
The Morningstar Award is scarce and precious - penghua fixed income gold team gave birth to morning star gemini

author:Penghua Fund

Source: China Fund News

The Morningstar Award is scarce and precious - penghua fixed income gold team gave birth to morning star gemini

Morningstar Fund, few stars. At a time when the number of domestic public funds has exceeded 9,400, only one fund in the five categories of the Morningstar (China) Fund Awards wins every year. With its high standards and scarcity, this award enjoys a high reputation worldwide.

Recently, Morningstar (China) 2022 Annual Fund Award was officially announced. Penghua Fenglu Bond Fund (003547), managed by Liu Tao, a famous shareholder of Penghua Fixed Income, which won the Golden Bull Award, won the "Morningstar (China) 2022 Pure Debt Fund Award". This is also the second time that the fixed income team of Penghua Fund has won the Morningstar Award after Penghua Industrial Bond won the "Ordinary Bond Morningstar Award" in 2020. Winning this award twice in just 3 years shows that the "Golden Team" of Penghua Fixed Income shines in the authoritative awards of few stars.

The Morningstar Award is scarce and precious - penghua fixed income gold team gave birth to morning star gemini

Looking back at the winners of the Morningstar Fund Awards in the fixed income awards over the years, they are basically from the industry's first-class fixed income "big factories", such as E Fangda, Nanfang, Penghua, China Merchants, etc. The common denominator of these companies, in addition to the flagship products with outstanding performance and top-notch fund managers, is that they have witnessed history in the Chinese bond market, participated in history, and made forward-looking layouts in line with history, bringing investors fixed income products with outstanding long-term performance; at the same time, with a refined management model and a professional and efficient investment research team, the fixed income business can maintain its continuous excellence.

The penghua fund fixed income team is a typical case. Under the leadership of Han Yaqing, vice president of Penghua Fund and director of fixed income investment, Penghua Fixed Income Gold Team has created a "high-quality investment and research system" with product capabilities as the carrier, investment research capabilities as the core, and marketing capabilities as resources. Under the guidance of a clear strategic direction, Penghua Fixed Income Golden Team relies on the team advantages of investment and research integration and efficient collaboration, through solid research and forward-looking layout, iteratively evolves the overall investment and research capabilities of the team, timely undertakes the opportunities brought by the market outlet, and steadily advances towards the trillion-level fixed income management goal.

Excellent products cast the cornerstone of the brand

The high gold content of the Morningstar Fund Award, in addition to the scarcity of quantity, also comes from its strict requirements for product investment management. The selected products must not only have good returns in the current year, but also have outstanding performance in the medium and long term and always be consistent with the interests of investors.

Take, for example, the award-winning 003547, which has performed well in every full fiscal year since its inception. According to the annual report data, since its establishment on October 27, 2016, Penghua Fenglu Bonds has achieved positive returns on net worth growth for five consecutive natural years from 2017 to 2021, with net value growth rates of 3.68%, 7.86%, 7.58%, 6.04% and 5.58% respectively. According to Galaxy Securities data, as of March 31, 2022, the fund's net value growth rate in the past three years and the past five years reached 20.62% and 35.21%, respectively, ranking first in the 362/200 bond base of the same kind, and obtained the three-year and five-year five-star ratings of Galaxy Securities. At the same time, according to the medium- and long-term performance list of Morningstar China Public Funds, as of March 31, 2022, Penghua Fenglu Bonds ranked first among the 96/131 bonds of the same kind in the five-year and three-year lists with an annualized net value growth rate of 6.24% and 6.36%.

Previously, Penghua Industrial Bonds (206018), managed by Zhu Song, won the Morningstar (China) 2020 General Bond Fund Award, and the fund also performed well in the medium and long term. According to the annual report data, since its establishment in February 2013, Penghua Industrial Bonds has obtained positive returns on net worth growth for eight consecutive natural years from 2014 to 2021, with net worth growth rates of 18.65%, 10.32%, 0.79%, 2.98%, 7.77%, 9.79%, 4.34% and 6.11% respectively. According to the medium- and long-term performance list of Morningstar China Public Funds, as of March 31, 2022, Penghua Industrial Bonds grew with an annualized net value of 6.37%, ranking first among the 112 debt bases of similar types in the five-year list.

