
In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

author:Interesting history
On October 24, 2019, inside the Zhushan Police Station of the Xinyi City Public Security Bureau in Maoming, Guangdong Province, the police were handling a case of rape of a 12-year-old girl, Xiaoting (pseudonym).

The police reminded Xiaoting's family to contact the doctor as soon as possible to perform induction of labor, but Xiaoting's family made a mistake.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Xiaoting's aunt, Ms. Qiu, said bluntly:

"Although the child's father is a rapist, at least he will know who did it in the future, and he will have a financial dependence in the future."

Xiaoting, 12, is pregnant for the second time, and after the last abortion, the embryo was handed over to the police but the murderer could not be identified.

This made the family feel a little uneven, and now Xiaoting has suffered another disaster, but her parents hope that she can give birth to this child.

The cost of abortion is one thing, and finding the initiator is even more important.

The 12-year-old girl watched all this happily, as if the current events had nothing to do with her.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

It is reported that this Ms. Qiu and the girl's mother are compatriots, that is, the girl's aunt generation.

The girl had many accidents, and she came forward on her behalf, reported the case to the police, took the girl to the hospital for a miscarriage, and extracted dna.

Outside the door of the hospital's artificial induction operating room, she lingered too many times, only this time, she really did not want to step in half a step.

She really didn't want the same tragedy to happen again to this winged girl.

Leaving this rapist's child, Xiaoting is pregnant, and getting pregnant in October can keep her safe for ten months.

Second, the birth of this child can further help the police solve the case and catch the suspect as soon as possible.

Third, this child is also a financial guarantee for Xiaoting's future, after all, her parents are completely impossible to count on.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Such a calculation is really unfair to this child, but Ms. Qiu really has no way.

But in turn, Ms. Qiu thought about it, if this child is born and Xiaoting is in the same situation, what should be done then?

The "situation" referred to by Ms. Qiu is mentally retarded.

Because both parents are mentally retarded, Xiaoting has been a mentally retarded child since birth.

It would be nice if Xiaoting were a boy, but she was a girl. Moreover, he lives in the countryside all day long.

Of course, today's society has progressed, and the public's thinking has also greatly improved, but in the end, there are still some dirty people who exist in the unsightly corners and stare at weak women all day long.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

This is already Xiaoting's second pregnancy.

Ms. Qiu told reporters bluntly that the first time she found out xiaoting was pregnant was on March 18, 2019.

At that time, she was eating with Xiaoting, and Ms. Qiu found that Xiaoting, who had a good amount of food on weekdays, had a surprisingly bad appetite and occasionally vomited.

Ms. Qiu has not seen similar news, but she still does not want such a thing to happen to Xiaoting after all.

Her sister was born in 1976 and was born mentally retarded.

In order to let her sister have a home for the rest of her life, her parents arbitrarily married her to her brother-in-law who lived in Dongzhen Town, Xinyi City, and was also an intellectually disabled person.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

After marriage, the couple had a pair of children, the eldest son is 18 years old, and the daughter Xiaoting is 12 years old this year.

Ms. Qiu understands that her sister has children after marriage, after all, she also needs a dependency.

But she couldn't figure it out, after the husband and wife gave birth to the eldest son to determine that he was still mentally retarded, he actually gave birth to Xiaoting's poor life 6 years later.

Such a family of four are mentally retarded and rely on low insurance to survive all year round.

As a girl, Xiaoting has not had a good life since she was born, she has not been able to learn, she has no one to take care of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and she has to be violently and coveted by the men in the village.

The evils of human nature are not of any age, down to twenty or thirty, up to seventy or eighty. The tragedies that have happened to Xiaoting several times since then have also confirmed this.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Especially when Xiaoting was sexually assaulted twice.

Ms. Qiu also lives far away from Xiaoting's home and can't often take care of Xiaoting. Since Xiaoting went up to the acquaintance, Ms. Qiu began to worry about this matter, but it still happened.

When she saw that Xiaoting had symptoms of vomiting, Ms. Qiu, who was nervous, immediately took Ms. Qiu to the hospital in the town for relevant examinations.

After a series of tests such as urine tests and ultrasound tests, the doctor finally diagnosed that Xiaoting was 9 weeks pregnant.

But at this time, Xiaoting was just a little girl with a physical age of 12 years old, but her psychological age was not as good as that of a young child.

Ms. Qiu couldn't imagine what Xiaoting had gone through. What makes Ms. Qiu even more distressed is that when the doctor was doing this series of examinations for Xiaoting, Xiaoting, who knew nothing, was still smiling happily.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Heartbroken, she went directly to the Zhushan police station to report the case, and the police filed the case on the charge of rape.

