
Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

author:Jin Eleven
Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

Fucha nobles were born in the Manchu banner and were from the Fucha family. The draft was directly crowned as a nobleman. Entering the palace is quite popular!

Obviously a good hand! But the fighting power only lasted until 35 episodes, and Zhen Huan told the story of a person's hair, which scared her crazy.

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

Come to think of it, she has 3 unpleasant flaws. Even if Zhen Huan didn't harm her, if she didn't change, she would live a very screwed life.


After Yu Ying'er's death, the palace was haunted. The Fucha nobles heard about it, but they still went to the Baohua Hall to burn incense and pray for blessings.

On the way back to the palace at night, she was frightened when she saw a long-haired woman dressed in white suddenly descending from top to bottom.

Maybe it was this time that scared her guts. (Timid people who have been timid since childhood will arrange things as soon as possible and will definitely go home before dark.) )

A group of people came to see her, and the youngest Chun often stood next to her, and he was not afraid. But she kept telling people. (As if to say, there really are female ghosts.) Believe me)

The emperor did not like the idea of strange forces and chaotic gods. Maybe it's time to start playing and reduce the pampering of her.

After experiencing the bullying of the long street, the concubine immediately stood up. After quickly gaining favor, he told her a story.

After Qi Meiren gained the power to bully Lü, Lü Hou became empress, and she made Qi Meiren an adult.

The Richa noble man went bald from the bench to the ground. The rich and noble people quickly confessed their mistakes.

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?
Zhen Huan said: Although Concubine Nian is arbitrary, I admire her a little. Kill decisively and without mercy.
Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

At that time, some people offended the concubine because of a sentence, and they were moved to another palace. If the young concubine is bullied on the long street, how will she retaliate?

Cao Guiren assisted and said that even if she did not become an adult beard, it would make her worse off than dead.

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

Qin Xi added that the Tang Dynasty had made concubines into a wine tank and soaked them in a wine tank, which was called bone drunkenness.

The rich nobleman, who was already trembling, stood up directly in fright, and then fainted.

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

After returning to the palace, she kept repeating the story and scared herself crazy.

Zhen Huan is good at returning the other body with the other way. She could completely do as Cao Guiren said, directly beat Fu cha Gui into the Prudential Punishment Division, and if she did not break the skin, she would also be frightened by the battle.

But Zhen Huan used the trick that frightened Li Concubine that year. I'm just telling a story, the others are okay, she's crazy. If you don't do something wrong, how can something go wrong?

Others will also think that Zhen Huan has not done anything? It's not cruel. But the clear and dangling wake-up example is there!

At first, the rich and noble people were only afraid when they saw the female ghost. Later, she also witnessed Li Concubine's heart go crazy. But she didn't remember it.

Do not accumulate mouth morality

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

The Richa nobles were pampered after becoming pregnant. Once, let everyone see her unobstructed.

Soon after the storm of Shen Meizhuang's fake pregnancy, Fucha Guiren was cared for because of nausea. She said she was pregnant.

Concubine Hua was suspicious.

Fucha Guiren said, the two Tai Doctors have come to see, I am not the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to compete for favors. There is existence, nothing is nothing, how can the affairs of the imperial heir be fake, is it not enough to have a Shen promise? Wan, you say? ”

In fact, she only had to answer affirmatively, "The two Tai Doctors have come to see it and confirm that it is Xi Mai." Nor would it offend Zhen Huan and the imprisoned Mei Zhuang.

Xin Chang said that the emperor was only pampered once in a few months, so he could get pregnant. Praise her for her blessings.

Fucha guijin thought that the other party was envious of her:

"But no, this is a blessing from heaven, maybe it's still a brother, Xin Chang is here, don't you say?"

Xin chang is giving birth to a daughter. In ancient times, it was the son who was passed down from generation to generation. But I didn't know if I was born or a man or a woman. Is it necessary to be so shabby for the sake of an uncertainty?

Xin Changzai, who has a daughter, and Cao Guiren, should be sad in his heart.

Simple answer: I didn't expect it either. You can also humbly ask others to pass on a little experience.

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

This sentence also made the queen aware of her ambition.

She was also the same IQ as Princess Qi. Perhaps the empress was worried that the three brothers would not study well, and would think of letting Fu Chagui give birth to a child. Multiple options, multiple insurances.

A few more words offended the people in the audience. It also allowed the queen to write the task of beating the tire into the schedule.

Leave half a point to the mouth. After all, too many words are lost. The mouth is the door to bad luck. She believed in Buddhism, but she didn't have enough virtue.

Maybe she's not afraid. Or maybe she felt that something had happened to Concubine Qi (there was an empress behind Concubine Qi) and there was nothing to be afraid of. But she was still too young. What is the bitter fruit, it is also the parties themselves to eat ah.

When things happen, I like to blame others

After Fucha Gui lost his son, Zhen Huan was found to be pregnant with a child. She felt that why my child was gone, she had a child. It should be Zhen Huan's child who killed my child.

The concubine asked her, my child is gone, who should I blame? She said that nature is your retribution.

So why could she blame the concubine?

When you are in pain, can't others be happy? Is it wrong for others to be happy?

Zhen Huan biography: Fucha nobles have not done anything bad, why is the ending so bleak?

Psychology once divided people into two categories: weak values and strong values. The biggest differences between the two are:

People with weak values, when encountering things, love to ask: Why?

People with strong values, when they encounter things, love to ask: Why?

People who ask "by what" like to look outward for reasons and are prone to complaining. If you feel that it is someone else's fault, life/work will get worse and worse.

People who ask "why" like to look inward for reasons. Constantly find reasons from yourself, find deficiencies, and improve yourself. The same mistake reduces the chance of making a mistake. People will become stronger and stronger. Life/work is getting smoother and smoother.


Rich and noble people are timid, as long as they do not do bad things, they can live in peace.

Her mother's family was powerful, and even Concubine Hua did not particularly embarrass her.

Talking over the head is a difficult thing for people who are not covered.

But on important occasions, speaking slowly and talking less will not lay the foundation.

In life, we inevitably speak rashly, as long as it is not intentional, others are also easy to turn the page!

But if you harm others, although it was cool at the time, but after the fact, others calculated, can they bear it?

As the old saying goes, "Look up to the heavens, and bow down to people." What it is about is that being a person is bright and honest, and there is no shame in the heart.

Be a person, do something, do something, do something.

Encourage with friends.