It is understood that in addition to examining the total return, risk, risk-adjusted return and other indicators of the Morningstar Fund Award, the stability of the fund manager team, the duration of the fund manager, and the stability of the management team of the fund company are also the key factors that Morningstar examines. According to the data, Zhu Song, the fund manager of Penghua Industrial Bonds, and Liu Tao, the fund manager of Penghua Fenglu Bonds, have 15 years and 9 years of experience respectively, and the two fund managers have joined Penghua Fund for 8 years and 9 years respectively, and have been managing two products for more than 8 years and 6 years respectively.

In fact, The Morningstar Award products such as Penghua Industrial Bonds and Penghua Fenglu Bonds are just a microcosm of Penghua's excellent debt base. Among the many debt bases managed by Penghua Fund, Penghua Fengfeng Fixed Bond, Penghua Zhaohua One-Year Holding Period, Penghua Convertible Bond, Penghua Double Bond Garley, Penghua Credit Increase, etc. are all excellent products in the field of fixed income of the company. These star-studded star products are the cornerstone of Penghua Fixed Income's formation of a leading brand advantage, and one of the tools for investors to obtain long-term and stable investment returns.

According to industry analysts, the core of measuring the investment research ability of a fixed income team, trying to avoid the performance of a single product or a single year, it is best to examine the overall investment performance from a medium- and long-term perspective. The overall strength of Penghua Fund's fixed income is obvious to all, and the achievements in the medium and long term are remarkable.

According to Haitong Securities' "Absolute Return Ranking of Fixed Income Funds of Fund Companies", as of March 31, 2022, the average yield of Penghua Fixed Income Funds in the past two years was 8.42%, ranking top 3 of large fixed income companies; the average yields of the last 3 years and 5 years were 14.63% and 27.74%, respectively, ranking TOP5 among large fixed income companies. According to Galaxy Securities' "Evaluation List of Active Management Ability of Bond Investment of Public Fund Managers", as of March 31, 2022, in the evaluation of active management ability of bond investment in the past 3 years and 5 years, Penghua ranked at the forefront of the whole market with an average growth rate of 13.53% and 25.96% of the average active management net value of bond investment.

For investors, fund companies that can achieve long-term returns must be trustworthy, which has also made the management scale of Penghua Fixed Income team grow rapidly in recent years. As of the end of January 2022, penghua fixed income team has managed a total of more than 800 billion yuan of fixed income assets, and is currently steadily moving towards the goal of fixed income trillion yuan. According to the public data of the public fund industry at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021, the scale of public fixed income products managed by Penghua ranked 8th in the industry.

From the perspective of product types, at present, Penghua Fixed Income's product line covers eight major tracks such as monetary funds, pure bond funds, primary bond bases, secondary debt bases, convertible bond funds, bond index funds, and hybrid funds, which have excellent works in various fields and balance their efforts, which also highlights the brand effect of Penghua Fixed Income's "golden team".

Fixed income investment pays more attention to the power of the platform

Compared with equity investment, fixed income investment relies more on the platform, team and investment research system. Fixed income investment is mainly a combination of top-down and bottom-up, which requires a deep understanding of various macro variables, and also takes into account the long-term and short-term time dimensions. Such system research, relying on a single person to achieve almost impossible, only with the help of a strong and perfect investment and research system, adhere to the fine division of labor and efficient cooperation, in order to continue to operate in the market for a long time.

It can be found that the long-term performance of fixed income investment in the market is more prominent, often mostly fund companies with large platforms. This also proves to us that the real platform, team, integrated operation, in order to further form the core competitiveness of the fixed income business, so as to bring customers steady growth of wealth.

