
Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

author:Read good poetry
Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)
Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)
Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

Inscription: Cypriot poplar, rooted in the desert Gobi, it is drought-tolerant, hardy, salt-tolerant, wind-resistant to sand. God has given it an immortal soul, even if it has been dying in drought for more than twenty years, and it will sprout new in the water. In the desolate desert, to show people a magnificent picture, "living for a thousand years does not die, after death a thousand years do not fall, fall a thousand years of immortality", it is a symbol of the tenacity of life, is the embodiment of self-improvement ...

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

A thousand years do not die

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

The West Wind Ancient Road locks the Qingchuan River, and the desert crows complain about twilight smoke.

The summer is full of blue waves, and the frost is cold and cold.

Branches follow the sea against the sandstorm, and the roots of the glacier sing the dawn.

Dare to cultivate the years to the dust, the soul of poetry blood and bones for more than a thousand years.

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

Two thousand years do not fall

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

Born and proud of snow frost, dead without regrets and thin body.

The wind stirred the iron bone spring, and the rain licked the remnants of the body and caressed the wounds.

Sending a message to the soul of Hu Jia, Mo Yan's dream is long.

The clouds of smoke gathered and dispersed, and I was mad at myself.

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

Three thousand years of immortality

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

Suddenly fell down and stood up, fading into the fine dust.

The tiger's claws wrapped around the wind and reminisced with the dream, and the dragon scales soaked in the fog and asked the mist.

Flying sand and flames flow day by day, and the rain and frost fall at night.

The desert is sad and broken, and three thousand years have been lost.

About the Author

Wanliyun, formerly engaged in enterprise management in state-owned enterprises, deputy senior title. After retirement, he became acquainted with poetry and recited love. Enjoy the ancient rhymes and take refuge in the heart.

Miles Cloud | Cloud smoke gathers and disperses thousands of autumn moons I am self-deprecating and I am self-mad (three songs of the seven laws of the great desert)

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