
【Life Micro Classroom】Never expected! The "good habits" you've been holding on to can drag down your body...

author:Women's Federation of Licheng District, Quanzhou City
【Life Micro Classroom】Never expected! The "good habits" you've been holding on to can drag down your body...

No. 477 "Life Micro Classroom"

【Life Micro Classroom】Never expected! The "good habits" you've been holding on to can drag down your body...

We all know that daily life, eating and other habits are closely related to physical health, but many people think that the "good habits" may be reversed, and after a long time, health care will not be reflexive!

1 The more sweating, the better the weight loss effect?

Now weight loss has become a fashion, whether it is really obese, or only the pursuit of light weight, either losing weight, or on the way to weight loss! And many people think that losing weight through exercise is definitely the more sweating the better, and even buy some "sweating clothes", but is this really the case?

1 Sweating alone does not reduce fat

Sweating is only a way for the body to evaporate water and dissipate heat, how much sweating is affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment, exercise intensity, personal constitution and other factors, and 99% of the components in sweat are water, and the remaining 1% of the components are sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine and other elements, there is no so-called fat.

2 Sweating a lot in a short period of time may drop the scale, but don't be blind

Some people may ask: after exercising a lot of sweat, the weight is indeed lighter and lost, how to explain this?

The answer is: water accounts for about 60% to 70% of people's body weight, a lot of sweating in a short period of time, losing a lot of water, it is indeed possible to temporarily drop the scale, but drink some water, supplement some food, the weight will come back.

In addition, too much sweating will cause the electrolytes in the body to be disordered, and even symptoms such as prostration and arrhythmias will appear.

In general, exercise can lose weight, but not measured by the amount of sweat, do not blindly let yourself sweat a lot, so as not to lose too much water.

2 Take a walk after a meal and live to ninety-nine?

It is also recommended that everyone rest after eating before walking around.

After eating a full meal, due to a large amount of food in the stomach, walking immediately will cause stomach vibrations, which may involve the mesentery of the stomach to cause pain; in addition, after the meal, food digestion and absorption require a lot of blood, if you walk immediately, the blood supply in the stomach is reduced, which is easy to cause indigestion.

Therefore, you should rest for 20-30 minutes after meals before starting to walk.

3 A cup of tea after a meal, fat loss, degreasing?

Many people like to drink tea immediately after meals, thinking that it can promote digestion and degreasing, especially some elderly friends, always feel that strong tea is more effective. But it's not a good habit.

1 Easy to indigestion

Tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols, will dilute the gastric juice secreted by the gastric mucosa, affect digestion, long-term so, will make people appear to accumulate food, indigestion phenomenon.

2 Affects nutrient absorption

Some tea leaves contain a large amount of tannic acid, which will condense into a solidified object with the protein ingested in the body, increasing the risk of stone occurrence.

It is recommended to drink tea two hours after eating, and do not drink strong tea.

4 Can eating less and eating more meals nourish the stomach? Some people hurt their stomachs even more

In recent years, the concept of "eating less and eating more meals" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and many people feel that as long as they reduce the amount of food they eat per meal and increase the number of times they eat every day, they can achieve the purpose of nourishing the stomach and help control their weight.

But this approach may not be suitable for everyone.

1 Prolongs the working time of the stomach

The increase in the number of eating is equivalent to prolonging the working time of the stomach, especially for friends who often eat supper, the stomach can not get enough rest, food is easy to accumulate in the body, it is easy to "hurt".

2 Increases stomach irritation

For patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers, eating fewer meals will repeatedly stimulate the gastric mucosa and increase the amount of gastric acid secretion, which is not only not conducive to the recovery of the disease, but also may aggravate the condition.

Tip: Not everyone is suitable for eating small and frequent meals. For the elderly with poor digestion, diabetics, and patients after gastrointestinal surgery, it is appropriate to eat less and more meals; while the general population wants to nourish the stomach, it is more important to develop a good habit of eating three meals a day and timing and rationing.

5 Long-term vegetarianism, can you stay away from the three highs?

Now many diseases, such as three highs, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis and other large reasons are "eating", so some elderly people think that the best way to prevent diseases is not to eat meat, eat more vegetarian. But in the long run, malnutrition is prone to occur.

Elderly people, on the one hand, due to the reduction of human body consumption, the demand for energy has decreased significantly, and the amount of diet is relatively small; but on the other hand, due to the gradual aging and degradation of body functions, the demand for proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients has increased.

Meat is rich in protein, as well as nutrients such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12 that the body needs. Long-term do not eat meat, insufficient protein supply, reduced immunoglobulin production, more likely to lead to a decline in immunity, causing various diseases; and iron deficiency, will cause anemia; vitamin B12 deficiency, will make red blood cells become fragile, and damage nerve cells, easy to lead to dementia...

Recommendation: Every day should be appropriate intake of fish, chicken, eggs and other high-quality protein and the right amount of fat, meat and vegetarian ratio is best maintained at 3:7.

6 Is vegetable oil healthier than animal oil?

The reason why lard has become a controversial food is mainly because of its high fat content and is not good for cardiovascular disease. But lard is really not as unhealthy as it seems.

1 Lard is rich in vitamins

Lard does contain about half of the saturated fatty acids, but it is also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy fats that have good effects on cardiovascular, skin, and endocrine.

In addition to fat, lard is also rich in vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin B4, vitamin D, vitamin A and so on.

2 Lard is more stable

Compared with vegetable oil, lard has the characteristics of stability, high temperature resistance and high smoke point, and it is not easy to produce trans fat during the cooking process.

Vegetable oil and animal oil are both oils that we should eat, and the two cannot be substituted for each other. According to the opinions of Chinese nutritionists and the actual situation in China, it is believed that it is more appropriate to consume lard and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2.

7 Panties disinfected cleaner every day?

Some people wash their underwear with disinfectant in order to make the panties thoroughly clean, but doing so is risky.

Experts pointed out that soaking underwear with disinfectant not only can not completely and effectively kill the harmful bacteria left on it, but also may cause the residue of chemicals because the cleaning is not in place, and even cause various problems such as vaginitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. Some potent disinfectants, which are highly irritating, are likely to endanger their health during use.

Wash the dirt off your underwear with a special cleaning soap, rinse it with running water, and finally put it in the sun to dry.

Source: I am a great doctor official micro

【Life Micro Classroom】Never expected! The "good habits" you've been holding on to can drag down your body...

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