Since its birth in 2003, after 19 years of deep cultivation, Penghua Fund has created a "golden team" of high-quality investment - orderly echelons, stars and efficient coordination, escorting more than 800 billion fixed income assets. From the perspective of team size, Penghua Fixed Income team has 66 members, high team cohesion, three generations of strength inheritance, nearly 20 years of experience in the industry to grasp the overall situation, middle-level backbone experience, diversified styles, both Chinese local and overseas investment and research experience. In addition, Penghua Fixed Income also includes a strong credit research team composed of 21 members to achieve industry-wide coverage of credit product research.

At the same time, the Penghua fixed income team has a strong brand influence in the market, bringing together more than 10 years of investment research veterans (Liu Sun, Zhu Song, Zhang Jia, Ye Chaoming, Wang Zhifei), the backbone (Liu Tao, Yang Yajie, Zhang Jialei, Wang Shiqian, Fang Chang, Wang Kun) and other well-recognized fixed income brand fund managers, becoming the key force and solid backing of the Penghua fixed income team to achieve long-term and stable performance. Among them, Ye Chaoming mainly focuses on cash management products, Liu Sun, Liu Tao and other pure debt products, primary bonds and secondary debt "helmsmen" are Zhu Song, Wang Shiqian and Fang Chang, respectively, while financial management alternatives to "fixed income +" are carefully managed by the mixed asset investment team led by Zhang Jia.

Observe the business philosophy of penghua fixed income team, pay attention to strengthening team awareness in many aspects, improve the investment and research interaction mechanism, form an internal benign interactive relationship, and fully explore the sense of identity and belonging of each member. Specifically, the team carried out close investment and research exchanges through different frequencies and types of seminars. Bond researchers provide sufficient "ammunition" for fund managers by closely tracking various types of industrial bonds, analyzing the financial statements of related companies, and tracking the industrial prosperity. The credit evaluation team should take on a great responsibility, through professional inspection and evaluation, to discover the real reputation of the enterprise, and continue to closely follow up after buying bonds. At the same time, the credit strategy is combined with the credit rating to prevent credit risks and find high-quality targets.

For a long time, Penghua Fixed Income team attaches great importance to talent training, and has established a perfect talent echelon training system, carefully selected and trained researchers, established an open, transparent and quantitative selection mechanism, promoted researchers with outstanding research strength and rich experience in market investment response to fund manager assistants, and then improved through combination of practical training, and promoted to fund managers with outstanding performance. Han Yaqing, vice president of Penghua Fund, said that the competition in the asset management industry is very cruel, and the opponents are a group of high-IQ players, just like the Olympic games. "The arena is like a battlefield, I am the head coach, to observe the state, style, advantages, and shortcomings of each team member, to constantly 'learn from each other', and to train into a bloody, dare to fight, pursue excellence, and constantly improve the team."


Winning the award is an incentive and a new starting point. For the "golden team" of Penghua Fixed Income, in the context of a new era, the blueprint of the trillion new journey is being depicted, and the path to realization is clearly discernible. In the future, we look forward to this team ushering in a new bloom.

The promotional materials risk disclosure form is as follows

Dear Investors,

Investment is risky and investment needs to be cautious. A publicly offered securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "fund") is a long-term investment tool whose main function is to diversify investment and reduce the individual risks associated with investing in a single security. Unlike financial instruments such as bank savings that can provide fixed income expectations, when you buy a fund product, you may either share the income generated by the fund investment by holding shares, or you may bear the loss caused by the fund investment.

Before making an investment decision, please carefully read the product legal documents such as the fund contract, the fund prospectus and the fund product information summary and this risk disclosure, fully understand the risk return characteristics and product characteristics of the fund, carefully consider the various risk factors of the fund, and fully consider your own risk tolerance according to your own investment objectives, investment period, investment experience, asset status and other factors, and make rational judgments and prudent investment decisions on the basis of understanding the product situation and sales appropriateness opinions.

In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the fund manager Penghua Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the relevant sales institutions of the fund have made the following risk disclosures:

First, according to the different investment objects, the fund is divided into different types such as stock funds, hybrid funds, bond funds, money market funds, funds in funds, commodity funds, etc. You will get different income expectations when you invest in different types of funds, and the greater the risks you will bear.

