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Although Macron's glasses were darker in color, we couldn't see the look in his eyes. But his expression, his holding of Brigitte's hand, said it all: Rest assured, everything is fine, I am ready.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Some netizens speculated that this was Brigitte cheering Macron, although her expression was serious, but her actions were very relaxed: taking out her own tenderness and helping her husband adjust his state.

In fact, Macron was indeed a little nervous. This is also illustrated in the later photographs: he and Brigitte have changed their clothes, but his hand refuses to let go of his wife's hand.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Macron in this state, no matter how you look at it, has a little cute style. A man who is president is so dependent on his wife is really affectionate and gentle.

Obviously, with the support of love, Macron's campaign is very smooth, not only did he get a fairly high number of votes, but also showed another love with his wife in the venue of 30,000 people.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks
"The one who is most important to me and brings me the most"

Brigitte probably did not expect that sitting in the audience, her husband would introduce himself to everyone with such words.

At that moment, the smile on Brigitte's face was gentle, happy, and sweet.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

In fact, since the beginning of her marriage, although she has worked hard to shorten the age difference with her husband, it is a brand-name dress, plastic surgery, and various tosses, but it is obviously not very ideal.

However, over the past year, Brigitte has not appeared much, worn skirts less often, and the first beautiful legs are not very exposed. But the age difference between her and Macron feels smaller and smaller.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Probably because of the pressure of work, Macron is only 44 years old, but his sideburns are white.

As for Brigitte, when her expression was not so exaggerated, she and her husband showed a very positive state.

So, when the husband in the dark blue suit introduced Brigitte to everyone, people saw a woman immersed in happiness. Although she was a little old, her face was full of the shyness of a young girl.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

How can such love not be envied?

Macron and Brigitte are clearly sprinkling dog food at people. Unexpectedly, the people in the audience actually responded with crazy applause. It can be seen that everyone has accepted this love for them from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially when Macron threw a flying kiss at Brigitte offstage, the audience almost exploded. It was obviously a president showing love to his wife in the air, and what excited was the audience?

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

I have to say that love is such a thing that will really infect people.

Maybe the audience is in such a warm atmosphere that it is impossible to maintain composure. After all, the people they support are embracing the happiest love, which makes them feel at ease and at peace.

At this time, Brigitte was not only shy, but also quite bold.

She actually used the same way of flying kisses to return her husband's love, and that calm and calm behavior almost made people feel sweet.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

In fact, for this kind of thing, Brigitte has long been accustomed to.

Just a few days ago, when he suddenly appeared at the rehearsal scene of Macron's campaign, Macron hugged her excitedly.

Moreover, the two men kissed affectionately under the gaze of the bodyguard.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Think about how awkward the bodyguard's heart would feel: Do I watch you kiss, or do I close my eyes? But my duties do not allow it.

But Macron and Brigitte don't care at all, there is love to express, you want to see it, anyway, it is bright and righteous: we are a couple who love each other deeply.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Speaking of which, the love between Macron and Brigitte is indeed yearning, leaving aside the age difference that we ordinary people can't accept, the interaction and sweetness of the two of them are all beautiful enough to make people sour.

It can be said that Macron is deeply dependent on Brigitte, and Brigitte relies on Macron with confidence. This kind of love asks for something, but does not want anything, they all take out what they are best at, what they have the most to give to each other.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

In such a situation, there must be nothing that can defeat this love, just like when two people were not recognized, they still stubbornly held each other's hands.

It is only because, in their own hearts, that the love between two people has transcended the external factor of the age gap.

So, they persevered and took the happy pace all the way.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

If this is true love, it is clear that Macron and Brigitte are lucky people who have found the most needed partner in their lives.

Although Brigitte is now getting older, she seems to be a little overwhelmed with the affairs of the first lady. But Macron still loved her wholeheartedly, calling almost every hour and a half.

Macron is too affectionate: he holds his beloved 68-year-old wife in his lap and gives her a flying kiss when he speaks

Because for each other, the most important thing in life is the other in the hearts of two people.

Without that person, their lives would lose their original taste of happiness. So, what is age? What about getting older?

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