In the end, Ms. Qiu still underestimated the evil of human nature and thought too kind of the men in the village.

Especially when Xiaoting identified one of the eighty-year-old men, Ms. Qiu was shocked.

Not only that, Xiaoting also identified several other men.

Ms. Qiu sounded terrified, she felt that the truth of the matter was far from this, and Xiaoting's suffering was far beyond her imagination.

After reporting the case, Ms. Qiu took Xiaoting to the hospital for pregnancy termination surgery and removed the embryo.

In order to arrest the criminals as soon as possible, Xiaoting was given a fair trial, and then she also taught other men in the village a lesson and put on a tight curse.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

The picture is from the network and has nothing to do with this article

Based on the investigation, the police finally identified six suspects.

Among them was an 86-year-old man, a middle-aged man who had been severed for years, and his brother. The other three are also middle-aged men from the same village.

The police handed the image of the suspect to Xiaoting and asked her to identify.

After Xiaoting's identification and investigation, the suspects were eventually reduced from the initial six to three, namely the 86-year-old man, the middle-aged man who had been cut off for a long time, and his brother.

Of course, the police did not fully rely on Xiaoting's identification, in order to effectively implement the identity of the criminal suspect, the police then went to the village to do on-the-spot investigation.

When the 86-year-old man was investigated, the old man admitted that he had sexually assaulted Xiaoting.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

The police investigated this, but the evidence was insufficient, so they had to take the old man under residential surveillance.

As for the middle-aged man who broke his hand, Ms. Qiu said bluntly that they had never seen the true face of their brothers.

It turned out that the two brothers had learned in advance of the police's return to deal with the investigation, and before the police arrived at the village entrance, the two brothers had already slipped away.

After the police left, they returned to the village.

Reality is sometimes so "unreasonable".

The police conducted a series of interviews and investigations, and then compared dna and embryos, and the final results showed that the DNA and embryos of these people did not match.

In an instant, the series of efforts that everyone had made before were empty.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

When she lost her mind, Ms. Qiu had to take Xiaoting home first, and then wait for the news of the police.

Thinking that things had temporarily returned to tranquility, Ms. Qiu was conditioning Xiaoting's body while waiting for the police to progress at home.

Unexpectedly, the accident suddenly came.

On that day, there were three people in the family: sister, brother-in-law and Xiaoting.

Xiao Ting pointed out that the family of the criminal suspect broke into Xiao Ting's home, put Xiao Ting down with a kick, and then punched the flesh and kicked Xiao Ting's stomach hard.

Ms. Qiu guessed that they had a grudge against Xiaoting's identification, and that this beating was estimated to have been planned for many days.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Things still don't work out. Even at the age of 12, she was sexually assaulted and became pregnant, even though she was beaten up a few days after the pregnancy termination surgery.

When the individual's power is not strong enough, the evil that exists in the world before him is magnified innumerable times.

Everything that symbolizes good things in this person will become bait for him to be constantly hurt.

For Xiaoting, a 12-year-old mentally retarded girl, her femininity is the biggest curse of her life.

At least until there was no absolute power to keep her safe for life, she would be in such a situation.

Sure enough, Xiaoting's body was not yet well, and in October, Ms. Qiu found that Xiaoting was pregnant again.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

At this time, it was only 7 months since she was pregnant for the first time.

Ultrasound image reports clearly show that "early pregnancy in the womb, survival of a single fetus".

Similarly, after taking Xiaoting to the hospital for examination, Ms. Qiu immediately went to the Xinyi City Public Security Bureau to report to the police. The Xinyi Municipal Public Security Bureau filed a case on the same day and launched an investigation into the second-time assault case of Xiaoting and others.

Different from the first sexual assault, this time after the guidance of the police and Ms. Qiu and others, Xiaoting can vaguely describe some details of her sexual assault at that time.

According to Xiaoting's description, the police judged that the crime scene was under several banana trees outside the village.

At the same time, the police concluded that the suspect who committed the crime at that time may not be just one person, but most likely several people committing the crime at the same time.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

The suspect used the banana trees as a cover background.

At the time of the crime, the suspect ripped off the banana leaves and spread them on the ground, so that Xiaoting could lie on them. Xiaoting also said that someone had touched her urination.

But the tricky thing is that even if the police know more about the details of the suspect's crime than the first time, this case is actually more difficult to solve than the first time.

Xiaoting was 2 months old when she was found to be pregnant, but the effective validity period for recording the surveillance video at the scene of the crime was only one month. The time was so badly misaligned and so vastly blank that the police could not identify the suspect in time.

This time, even Xiaoting's family was investigated.

