
Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon


Standing on the standard of morality, Jackie Chan can indeed find quite a few shortcomings, especially in emotional life, but there is a problem that many netizens may not have thought about.

Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon

When he was young, Jackie Chan, although he could not be called a beautiful man, but in a group of male stars, is a proper prodigal image, this kind of temperament, is undoubtedly the object of romance in the hearts of most girls.

Don't rush to refute, take a simple example, don't say the average star, a generation of singers Teresa Teng, a generation of Golden Horse film queen Lin Fengjiao, in order to win the love of Jackie Chan, have paid a lot of price.

For example, Lin Fengjiao directly disappeared into the shadow and went to the beautiful country to raise fangzu name alone. If Jackie Chan did not have this unique temperament, how could it be worth making such a sacrifice for the film queen.

Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon

Wu Qili's life is undoubtedly a tragedy, just like Jackie Chan's autobiography "Not Grown Up yet", how can the prodigal son when he was young think so much about the future.

If Jackie Chan is always single, then this attitude towards life is undoubtedly a kind of dashing life. This attitude to life is a double-edged sword, which eventually cut Fang Zuming and also cut Wu Zhuolin.

Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon

Wu Zhuolin's rebellion comes from insecurity, and there is a kind of self-harm disease in psychology, hoping to attract the attention of the other party by hurting himself, so as to achieve the purpose of being cared for.

It is a pity that in Jackie Chan's heart, there is no longer a position for Wu Qili, and there is also no position for the Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin.

Wu Zhuolin's behavior can be described as self-abandonment, and her disappointment in life and her parents, like a dark night, envelops her heart.

Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon

A few years ago, the enmity and resentment between Jackie Chan, Wu Qili and Wu Zhuolin once caused discussion among netizens, and now everything is calm and quiet, and life still has to continue.

Wu Zhuolin's life has not changed much, she has cut her head, and dyed gray and white, plus gray is a torn top, showing a kind of unsatisfactory life everywhere.

Wu Zhuolin's girlfriend Andy is still with her, which also proves the purity of the feelings between the two people.

Dragon Princess Wu Zhuolin status quo: gray and white, wearing rags, girlfriend still does not abandon

At first, many people speculated that Wu Zhuolin's girlfriend was with her for money, and from the current point of view, this matter may not be true.

In this world, perhaps his girlfriend Andy is the last hope in Wu Zhuolin's heart.