
Focusing on the "Four Combinations" to Enhance the "Four Forces" of Ideological and Political Science Education

In the three years since the school's ideological and political theory teachers' symposium was held, the overall situation and fundamental changes have taken place in the construction of ideological and political theory classes. Colleges and universities closely focus on the fundamental issue of "what people to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people", and constantly explore the reform and innovation of ideological and political science classes. The ideological and political science class is a key course for implementing the fundamental task of Lide Shuren. Teachers of the ideological and political science class should follow the law of ideological and political work, follow the law of teaching and educating people, and follow the law of student growth, so that the ideological and political class hall has a temperature, let the teaching language be grounded, and let the teaching content resonate, so that the ideological and political science class can truly become the guiding light and spiritual food for college students.

Combined with the growth needs of students, enhance the affinity of ideological and political science education. College students are in a critical period of world outlook, outlook on life, and value formation, during which they are accompanied by growing pains and confusion in their thinking, and the ideological and political class should change from telling big truths to solving small problems. Why join the Chinese Communist Party? Everyone "lay flat" and I have to continue to work hard? Should I fall in love in college? How to overcome social phobia? After graduation, do you want to start a business or apply for a job?...... Such college students academic, life, love, career and other confusion needs to be given to them help and enlightenment, ideological and political science teachers must fully understand the growth needs of students, in order to find the entry point in the ideological and political teaching, so that the ideological and political classroom enlightens students' hearts, opens students' hearts, touches students' souls, and enhances the affinity of educating people. On the basis of understanding students and caring for students, the teaching of ideological and political science should identify students' "pain points", prescribe the right prescriptions, let the cold indoctrination be transformed into warm care, and let boring preaching be transformed into interesting interactions. Teachers in the ideological and political science class should profoundly understand the significance of combining teaching and educating people, not only to strengthen theoretical guidance in the classroom, but also to help students answer questions outside the classroom, and avoid teaching according to the script and educating people in the form of uploading and dispatching. The integration of teaching and educating people is reflected in the students' full trust in the teachers of the ideological and political science class and the high recognition of the ideological and political science class, the ideological and political science class should become the college students' life belief class, psychological counseling class, and growth planning class, and the ideological and political science class teacher should become the spiritual tutor that college students can afford, find, and rely on. Narrowing the distance between students and the ideological and political classroom, enhancing the affinity of the ideological and political class, and consolidating the main position of casting souls and educating people are the prerequisite guarantees for the construction of ideological and political theory courses in the new era.

Combined with classic Chinese stories, enhance the appeal of ideological and political education. The history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of the development of socialism, and the traditional Chinese culture contain the basic principles of Marxism and the latest achievements in the sinification of Marxism. Teachers of the ideological and political science class should enhance their ability to tell Chinese stories well, integrate red stories, heroic stories, inspirational stories, role model stories, traditional cultural stories, etc. into classroom teaching, and enhance the appeal of the ideological and political science class to educate people through vivid images. On the one hand, teachers of the ideological and political science class should constantly update and improve their own knowledge system, combine the classic Chinese stories with obscure theoretical difficulties, and enhance the ideological and theoretical nature of the ideological and political science teaching; On the other hand, it is necessary to guide students to tell Chinese stories well and spread China's good voice, encourage more students to actively undertake propaganda and ideological work inside and outside the school, and pass on the values of the times and enhance the effectiveness of educating people through studying and telling the Chinese spirit, Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength. College students in the new era are prosperous and are a generation of powerful countries shouldering heavy responsibilities, not only to let them understand and perceive the hardships and glory that China has experienced from standing up to becoming rich, but also to let them understand and understand the risks and challenges faced by China from becoming rich to strong. Only by moving classic Chinese stories into the ideological and political classroom, telling meaningful things interestingly and meaningfully, and letting students have a sense of experience and participation, can ideological and political education enter the mind and be externalized in practice. Using classic Chinese stories to stimulate college students' patriotic feelings, strong national aspirations, and service to the country, and to guide them to enhance their self-confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, and cultural self-confidence are the proper meanings of the construction of ideological and political theory courses in the new era.

Combined with social practice activities, enhance the attractiveness of ideological and political science to educate people. Social practice is a walking ideological and political classroom, and college students go to society, understand the national conditions, pay attention to people's livelihood, and serve the public by participating in social practice activities. The teaching of ideological and political science should be deeply integrated with social practice activities such as students' majors, party group building, production and labor, and volunteer service, and continuously enhance the attractiveness of educating people. Teachers of the ideological and political science class should become designers and participants in social practice and guide students to write the song of youth on the land of the motherland. The content of social practice should be combined with the ideological and political curriculum, and the professional expertise of students should be given full play; It is necessary to be oriented to national development and to serve the society as its own responsibility; It must be based on both productive labor and local resources; It is necessary to take the strengthening of the building of party and group organizations as the task, and to shape the value concept of college students themselves as the goal. A few days ago, the Ministry of Education clearly pointed out that it is necessary to promote colleges and universities to strictly implement the credits of practical teaching hours in the ideological and political science class. Marxist colleges and universities should take the initiative to assume responsibility, provide full support for the social practice of college students, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of social practice, integrate the small classroom of ideological politics into the large social classroom, and transform the basic principles into vivid practice, so that students can be educated, develop their talents, and make contributions in the process. Teachers of the ideological and political science class should continue to strengthen the guidance of students' social practice, so that students can understand the practical significance of the knowledge they have learned in the practice of participating in the construction of a modern socialist country, practice the core socialist values, improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems, and cultivate students' sense of social responsibility and mission. Social practice activities are an effective starting point for realizing the whole process and all-round education of people, and are also an important and characteristic link in the construction of ideological and political theory courses in the new era.

In light of the general trend of the world and at home, we should enhance the persuasiveness of the ideological and political science class in educating people. At present, the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world that have not occurred in a hundred years are intertwined and mutually exciting. The ideological and political science class should focus on the core of "educating people for the party and the country", constantly enhance the persuasiveness of educating people, and gather the magnificent strength of building the Chinese dream with one heart. Teachers in the ideological and political science class must always pay attention to international and domestic hot issues, maintain their concentration and sobriety in the midst of changes, and consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee, so as to guide students to correctly understand the world and the general trend of China's development, and correctly understand Chinese characteristics and international comparison. The teaching of ideological and political science should not only use detailed and specific data to let students understand the great achievements made in China's social development, but also let students understand the changes of the times in which we live with vivid and typical examples, clearly explain China's institutional advantages in the contrast between China's rule and the chaos in the West, and thoroughly explain the anti-globalization ideological trends such as protectionism and unilateralism in the fermentation of Brexit. Teachers in the ideological and political science class should keep up with the pace of the times, grasp the requirements of the times, update the teaching content at any time, and constantly talk about the new and the new, and constantly improve the persuasiveness of the teaching, so that the students can both solve their puzzles and quench their thirst. It is necessary to guide students to observe the situation and grasp the law with Marxist stands, viewpoints, and methods, so that they can continuously enhance their political, ideological, and theoretical identification with the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics in the course of study, correctly understand the responsibility of the times and historical mission, and correctly understand their lofty ambitions and down-to-earth work. Basing ourselves on the international and domestic situations and closely integrating with reality is an inevitable requirement for the construction of ideological and political theory courses in the new era.

Author: Liu Xiaoqi, Associate Professor, Vice Dean of the School of Marxism of Shaanxi Vocational and Technical College, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee.