
The girl's face was eaten with more than 100 wounds, and her head was bone-topped! Recently, this thing is common in the south, don't let your child touch it

When they see rats, most people's reactions are basically: scared, screaming, desperately fleeing the scene!

To be honest, when the fungus sees the mouse, the heart is also hairy! But this is not fear, it is purely a physiological reaction

In fact, I don't blame everyone for being afraid, rats living in the dark zone will never know when and where they will come out.

Not to mention the shock, the key is that it still nibbles everywhere, people can eat, people do not eat anything it can eat!

Including people!

A three-month-old baby girl in Yunnan was bitten by a rat in a rental house. When it was found, the face and pillow towel were all covered with blood, and after the doctor's diagnosis, there were more than 100 small wounds, and the right side of the nose had cartilage exposed!

It was only three months before I had to suffer from such pain, and before I could take a good look at the world, I was ruined by a rat.

Don't talk about parents, even bacteria see such cases will be painful to death!

The reason for all this happening is that parents did not clean up the milk stains on the side of the baby's mouth in time after feeding.

The rat sniffed and bit the child beyond recognition.

Second, because the parents actually left the three-month-old child alone in the room, the combined factors caused the child to be bitten by a rat.

This also reminds us parents that children are still young, and there must be no one around to take care of them!

Seeing this picture, while the fungus was distressed that the child's good life was ruined on a mouse, he was thinking that our science popularization work was not in place.

As a pediatrician, there are several cases of children who have been bitten by rats in direct contact.

In Guangdong Province, there are also quite a few cases of bites!

The point is, rat bites hurt children more than just leaving a wound!


Carries more than 200 pathogens

Mortality rate of infectious diseases up to 10%

Why do bacteria mention this at this point in time?

This is because many newborns and even school-age children are bitten by rats at this time of year!

There are three main reasons:

◆ Spring is at the peak of rat activity

Spring (March-May) and autumn (September-October) are peak periods of rat activity, and they will stop at nothing to find food in preparation for breeding.

The key is that their reproductive ability is super strong, a pair of adult brown house mice after 1 year of breeding, theoretically can reach 5564 offspring!

And these rats are hidden in the dark, damp, infrequent cleaning corners of the house, haunting various locations in the room at night!

◆ Miscellaneous food

There are only two kinds of rats that we can often see in our homes and communities: small house mice and brown house mice, that is, the northern rats and southern rats that everyone often ridicules.

The main distribution area of the brown rat is south of the Huai River in the Qinling Mountains of the mainland, such as Guangdong, Macao, Hainan and other regions are its world.

Especially in Guangdong, brown rats not only eat "fat and strong", but also are very afraid of people.

Hanging around in the canteen and the street, the friends in Guangdong can say in the comment area how outrageous the rats are there!

A rat in a school canteen in Guangdong

Mushrooms have also heard that there is a famous dish in Guangdong called "Three Squeaks", and the main ingredient is the newborn mouse. Here the October fungus can only say: this thing can not be eaten!

Next, let's go back to the main topic and continue to say brown rat ~

The reason why the brown rat can grow so large may be related to its eating habits.

The small house mouse is mainly plant-based food, while the brown house mouse also prefers meat items and fruits with more water content.

The three-month-old baby girl who was bitten in Yunnan was bitten by a rat because she did not wipe the milk stains on the side of her mouth!

◆ Like to nibble and nibble

We grew up with the impression that rats were always biting things.

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This is because the rat's incisors are constantly growing, and it needs to constantly polish its teeth, otherwise when the incisors grow to a certain extent, the rat will not be able to eat or even starve itself to death.

But it's the furniture, the wires and even our kids that suffer!

An 11-month-old baby girl in Dalian was jumped on her cot by a rat and bit her jaw.

Under the influence of these factors, the incidents of rats biting people can be said to be endless, and the bacteria watched are painful for these injured children!

The point is that rats bite people more than just leave wounds, it carries more than 200 kinds of pathogens by itself or indirectly, of which 57 can make people sick!

The following three are common and more harmful:

◆ Plague

It is usually widespread among rodents and can also be found among humans and is a class A infection.

There are currently 12 types of natural foci of plague on the mainland, mainly in Tibet and Qinghai, but also sporadic in other regions.

Plague has an acute onset, a short course and a high mortality rate.

If left untreated, the case fatality rate is 20%-100%!

And the mode of infection can not only be transmitted to people through rat itching bites, but also between people and people!

Image source: Network

It is precisely because of its horrific mortality rate and infectious characteristics that Beijing confirmed the reception of two cases of plague in 19 years that caused a panic on the Internet.

