
(Weekly Fortune) Lan Yado Weekly Horoscope 4.6-4.12

author:Star Translation Agency

Jessica Lanyado, American astrology consultant, media astrologer, psychic, more than 20 years of experience, in the TV, print media to open programs or columns. The horoscopic style is a psychological guide.

Please note the Star Translation Agency and the translator.

This week, we are under the influence of the conjunctive Pisces. This was the first time since the 1850s and was described as a major astrological event. You may notice that dreams are stressful, difficult to concentrate, or exhausting. You may also be inspired to have a sharper mental level of perception. Explore your inner landscape and the world around you with as much compassion and empathy as possible. Encouraging risk-taking may have great potential, but it can also breed delusions. Be down-to-earth and strive to respect your boundaries with others.

Affected by the precise water meditation on April 10, this will also be a particularly difficult period. Reinforces fixed and obsessive thinking and, as a result, can trigger power struggles and interpersonal conflicts. Use your energy skillfully, and if you're going to fight, make sure you're fighting for something truly valuable.

Aries – Translator: Improvisational fantasy

Neil Young has a good saying: "The more complete the plan, the more moths are produced." You can think well about how things should develop, or even how others feel, but it's wise to be prepared for accidents, mainly unexpected or unexpected reactions from others. If you can avoid sprinting with your eyes closed and slow down, you will be better able to achieve your goals or interact with others. Don't fire so fiercely, big white sheep.

Taurus – Translator: Lexi

Sometimes conflict is inevitable. This week you may find yourself again haunted by old injuries or old problems from the past. As the saying goes, "Forgiveness is letting go of all hope for a better past." You don't need to solve any problems this week. Instead, you can work to manage your mental health by setting a constructive focus on your ideas. If you need to confront something or someone, ask things clearly instead of repeating over and over again what is wrong.

Gemini – Translator: clover

Your priority this week should be to find out the truth, not just think about saying something. If you just let yourself be overwhelmed by your current situation, you run the risk of locking yourself in your own thoughts. Be honest about what you know and don't know, Gemini, and make sure to take into account your own long-term best interests, not just the things that make you feel comfortable in the here and now.

Cancer – Translator: Lexi

Don't get tangled up trying to figure out how you got to this point. It's better to accept the status quo and try to decide what to do. If you waste energy on accusations, it can be like tickling an itch – satisfying in the moment, but that doesn't change anything. What you really need is to see through the essence. Once you've made this clear, you can evaluate your options and make the right choices out of them.

Leo – Translator: clover

What matters is not what you do, but the way you do it. This week, you may need to let go of something or someone, but it's bound to be uncomfortable. When you feel you can no longer bear it, don't give up because of frustration; Instead, let go of people and things that no longer apply to you. Change is inevitable, but where it takes you is up to you. Lions, this week you're trying to deal with difficulties in a kind, patient, and empathetic way.

Virgo – Translator: Improvisational fantasy

When faced with intense inner emotions, a strong sense of self is necessary, Virgo. If not, then how you place your will in the present situation is very important, both in terms of what you choose to do and why you choose to do so. You may not like the choices you face this week, but once you unify your heart and actions, you will not only feel better, but also more efficient.

Libra – Translated by clover

In the words of Emilyne Museaux, "There is a difference between self-care and indulgence. There is a difference between rest and escape. Self-protection and self-limitation are different. A lot is happening this week and you may find it hard to keep up. Do your best not to distract yourself, and distribute your energy according to the priorities of things.

Scorpio – Translator: clover

This is a good time to invest in things that can ignite inner joy or improve the world around you. If you don't do that, you may be in a very negative state right now, and if things go in this direction, you may become resistant to the goal you are chasing. If there is a power struggle this week, you may not be allowed to participate in it, but you don't need to talk about rules or fiduciary. Do whatever you want, especially when you're full of thoughts and actions.

Sagittarius – Translator: King Kong Barbie Bear Petite

This week, the conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter gives shooters the opportunity to clean up the burden on their bodies. For the future, the shooter is full of pessimism and restlessness. While you'll feel fear and tangled, it's also a great opportunity to figure out exactly what's right for you and what's not, and to set some necessary restrictions. You don't have to compare yourself to others, and you don't have to be harsh on what you "should" do. Accept your current situation and actively mobilize yourself from the here and now.

Capricorn – Translator: Lexi

This may sound counterintuitive to your instincts, but the most productive thing you can do is maintain progress, not speed up. Your concerns this week may prevent you from seeing things clearly, which can lead to missed opportunities. Don't get too attached to things that are unhelpful or not for you. You may need to let go, or live with the unknown, and as much as it makes you uncomfortable, face it head-on.

Aquarius – Translator: Wow

Now it's perfect to think about what the "appendages" in your life do to you. [Because] this week you will feel constrained by the people, things, and things that you are committed to. That being the case, instead of focusing on the people or things that limit you, think more about your obligations, needs, and emotional reactions. Firmly commit to those who are useful to you, take responsibility and play your due role in mutual work, and create more freedom for your life.

Pisces – Translator: Clover

This week, the guardian star of Pisces will have an important conjunction. This is a powerful time to explore dreams, cultivate visions for the future, and do spiritual and spiritual work. The key is not to think too much when doing things. The process is the focus, and it is not worth being too harsh on one's own growth and progress. Be interested in the inner potential of the world around you. How are you going to get involved in this process, Pisces?

(Weekly Fortune) Lan Yado Weekly Horoscope 4.6-4.12