
What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

author:Maple cold Mushi

There is a very hot question in some way: Why is China getting tougher and tougher in the international community today? The answer to this question has been viewed as many as 20 million times, which shows that there are still many people in China who have doubts about China's national strength, in their impression, a country with low per capita income, limited ability in scientific and technological innovation, and just achieved poverty alleviation, how dare to call the world's first power?

Last year, Director Yang angrily rebuked the US Secretary of State on the territory of the United States: You are not qualified to say in front of China, and you speak to China from the position of strength!

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

At that time, the country was full of jubilation, and everyone was deeply raised, but there were still some people who were very worried, because they really couldn't understand what the bottom line of our dared to say this was!

Today I will try to interpret for you with my limited perspective and knowledge, what is China's hidden strength?

Suppose, if one day China and the United States enter a state of war, what is the competition? Without a doubt, the most important are these three points:

1. Energy security capabilities。

2. Industrial production capacity.

3. Material allocation capacity.

Take building an aircraft as an example, in the case of sufficient raw materials, we must first ensure that the aircraft factory has enough power to operate, which is the energy security capability, and then consider how to build the aircraft, which is the industrial production capacity, and finally consider how to quickly transport the aircraft to the battlefield, which is the material deployment ability, the more stable and efficient the operation of this system, the greater our win in the battlefield.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

Of course, the premise is that the technology of the warring sides has not made a modern difference, like the situation in "The Three-Body Problem" in which the water droplets crush the human fleet cannot be compensated by numbers, but it is clear that the current military strength of China and the United States is not out of the modern difference, so the three major capabilities I mentioned above are almost the key winners and losers of the Sino-US battlefield game.

So how strong is China today in these three areas? Let's take a look.


Energy security capabilities

Many people have always thought that energy is China's short board, worried that the United States cut off our oil transportation lines, but in fact, I have analyzed before, China is not short of oil, what is missing is only cheap oil.

Since the shale oil technology revolution, the international energy landscape has undergone great changes, but this change takes a cycle to appear, and one of the most significant changes is that the status of the Middle East's energy power has declined, and the United States has become the world's largest oil exporter.

The beneficiaries of this revolution are not only the United States, but also China, because China happens to have abundant shale gas and shale oil reserves, the total reserves of shale oil in the world are 345 billion barrels, of which 75 billion barrels in Russia, 58 billion barrels in the United States, 32 billion barrels in China, we account for one-tenth, so again, we do not lack oil, just lack cheap oil.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

Not only that, in order to ensure energy security, we have also added several insurances, such as long-term energy cooperation agreements with Russia and Iran, such as the new energy revolution, carbon neutrality goals, and industrial upgrading, all in order to reduce risks as much as possible.

Moreover, energy security capacity not only refers to whether energy reserves are sufficient, but also includes energy transmission capacity, and China's energy transmission capacity is undoubtedly the strongest in the solar system.

We have the world's largest grid system, supplying more than 400 million households of 1.41 billion people, and a total of 15 million non-industrial enterprises consisting of 3.27 million manufacturing factories, 270,000 hospitals, 660,000 schools, 2.17 million research institutes and technical service enterprises, 430,000 hotels and restaurants, 6.49 million stores, and 570,000 transportation and logistics enterprises.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

This is an unprecedented achievement in human history, and only a great nation can do what we are accustomed to.

From Shanghai, which has an altitude of 0 to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an average altitude of 4,000 meters, we have covered the power grid all over the country, spanning plateaus, hills, plains, basins, deserts, gobi, rivers, lakes and seas, you can find traces of China's power grid in any geographical environment, which is why there have been super-large-scale power outages all over the world, but there is no important reason in contemporary China.

In 2003, there was a power outage in North America, and 50 million Americans had to walk to work.

In the 2006 European electricity accident, more than 10 million people did not have access to electricity.

The 2012 power accident in India directly affected 670 million people.

And China, the most serious power outage occurred in 2008 snow disaster, affecting 4.5 million people, the most recent one is the second half of last year's power outage, caused by energy prices, but in any case, we have not had that kind of super large-scale power shortage problem, more importantly, China is the world's most populous country, the total population is close to 1/5 of all mankind, but even so, our energy transmission capacity is still the world's first.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

China's UHV transmission grid is the world's unique and most technologically advanced power grid system, China's electricity price is one of the cheapest in the world, and it is almost impossible to do these two things at the same time, only China's special system can achieve.

If one day China and the United States were to meet each other, without the use of nuclear weapons to destroy each other, it is difficult to imagine how powerful China would erupt.