Second, the fund may face various risks in the process of investment operation, including market risks, as well as the fund's own management risks, technical risks and compliance risks. Huge redemption risk is a risk unique to open-end funds, that is, when the net redemption application of a single open-day fund exceeds a certain proportion of the total share of the fund (10% for open-end funds, 20% for regular open funds, and except for special products specified by the CSRC), you may not be able to redeem all the fund shares applied for in a timely manner, or the amount you redeem may be delayed.

3. You should fully understand the difference between the fund's regular fixed investment and zero deposit and withdrawal of savings methods. Regular fixed investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investment and average investment cost, but it does not avoid the risks inherent in fund investment, does not guarantee investors to obtain returns, and is not an equivalent financial management method that replaces savings.

Fourth, special types of product risk disclosure:

1. If the product you purchase is a pension target fund, the name of the product "pension" does not represent income protection or any other form of income commitment, the product is not guaranteed, and losses may occur. Please read the special risk disclosure letter carefully to confirm that you understand the characteristics of the product.

2. If the product you purchase is a money market fund, the purchase of a money market fund is not equivalent to depositing the funds as a deposit in a bank or depository financial institution, and the fund manager does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee a minimum return. Please read the "Risk Disclosure" section of the Fund Prospectus carefully to confirm your understanding of the specific risks of money market funds.

3. If the product you purchase is a fund within a fund, the product mainly invests in a publicly offered securities investment fund, which has similar risk-return characteristics to the underlying fund, if the product adopts the absolute return strategy and adopts the performance comparison benchmark of absolute return, the performance benchmark of the fund is the income target that the fund strives to achieve, and does not mean that the fund must achieve the performance benchmark return. Please read the special risk disclosure letter carefully to confirm that you understand the characteristics of the product.

4. If the product you purchase is a fund managed by a manager, the fund manager divides the fund assets into two or more asset units, entrusts two or more third-party asset management institutions as investment advisers, and provides investment advice for specific asset units, then the investment in the product is subject to the specific risks brought about by the entrusted investment consultant method, such as the risk that the investment adviser does not provide investment advice as agreed, the risk that the investment adviser no longer meets the conditions for employment and needs to be changed. Please read the special risk disclosure letter carefully to confirm that you understand the characteristics of the product.

5. If the product you purchase is an index fund and the product passively tracks the underlying index, you are responsible for the specific risks of the indexed investment, including the risk of the deviation of the return of the underlying index from the average return of the stock market, the risk of fluctuations in the underlying index, the risk of the deviation of the return of the fund's portfolio from the return of the underlying index, and the risk of the change of the underlying index. If the index fund you purchase is an index enhanced fund, the fund can implement the index enhancement investment strategy, that is, optimize and adjust on the basis of passive tracking index in order to obtain an investment return that exceeds the index, but there is still some uncertainty about the implementation of the index enhancement strategy, and its investment yield may be higher than the index yield but may be lower than the index yield. If the product you purchase is a trading open-ended index fund, in addition to the specific risks of the above-mentioned index funds, you may also face the risk of discounting the trading price of the fund shares in the secondary market, the risk of fund share reference net value (IOPV) decision and IOFV calculation error, the risk of fund delisting, the risk of investor subscription and redemption failure, the risk of realization of the redemption consideration of fund shares, the risk of third-party service agencies, etc. Please read the "Risk Disclosure" section of the Fund Prospectus carefully to confirm your understanding of the specific risks of indexed investments.

