
Song Chunli The wind and rain are beautiful people coming

author:Bright Net
Song Chunli The wind and rain are beautiful people coming

In "The World of Man", Song Chunli's scenes have a total of 69 scenes, several of which are cutscenes that have been brushed away. But this righteous and world-wide mother-in-law Jin Yueji has a lot of weight in the audience's heart.

After acting in so many plays, there are more supporting roles than the protagonists, but there are no regrets, as long as there is enough background of the times and the depth of the story, no matter how much the role is, she is a big actor who can make a final decision.

Inside and outside the play, she has experienced the emotions and lives of others for several lifetimes, and she said that being an actor may be her fate, the danger is here, and happiness is also here.

To be strong and unconfident like twins, to accompany me all the way

Song Chunli can't play a delicate or sexy woman in her life, in addition to the heroic and refreshing appearance of the northern big girl born, the branding of the inside and outside when she joined the army at the age of 13, the speech and demeanor, the "justice awe-inspiring" that cannot be taken off, no wonder in the eyes of the audience, Jin Yueji is Song Chunli, song Chunli is Jin Yueji.

For Song Chunli, the process of entering the role is not as easy as people think, although she has already conquered the discerning audience with her pure acting skills. Frustration, helplessness, and the ecstasy of the peak loop, each time like a roller coaster trembling.

In the past two years, in addition to "The World of Man", the most enjoyable role for Song Chunli is Hu Xue'e in "Circuit Prosecutor Group", a mother who struggles at the bottom of society and can give up everything for her son, which is also a supporting role that does not have many scenes, but the scene is a drama with fierce emotional conflicts. I want to act, but I am worried that the tension of the play is too large, my body can't eat it, and this role is rude, arbitrary, and spicy, which is inconsistent with Song Chunli's previous image of the heroine. Seventy years old, do you still need to challenge yourself? Finally, Song Chunli, who wanted to be strong, entered the crew with a breath. After the play was broadcast, in the face of a piece of praise, Song Chunli handed over the bottom: "In fact, the actor is very fragile, and it is very difficult to overcome himself..."

Song Chunli said that she wanted to be strong in her life, but behind her strength, she was always accompanied by a certain lack of self-confidence. The two are like twins, always following Song Chunli.

Song Chunli once said that when she was a child, her family was poor, her father picked up a cloth sofa that was lost by another family, and her mother took down the sand and made her a small green coat, which was the brightest color in her childhood memory. Every time she cooked, her mother would weigh out a piece of noodles with a scale and divide the noodles into four parts, the father's share was the largest, the brother's was second, hers was second, and the mother's was the smallest. Life was embarrassing, but her parents insisted that she and her brother go to school, because the difference between one question and one question was not admitted to the Teacher's Daughter's High School, and later joined the army, Song Chunli laughed and said, otherwise life must not be what it is today.

From Beijing to Guangzhou, in the big family of the army, Xiao Chunli's personality was a bit closed, and she redoubled her efforts to practice, and she could swallow any pain. At the age of 18, from the dance troupe to the drama troupe, she was even more anxious to make up for all the shortcomings. In those years, she got up at 5 a.m. every day and ran all the way to the small train station close to the station, practicing her voice and practicing her body in a clearing. After an hour, I ran back to the station to have breakfast with everyone, take professional classes, and so on. When she returned to camp at 9:30 p.m., when others slept, she began to write rehearsal diaries, read books and newspapers and take notes, always sleeping until one or two o'clock in the morning, every day, only sleeping for two or three hours a day. "At that time, I lost my hair in a hurry, and I thought it was unsatisfactory. But without the experience of those years, there would be no Song Chunli today. ”

I'm anxious too, but not the kind of anxiety that other people have

"When I was a child, no one said that I was beautiful, and when I went to the repertory theater in 1970, I felt that the beautiful women around me were like clouds, but actresses often had facial anxiety or age anxiety, but they didn't bother me much, maybe because my artistic 'girlhood' was originally very short." 」 Song Chunli laughed and said that in addition to playing a small nurse in the first play "The Heart of Suffering", after all the way, she played either a daughter-in-law or a mother, and her middle age was her golden age, and she opened the hanging nearly forty years old, with "Mandarin Duck Tower", "Plainclothes Policeman", "Wind and Rain Beauty", "Jiuxiang", "The Day of Leaving Lei Feng" to take the Chinese Television Feitian Award and the film Golden Rooster Award for actress and supporting actress.

"But I am by no means a person who lives an easy life", there is a kind of anxiety that accompanies Song Chunli all the time.

When she was young, she was worried that her major was not good enough, and Song Chunli never missed any opportunity to learn around her. In 1983, Song Chunli participated in "Sister" directed by Wu Yigong. At that time, she had already filmed many film and television dramas such as "Treachery" and "Zhang Blacksmith's Romance", but after joining the group, she suddenly found that her previous experience seemed to have become blank. Following Wu Yigong's advice, Song Chunli applied to the factory and applied for the beijing film academy's performance department cadre training class.

Afraid that her skills are inferior to others, she is afraid that she will be screwed up, Song Chunli said, such anxiety has now, and often bothers her, which she calls "the contradiction between the lack of physical strength and energy and the setting of goals." This anxiety also permeates everyday life, from whether to give an interview or attend a party.

How can there be no regrets, contentment is good

When she was young, she knew that she did not belong to the sweet girl type that everyone loved, and although she was sleepy when she was young, she used her performance to fight against real life. Her mother and the troops shaped her tenacious survival philosophy in her bones, and she riveted enough to use the role to speak and prove herself. In 1979, the film "Suffering Heart" selected actors, at that time, Song Chunli had just gotten married, and she wanted to transfer back to Beijing through filmmaking to end the separation between the two places. The head of the troupe said to Song Chunli, "Filming may become famous in one fell swoop, or it may fail in one fell swoop", and she replied firmly, "Then let me try to fail".

The screen debut response was good, and soon, the Bayi Film Studio extended an olive branch to Song Chunli and starred as the heroine of the movie "Adultery". The scene was filmed in the icy and snowy Heilongjiang, the natural conditions were very bad, just arrived at the shooting location, Song Chunli found herself pregnant. At that time, the country only made a few films a year, and the opportunity to shoot scenes was very rare. Song Chunli said that in the situation at that time, Yu Gong, the shooting was imminent, and then the actors were changed, and the photography team could not afford to wait, which would cause losses; Song Chunli called her husband, who said: "You make your own decisions, and I support whatever decisions you make." In this way, the child gave up, the play became, and Song Chunli became an actor in the Bayi Factory as she wished.

It is said that fame should be early, but Song Chunli is a late actor. She is reluctant to take this hard-won opportunity, and living with the role is her hard labor and her enjoyment.

In 1995, Song Chunli won the Best Actress Award at the 16th Golden Rooster Awards for her role in the role of her bitter mother "Jiuxiang". This year, Song Chunli was 16 years old and 44 years old, and she finally promised her husband to have a child. But that wish was forever dashed.

Song Chunli always said that drama is drama and life is life. She deliberately kept a distance from the entertainment industry and the media, especially not wanting her private affairs to become the talk of others after dinner.

Life goes around, and regrets have to be made up. 16 years ago, under the introduction of a friend, a cute baby girl came to Song Chunli's house.

On Song Chunli's birthday this year, her husband Sun Weixi made a good brine noodle, and her younger daughter secretly made a small pendant full of blessing characters for her. Song Chunli said that we are an ordinary family, but everyone is reasonable and reasonable.

Wu Nanyao (From Xinmin Evening News)

Source: Tonight's newspaper

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