Industrial production capacity

At present, the only person in the world who has the confidence to say that if you go too far, I will play alone, only China.

As the only country in the world with a whole industrial system, China has 1.41 billion people, more than the total population of Europe, america + Japan, with the strength of a country to establish the foundation of all industrial chains, therefore, China is now involved in any field, but the problem of whether the technology is advanced, take the chip that everyone knows, yes, 5NM chip we really can't make, but 28NM or even 14NM chip mass production We can fully achieve, which is enough for China's application in key areas.

Many people may not realize how strong our war potential is, we have the first industrial production capacity of Blue Star, our total industrial output value has reached the sum of the three major industrial powers of the United States, Japan and Germany, and we have the most complete industrial categories in the world, which means that as long as it is a product you can think of, the vast majority of China can build it for you.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

Take the military field, the advantage of the whole industrial chain is the industrial cluster effect, which greatly reduces the production cost, China builds a J-20, the cost is about 110 million US dollars, the United States builds an F22, but the cost is 200 million US dollars, almost twice that of China.

The cost of Building a 055 Drive in China is about $900 million, while the Cost of building a Burke-class destroyer by the United States is $2 billion, which is more than twice the cost of China.

That is to say, China only needs to pay 50% of the cost of the United States to obtain the same military strength as the United States, and, more importantly, China has a complete set of armament production systems, any equipment and weapons can be continuously supplied, and the United States, even has dismantled the F-22 stealth fighter production line, which is the same as the war between Japan and the United States during World War II, at the beginning of the equal strength, but with the war consumption, Japan fights one less piece at a time, the More and more equipment the United States fights, and finally the strength is completely out of proportion.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

Many people only look at our superficial military strength, but it must be remembered that this is our conventional combat strength, and once we start to riot, our war potential is probably at the top level of human history.

More importantly, we are not the Soviet Union, we do not have more than military factories, we also have millions of food and light industry processing plants, our goods are enough to supply the whole world, of course, at the critical moment can also ensure the basic living needs of all Chinese people, and the United States, without Chinese goods, how many goods can they have left in their supermarkets?


Material deployment capacity

China has the world's strongest material allocation capacity, China's logistics system is enough to be proud of the world, this is definitely not the arrogance of the night lang, but there is data support, take China's two major events every year:

1. Double Eleven.

2. Spring Festival.

On Singles Day in 2017, China's logistics system only takes 2.8 days from users placing orders to shipping 100 million packages to home, which is a number that stunned the world, because europe and the United States need at least 7-10 days to do this.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

There are three main reasons why China has been able to allocate materials so efficiently:

First, China's mobile payment is extremely developed, leading the world, online browsing and placing orders, naturally than going to physical stores to save time.

Second, China's logistics companies are laid out nationwide, and with the proposal of the rural revitalization strategy, even the most remote mountainous areas have express delivery outlets.

Third, China's infrastructure is the first in the world, the total mileage of high-speed rail exceeds the sum of the entire Europe, and it is still expanding, China's total highway mileage exceeds that of the most developed United States, and China's per capita highway mileage also exceeds that of the typical developed country Japan.

China's Spring Festival passenger transport capacity has subverted the Western cognition, before the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019, China's Spring Festival during the cumulative sending of 3 billion passengers, the Spring Festival can send residents, wartime can not send soldiers and materials?

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

If you think about how powerful this is, it's no wonder that some people say that without the United States, China can wipe out the whole of Asia, which is really not a joke.

Moreover, we are not only huge war potential, we are now in some areas of science and technology level has begun to reach or approach the world's top, the world's only wave-riding body hypersonic missile, the world's only double-pulse ultra-long-range air-to-air missile, the world's only ship-borne electromagnetic railgun, the world's only double-band 10,000-ton destroyer, the global Beidou global satellite navigation system with twice the vertical accuracy of the US GPS, the world's first quantum communication satellite, the world's most advanced shock wave wind tunnel, the world's first grid-connected fourth-generation nuclear reactor... There are also mature ballistic missile aircraft carriers, mid-section anti-missile, active phased array radar and other technologies.

What is the basis for China to call the United States? The three hidden strengths that have been overlooked

▲ Simulated strike map of wave-body hypersonic missiles

These together, is our courage to fight with the United States, those who think that we should continue to be cowardly and silent, open our eyes to see the world, the times have changed, now is no longer the original era when thousands of British soldiers can run amok in China, we will one day get back what belongs to us.

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