Xiaoting's parents want to leave this child behind. The first is to consider the cost of beating the tire, and the second is mainly to let Xiaoting have a financial dependence in the future.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

But then Ms. Qiu also considered that this child was most likely mentally retarded after birth.

After the staff of the Women's Federation learned about the situation, they took the initiative to contact Xiaoting's family, expressed their willingness to provide legal aid to her, and contacted the school.

They also hope that Xiaoting can have an abortion as soon as possible, and 12-year-old Xiaoting can't go to school pregnant.

Ms. Qiu decided to put an end to the tragedy.

At 8:25 a.m. on November 16, more than 30 minutes later, Xiaoting completed the second induction of labor.

After the operation, 10 grams of embryonic tissue were taken away by the relevant personnel of the Public Security Bureau for testing and comparison.

On November 25, the forensic doctor's preliminary examination of the embryonic tissue was surprising, and the forensic doctor speculated that there was more than one murderer, possibly two people.

At this point, the direction of the police's detection has finally ushered in a breakthrough.

Later, the staff of the Women's Federation said that after Xiaoting was raped for the first time, her family did not contact the Women's Federation, they thought that they could call the police, and the Women's Federation could not play any role.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

In this regard, the staff of the Women's Federation said that for cases of violations against women and children, the Women's Federation can recommend a heavy sentence.

What should Xiaoting do after her life? If proper resettlement is not available, it is only a matter of time before they are killed again.

Ms. Qiu clearly stated that she hoped that the Women's Federation would give some financial assistance to Xiaoting's family.

Unlike the first termination of pregnancy, Xiaoting's physical condition after the second termination of pregnancy was extremely poor, and for the sake of safety, they could only let Xiaoting stay in the hospital until the afternoon and then go home.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

During the hospitalization, Xiaoting's family spent a total of 1480 yuan. Xiao Ting's family, which was originally a low-income household, did not have any extra money to advance this medical fee.

For the matter of economic compensation, the staff of the Women's Federation responded sincerely, and they would give Xiaoting's family the subsidy they deserved.

The Women's Federation arranged psychological counseling for Xiaoting, and then contacted a special school in Guangzhou.

Ms. Qiu hopes that the relevant departments can completely solve this matter, and she does not want Xiaoting to be hurt again.

According to dna comparison, the police confirmed that the two pregnancies of Xiaoting were not the same person, the police expanded the scope of investigation, and subsequently, the two suspects Lai and Xie were arrested.

After the matter received widespread attention from the society, some good news continued to come from Xiao Ting's family.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

It is reported that later, the Women's Federation applied for a disability certificate for Xiaoting's brothers and sisters.

After the disability certificate is issued, the two of them will also receive some financial assistance.

The economic assistance is small, and the most important thing is that Xiaoting can gradually "appear" in the sun.

This invisible wall, for those men in the ten miles and eight townships, can also be regarded as an invisible deterrent, so that they dare not move their thoughts anymore.

Xiaoting lived in a welfare home, her guardian became a neighborhood committee, and under the coordination of the government, a real estate developer in the same village built a new house for Xiaoting's family.

In 2019, after the 12-year-old mentally disabled woman was violated, she had an abortion and the embryo was submitted to the forensic doctor, and the murderers were two people

Xiaoting's bed in Maoming Welfare Home

On March 27, 2020, the Intermediate People's Court of Maoming City, Guangdong Province, ruled on the case, sentencing the two defendants to life imprisonment and 15 years' imprisonment for rape, respectively.

Xiaoting's encounter is not an isolated case, weak and ignorant are the best conditions for bad people to attack.

There are reports that the proportion of sexual harassment and assault among children with disabilities is much higher than that of healthy children.

How can we turn to others for help for these children who are unable to protect themselves and whose families cannot provide them with shelter?

Sun Xuemei, the main initiator and person in charge of the Girls' Protection Public Welfare Fund, said:

"When parents as guardians can't do effective guardianship, who can give this child a bottom? This is an issue that we need to explore, and we hope that the relevant departments can promote the solution and give the child effective protection. ”

It is hoped that this issue will be resolved at an early date.



  1. Phoenix TV: "12-year-old mentally retarded woman was sexually assaulted, pregnant twice in 8 months, and the suspect was arrested"
  2. Red Star News: "Guangdong 12-year-old mentally handicapped girl sexually assaulted and pregnant, 54-year-old suspect was arrested"
  3. Huashang Network: "12-year-old mentally retarded girl was violated for 8 months and became pregnant twice, And Guangdong Maoming police have been dealt with together"
  4. Red Star News: "Guangdong Maoming Mentally Handicapped Woman Sexually Assaulted and Pregnant Two Defendants Sentenced to Life imprisonment and 15 Years in Prison"