6. If the product you purchase is invested in overseas securities, in addition to the general investment risks such as market fluctuation risks similar to those of domestic securities investment funds, the fund also faces special investment risks faced by overseas securities market investments such as exchange rate risk. If you purchase a product that is invested in stocks in the Hong Kong market through the Mainland and Hong Kong Stock Interconnection Mechanism ("Hong Kong Stock Connect Mechanism"), you will also face the unique risks caused by differences in the investment environment, investment targets, market systems and trading rules under the Hong Kong Stock Connect Mechanism, including the risk of large fluctuations in the stock price of the Hong Kong stock market (the Hong Kong stock market implements T+0 swing trading, and there is no limit on the rise and fall of individual stocks, which may aggravate the fluctuation of stock prices), the risks that may be brought about by inconsistencies in trading days under the Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism (when the Mainland market opens and Hong Kong is closed, Hong Kong Stock Connect can not be traded normally, Hong Kong stocks can not be sold in time, may bring certain liquidity risks) and so on. Please read the "Risk Disclosure" section of the Fund Prospectus carefully to confirm that you understand the specific risks of investing in the offshore securities market.

7. If the product you purchase operates on a regular open basis, or becomes open after a period of closed operation, or if the fund contract stipulates a minimum holding period for fund shares and is not listed for trading during the closed period or minimum holding period, you will face liquidity constraints due to the inability to redeem, convert or sell fund shares during the closed period or minimum holding period. Please read the sections of the Prospectus, "Subscription and Redemption of Fund Shares" and "Risk Disclosure" carefully to confirm your understanding of the liquidity constraints arising from the way the Fund operates.

8. If the product you purchase stipulates the automatic termination clause of the fund contract, such as the number of fund share holders is less than 200 or the net asset value of the fund is less than 50 million yuan for several consecutive working days, the fund manager should terminate the fund contract without holding a fund share holder, and you may face the risk of automatic termination of the fund contract after purchasing the fund. Please read the "Risk Disclosure" section of the Prospectus carefully to confirm your understanding of the specific risks of automatic termination of the Fund's contract.

9. If the product you purchase stipulates the terms of the suspension of operation of the fund, that is, when the fund contract stipulates, the fund manager may decide to suspend the operation of the fund, and during the suspension of the operation of the fund, the fund manager and the fund custodian may decide to terminate the fund contract by consensus between the fund manager and the fund custodian, report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record and announce, and there is no need to convene a general meeting of fund share holders. After you purchase the fund, you may face the risk of the fund being suspended until the termination of the fund contract. Please read the "Effectiveness of the Fund Contract" and "Risk Disclosure" sections of the Prospectus carefully to confirm your understanding of the specific risks of the suspension of the operation of the Fund.

10. If the product you purchase is an initiating fund, if the net asset value of the fund is less than $200 million on the corresponding date of the fund contract for three years, the fund contract will be automatically terminated, so you may face the risk of automatic termination of the fund contract after purchasing the fund. An initiating fund means that when raising a fund, the fund manager uses the funds of the company's shareholders, the company's inherent funds, the company's senior management or the fund manager to subscribe to the fund in an amount of not less than 10 million yuan, and the holding period is not less than three years. Please read the "Entry into Force of the Fund Contract" and "Risk Disclosure" sections of the Prospectus carefully to confirm that you understand the specific risks of automatic termination of the fund contract.

5. The fund manager undertakes to manage and use the assets of the fund in good faith, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee a minimum return. The Past Performance of the Fund and the level of its net worth are not indicative of its future performance, and the performance of other funds managed by the Fund Manager does not constitute a guarantee of the Performance of the Fund. The fund manager Penghua Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the relevant sales agencies of the fund remind you of the "buyer's own responsibility" principle of fund investment, and after making an investment decision, the investment risks caused by changes in the operation status of the fund and the net value of the fund shall be borne by you. Fund managers, fund custodians, fund sales agencies and related institutions do not make any commitments or guarantees as to the returns on the investment of the fund.

6. The Fund shall be applied for by the Fund Manager in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and agreements, and shall be licensed and registered by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "CSRC"). The Fund's fund contract, fund prospectus and fund product information summary have been publicly disclosed through the CSRC's Fund Electronic Disclosure Website ( and the Fund Manager's website ( The registration of the Fund by the CSRC does not indicate that it makes a material judgment or guarantee as to the investment value, market prospects and returns of the Fund, nor does it indicate that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

The Morningstar Award is scarce and precious - penghua fixed income gold team gave birth to morning star gemini