
Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate

author:Fools talk about fishing

The threshold for fishing entry is extremely low, and many outsiders think that it is a matter of one rod and one line and one bait, as long as there are fish in the water, they will definitely be able to catch fish.

In fact, fishing this thing, there are resources, the density of fish is large, it is really simple to say simple, but the density of fish is average, and then want to catch fish, it will take more effort.

Take the seasons, for example, different seasonal stages, fish conditions will be different, the number of fishing routes also need to change, it is now April, is in the spring and summer at the turn of the spring and summer.

Because of the difference in temperature in the morning and evening, it will lead to changes in the temperature of the water layer in different time periods, and the late spring is a typical changeable weather, if you want to catch fish and catch a good fish, the adjustment of these fishing details must be paid attention to.

Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate

First, time adjustment: the fishing time should be morning and evening, try to avoid noon

Fishing circles often say that "gods are difficult to catch fish at noon", fish are warm, when the water surface temperature exceeds the appropriate temperature of the fish, it will change the original trajectory of the fish. When the weather is hot, from 11:30 a.m. to 2-3 p.m., the water temperature in the middle and pelagic water will reach the highest value, and the fish will move to deep water to escape the heat, at which time the catch will be more difficult.

Therefore, in the late spring stage, it is not recommended that you go fishing at noon, the best fishing time should be before 11 am, after 4 pm, at this time the water temperature is appropriate, the fish school begins to feed, and the fish situation is better.

In addition, many anglers like to fish at night, and this is a good time. When fishing at night in the summer, because of the hot weather, many anglers wear short sleeves and are deeply tormented by mosquito bites, and this stage will be much more comfortable.

Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate

Second, the adjustment of the water layer: try to fish as deep as possible

The temperature in the late spring stage has gradually approached 30 degrees, the water temperature in the shallow water area has begun to rise, the temperature exceeds the feeding temperature of the fish, and some grass holes and aquatic plants grow vigorously, the dark grass in the water is dense, and a large amount of oxygen in the water is consumed, so that the survival activities of the fish are restricted, so they have left the shallow water area.

Therefore, it is not advisable to fish shallow at this time, and it is generally recommended that the water depth be between 1.5 meters and 2 meters. In particular, the width and narrowing, the size of the water surface is connected, the water inlet, the muddy water gentle slope, etc. are all good choices, which will be very suitable for fish.

Third, the bait adjustment: the bait as much as possible

The rise in water temperature in late spring brings not only good fish conditions, but also small fish nests, especially on various large water surfaces, and there are many miscellaneous fish, so it is necessary to make adjustments from the bait to avoid the occurrence of nests.

Miscellaneous fish prefer foods with strong flavor and small particles, so we are best to use a light taste of vegetarian bait in late spring, we can add wheat kernels to brown sugar and simmer until soft and have a hint of stickiness on the surface, fish out to cool, add 30 grams of honey, 2 two white wines and a small amount of heart-wrenching lure.

Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate

Wheat kernels were chosen because the bait state can be less atomized and sticky, reducing the rush of small fish. The lure of adding the heart is because its taste is similar to the taste of algae, which is more popular with freshwater fish such as crucian carp and carp, and can relax their vigilance and better achieve the effect of attracting fish.

There are natural hormones extracted from fish, which are extremely expensive and contain almost no fish can resist the fishing factors, which can well improve the fish's competitive desire and appetite, and achieve the purpose of rapid fish gathering.

And the lure of the heart can also strengthen the penetration of the bait, expand the scope of attraction, so that fish dozens of meters away can smell the smell of bait, so as to enter the nest.

Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate

Fourth, weather adjustment: it is advisable to fish for wind and rain, not to fish for fog

Spring is known as "spring fishing smoke and rain fog" saying, but that is not suitable for late spring, this stage of the temperature is high, cloudy, foggy days in the air more water molecules, the temperature is relatively low, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water will be reduced, the lack of oxygen in the water when the fish situation is relatively poor.

The better is that the sunny breeze and rainy days can reduce the water surface temperature while increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which can effectively stimulate the fish mouth and enhance the activity of the fish.

Late spring wild fishing, do four adjustments! As long as the method is on the right path, one fish is accurate


The above four adjustments are more suitable for the current stage of fish conditions, after all, the continental weather is relatively strong in stages, the seasons are different, and the fish mouth situation is also obviously different, we must learn to adapt to local conditions and conditions in order to have good fish catches.