◆ Hemorrhagic fever

Regarding hemorrhagic fever in December 2021, Xi'an was on a wave of hot searches.

Multiple cases of hemorrhagic fever have occurred at the same time, and there have been rumors that eating strawberries will cause hemorrhagic fever.

At that time, the fungus also debunked the rumor in the family group, eating strawberries will not infect bleeding fever, and the channels of real infection are these:

And if you get a bite from a mouse with the virus, let alone, there's a chance you'll get haemorrhagic fever.

◆ Rabies

Theoretically, there is a certain probability of developing rabies after being bitten by a rat.

Rabies must be very familiar to everyone, the bacteria here will not say more, just mention its fatality rate is almost 100%!

But parents don't have to panic too much, the bacteria turned over the data, and the probability of rabies caused by rat bites is very small.

Our focus should be on how to kill rats and prevent being bitten!


Household rat extermination

Mainly rely on these four moves

In the matter of eliminating rats, everyone must have thought of it for the first time:

It is better to "kidnap" a pastoral cat to catch mice, and the reason for raising cats has been added!

But cats and cats are actually not so fond of rats, and prefer small mammals, such as birds.

And like Guangdong and other places, rats are mainly brown rats, and the weight can easily reach 500g, at this time, cats and cats may automatically give up the arrest because of body size problems.

Therefore, raising cats can not be once and for all, or rely on our parents themselves, bacteria to summarize some rat control methods for everyone ~

◆ Mainly blocked

Block and seal the outward-looking holes, holes, and seams as much as possible, and do not give the rats a chance to enter the house!

Fungi highlight a few places that are easy to overlook, especially parents who live in the upper floors, and rats are likely to enter the home from these places.

The gas pipe hole in the kitchen, the mouse of the neighbor upstairs and downstairs can run to the home through the gas pipe, where the wire ball can be used as a simple block.

Holes left by the installation of air conditioners, water heaters, hoods, and exhaust air, rats may also enter from these places and find a sealed place!

◆ Supplemented by poison

There is no problem with using rat repellent to kill rats, and the bacteria here are to tell you about the safety issues.

Placement: Rats often haunt the sewer outlet, screen doors and windows and other places to put medicine, half the effort. But remember to put it out of the reach of children, and then stay away from the kitchen to avoid accidental eating by the family.

Rat poison selection: avoid choosing acute poisons such as "three-step pour" and "five-step pour" of roadside vendors, once accidentally ingested without special antidotes, it will cause irreversible damage to the human body.

Bacteria here recommended 0.005% bromoviron, 0.005% bromodiron, 0.005% fervorin these rodenticides.

If, in case, accidentally eat, the doctor can also take relevant drugs to treat. Even so, when using and storing, you must pay attention to avoid children eating and swallowing by mistake.

◆ Rat trap artifact is used

In addition to medicine, these rat trap artifacts can also be used by everyone.

But there is a little bit of fungi to remind everyone:

Mousetraps are not suitable for use in houses, especially if there are small children in the house! Once accidentally touched, hurting the baby's hands and feet is really regrettable.

The following rat trap artifacts, fungi are more recommended to everyone.

◆ Do a good job of indoor hygiene

In order to avoid the occurrence of rat bites and child injuries to the greatest extent, the bacteria focus on reminding parents that they must do a good job in indoor hygiene.


Rat bites occur

Parents must do these three things

Under normal circumstances, being bitten by a rat is not as severe as the three-month-old baby girl at the beginning.

Sometimes it is a shallow wound, but the bacteria here focus on reminding that although the wound is not large, it cannot be treated without treatment.

Once found to have been bitten by a rat, parents should do these three things at the first time:

◆ Rinse

After the wound is found, it must not be left unchecked, first rinse the wound repeatedly with soapy water, and the irrigation time is 15 minutes.

Those who have iodine at home can use a cotton swab to slowly roll outward from the inside of the wound to disinfect it.

◆ Seek medical attention in time

After treatment, take the baby to the doctor in time to develop a specific treatment plan.

◆ Vaccinations

Under normal circumstances, doctors will judge whether to vaccinate against rabies based on the local epidemic situation and wounds.

Regarding the rabies vaccination, the bacteria have also sorted out the relevant matters.

After being bitten by a mouse, parents do not need to be too nervous and anxious, and follow the method of bacteria teaching step by step to avoid delaying the baby's condition.

But before it happens, every child is the heart of the parent. For the safety of the baby, the usual rat control work must be done in place.

Finally, I hope that everyone can [forward] go out, give the bacteria a loving encouragement, but also let more parents see, in advance prevention, scientific sterilization of rats, to create a safe and hygienic living environment for children!

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