
Small talk| itinerary no code

author:Su Xiaoni
Small talk| itinerary no code

A few days ago, my friend told me about her encounter: she went out to run errands, and when she arrived at the door of the office, the other party asked her to show her health code, in fact, this is a common thing for everyone today, even if others do not ask for it, we usually prepare it in advance.

However, this time the situation came to a reversal, when she opened Alipay as usual, clicked on the Su Kang code, and showed it to the other party without doing anything, she did not know when her health code became a yellow code, and the person who checked the health code immediately took three steps back like a plague god.

The department that wants to do things naturally does not let her in, things naturally cannot be done, and she herself cannot say when her health code is yellow.

It is useless to say clearly, not to let in is not to let in, this is the stomach of the turtle.

Small talk| itinerary no code

According to the itinerary prompt, it shows that she was just before that, she had just passed by the car purchase at No. 719 Xuanwu Avenue, and this place was exactly the place where the driver who returned from Shanghai who was found to be positive had been in the itinerary reported in the previous days, and their trajectories overlapped, so her yard was yellow.

A glance back among thousands of people, a casual passing by, no, not necessarily a passing shoulder, maybe just a certain time of interlacing, in a similar space in a certain intersection of time to leave your trajectory, your life, yellow. At least for a certain period of time, it is yellow.

The driver also went to the Zijin Mountain Villa on Huanling Road. Whether it is Zijin Mountain Villa or Xuanwu Avenue, with these two addresses as the center, if you draw a circle, in terms of its radius itinerary, it is not far from where I live.

Just those two days, after more than ten days of online classes at home, I still wanted to drive out for a walk, and my car stopped in the parking space for more than half a month without moving. Usually if I want to go out and hang out, the first place is Huanling Road, driving around the Purple Mountain, if the time is just unfortunate, walking around the Ring Road, you will pass the entrance of the Purple Golden Mountain Villa, probably not to think of yellow is impossible.

Fortunately, I was just moved, and did not act, avoiding unnecessary trouble. It can be seen that sometimes people have the advantage of being lazy.

According to the experience taught to me by my friend, once the health code is yellow, if you want to "eliminate yellowing", you must do nucleic acid testing twice in a row in accordance with the requirements of the community, and go to the community to handle the yellow code to green code procedures with a negative nucleic acid test report.

In this way, who would dare to go out casually? A little afraid, obviously no one has contacted, nothing has been done, and it will be yellow. Lust is not our nature.

Small talk| itinerary no code

We started the offline course yesterday, before the start of the course, we are required to upload the health code, the itinerary card and the nucleic acid test report at the same time, if the code is yellow, the class will not be completed. After the new school started, some teachers did not arrive, and other teachers took the class on behalf of other teachers, I don't know if it was because the code was yellow. Maybe.

Stinky Rabbit in the circle of friends to bask her trip a few years ago, from 2015 to 2019, traveled to many places, but also met a lot of friends, evoked our warm memories of once met. Can't help but sigh, oh, it turns out that the year she came is 2019, and more than three years have passed in the blink of an eye. After 2020, I have never been far away again.

This is probably the current situation of most people's lives. Remembering the middle school entrance examination in mid-June last year, I had just taken the summer vacation, so I asked Teacher Xiao Chen to go to Guizhou for a walk. Soon after we returned, the epidemic broke out at Nanjing Lukou Airport, and we could no longer go out. Teacher Xiao Chen said that she was glad to go out with me that time, and after a little hesitation, the opportunity to go out was gone.

Because you can't go far, the Qingming Festival that just passed, as long as the local area is a place with a little scenery outside, it is overcrowded. Every day I climb the wild road of purple mountain, usually empty, beware of wild boar infestation. These days are also people, the sheep intestine trail on the mountain opposite the intersection of people need to stand to the side to give way, the other party sighs the atmosphere feels the hidden risk, simply nestle at home.

Small talk| itinerary no code

At present, not only to check the health code when entering the room, but also to check the health code in many outdoor places (some places check the place code, in fact, the sweep out is the itinerary code). For example, in my district, obviously there is not a single case, but some communities will close together several communities together, arrange people to check at each entrance and exit, and the place where I take classes is also directly set up on the street.

To pass by from here, leave the money to buy the road, oh no, leave the itinerary code.

Even, some of the surrounding facades were separated by an iron fence, leaving a narrow door. You originally went to a store to buy something, and you saw that the store only needed to enter directly, and now you have to enter through the dedicated door, and then go through a row of stores to reach the store you want to go to. Will this kind of artificial obstruction increase the risk of unnecessary in disguise?

Small talk| itinerary no code

Why is it that something that was originally common sense has not been replaced by anyone?

Sometimes I also wonder if we have to be with the code for the rest of our lives. Let us be accompanied by red dust, live a dashing life (holding back and bending), strategize and gallop, and share the prosperity of the world (obediently home).

If one day you don't have to show your health code (itinerary code) everywhere, will the child born today feel that something is wrong? Do they feel that showing a health code or itinerary code wherever they go is a necessity in life? Because they have never experienced a life without yards, as Teacher Tianma said the other day, her neighbor's child is three years old and does not know that humans do not need to wear masks.

Some people once advocated breaking away, will there be a day when the itinerary code becomes the only thing that human beings can't break, can't give up, can't do without?